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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. This lack of understanding the relationship between 'action and consequence' is not confined to Thailand. It is found though out the world, predominantly in poor countries among the poor uneducated.

    I think foresight, in the form of 'action and consequence' is something we take for granted in the west, it is something we learn, sublimely at an early age, there is a limited time frame for the development within the brain to establish a neural network. Fail to stimulate the brain at an early age, (from birth to, it's believed around 4years of age) for example; a baby playing with a toy hammer, knocking pegs into holes learns pretty quick that smacking his head or hand is not a nice feeling……So he/she starts to develop, not only don't hit yourself with a hammer, but hitting yourself with anything hurts. Playing and experimenting at this stage in a babies deployment will provide a mass of stored examples in the brain that can be accessed and cross referenced, sublimely to flag danger.

    Not only do people who have stunted 'action and consequence' ability's, they also have very little imagination, empathy and as such tend to be selfish, live hand to mouth and are childlike in there thinking…………….Can you think of anyone that fits this description?

    This brain deployment at an early age is key to laying down the neural network that we will take for granted as we go through life. The window is only open for a few years, miss this window, and a person will struggle to make the 'action and consequence' connection. As adults these people are unable to cross reference a mental data bank, and draw on, (sublimely) information that would sound alarm bells

    In the west we spend billion upon billion of $ on early learning toys. Why are western parents buying all these toys, is it because we, (westerners) are so astute? Well in the main it's because we can afford them, and we show our love in this way.

    Poor families would struggle to provide toys and time to a very young child. The family unit is just trying to get enough money each dayto provide food, small babies are wrapped up and either strapped to someone's back or left in a room somewhere. They live there early years in a mental vacuum!

    This does not only affect poor, under developed counties, this condition is not confined to the poor, take a baby, rich or poor, farang,Thai and starve it of stimulation; interaction, mental and physical in its early years and you'll have a person grow up who is not only a danger to themselves but to all around them.

    Spot on Tonto however I would think China is far worse than Thailand and #1 in the world for road accident deaths http://pop.6park.com/life2/messages/24007.html if you want to see sheer madness view the link, mind you its a terrific music score I have got to admit .!!!
  2. If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

    I don't think they can actually do that in a credible way. Remember Thaksin & Company and his monied cronies are the "elite" too.

    Yeah Jinthing ,Thaksin and his mega rich cronies are far from the "working class hero's" that they would try and hoodwink these up here in Issan into believing .

    true, and what's sad is they are still more in touch with the working class people than the democrats

    what credible choices do the working class have?

    As one member quite rightly wrote not not ago Thaksin threw a few scraps to the dogs(masses) to stop them from biting,I will go a bit further, whilst keeping the "lions share" for himself!.
  3. :blink:

    I'm sorry I was refering to an American story.

    Harry Truman was then president, and was asked by a reporter if he felt unhappy that the opposition was criticising him for his policies.

    He told the reporter, "Well, if you don't like the heat, then get out of the d--ned kitchen", as his response to the reporter.

    Of course what he meant was in a Democracy, politicians should expect criticisim. It's part of the game.

    Sometimes, I forget that I got my degree in American History many years ago.

    Guess, some people may have not understood my reference.

    That was all I meant.


    Yeah and President Harry S Truman had a sign on his desk "The buck stops here" meaning simply responsibility for running the Country goes no further than his desk!, if only Thai's thought this way cos when the shit hits the fan its always someone else's fault .
  4. If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

    I don't think they can actually do that in a credible way. Remember Thaksin & Company and his monied cronies are the "elite" too.

    Yeah Jinthing ,Thaksin and his mega rich cronies are far from the "working class hero's" that they would try and hoodwink these up here in Issan into believing .
  5. If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

    Hi Moe ,yeah the 300baht min wage idea is going to prove to be there Achilles's heel without a doubt ,problem is the genie is out of the bottle ain't it, watch for further embarrassing moments over the coming weeks,the 300 baht MW being just one of them.
  6. If her handlers won't let her speak to the media, that's a pretty good sign she's incompetent.

    Yeah CD, GOOD OBSERVATION, obviously she was advised not to take Abhisit on in a pre election debate ,or indeed to be interviewed by the BBC on "Hard talk" , just promise the electorate the moon with out going into detail how it is going to be financed and you are as good as home and hosed , unfortunately there is a price to pay for these rash promise's, which you can bet your <deleted> that the opposition will take full advantage of in the coming weeks and months, ahh yes the "chickens could well now come home to roost" ,I just hope that the brainwashing that the "faithful" here in Issan have received backfires, somehow I think that this may be doubtful .
  7. Thaksin really is his own worst enemy. He's got his sister and her team in a position of power. But rather than sit back and let her throw out a few sweeteners and instigate a few sensible policies which are beneficial to all which would make folks think " Hey PTP is doing its job" therefore easing the path to his inevitable return to Thailand he's constantly stirring the pot.

    I think Yingluck agreed beforehand to carry the can and be made to look useless, So big brother then steps back in her place.

    Well organised plan. ??? fireworks to follow !!!

    Hmm ,never thought about that idea before ,but you may well have something there!.
  8. The quote is from Harold Wilson, one of the longest serving and most politically astute British Prime Ministers

    Harold Wilson also had some very questionable links and indeed he was linked to Philby, Maclean. Blunt all part of that delightful red cell, Wilsons loyalty to the U.K was and indeed still is a matter of some speculation.

    Much like the Thaksin family, the only loyalty Yingluck can have is to her brother who placed her in her current position. From a position gained by nepotism then thrust into a position of great power with nary an inkling of the workings of international politics let alone national politics..

    The powder store I hope is secure, the fuse has already been lit as of last year, now that fuse is burning and it could yet ignite Thailand


    Wilson suffered from acute Paranoia about there being a Coup against him and his Commie Government plus his "shady"relationships,maybe one day the real truth will come out as to why he so mysteriously resigned almost overnight,But the Clown who replaced him Sunny Jim (crisis what crisis?)Callaghan was no better either.
  9. The note disclosed the reporter's name. "Remember her face and do something if you see her anywhere," it said.

    I can smell the violence coming closer and closer.


    Quite correct TWM the putrid stench of disorganization within the PTP and possible violence as a result of it is a distinct possibility !!
  10. She's an adult. She did a very radical thing. She ran for and won the PM position in Thailand when it appears to many rational eyes that she has no qualifications, no formed ideology or political convictions (except family loyalty), no experience or even any visible real desire to perform as a PM. No special sympathy because she's a pretty lady. If this wasn't an acceptable "role" for her to "act" in, it was her responsibility to decline. Why give her a pass? She asked for this.

    Of Course you are spot on Jingthing , it was her desire (or big brothers) to do the job, which now it would appear even at this early stage is is just not up to, her lack of self confidence was quite obvious when she refused to debate with Abhisit and turned down an offer the be interviewed on BBC's "hard talk" the alarm bells should have been ringing then as to her leadership qualities IMHO, I will give her no more than 2 years at the helm ,as its very early days yet, but when her promises start to wither on the vine, that is when the proverbial shit will really hit the fan.!
  11. This week's parliamentary debate on the government's policy statement will be a complete disappointment to most of the country's electorate

    It will come as a disappointment to 10% of the electorate.

    The other 38% of the electorate that voted for PTP will make up excuses about her performance.

    The 52% (most of the country's electorate) that didn't vote for PTP won't be disappointed at all. That's probably what they expected.

    Time will tell what the people think.

    As disastrous British labour MP once said "A week is a long time in politics" he was to resign in mysterious circumstances not long after.
  12. Good to see that the people guilty of torching state property go to jail ... should have been done a lot earlier though.

    Unfortunately it does often take a few, or even several, years for cases to proceed through the courts here. That's just something farangs have to get used to. It can similarly take seemingly-forever for serious-frauds to be prosecuted in the UK.

    IMO the sentences of 33 years do seem unusually harsh though, perhaps they will be reduced, on appeal ?

    IMHO If and when those facing stiff sentences get bail they will be given money and will just disappear into the woodwork !!!.
  13. .

    Red Shirt Urban Renewal Program:

    Thirty-three years in prison.

    Hope they feel serving the billionaire was worth it.


    Yeah Such devotion to their lord and master, fair brings tear,s to ones eyes doe's it not , of course they may well be acquitted and given hefty recompense after the appeal and re trial ,I mean lets have it right mugs like these deserve it don't they!!!.
  14. Yeah of course; can see the red propagandists blaming it all on the invisible hand and amata ; try to direct some hate and talk up continued revolution to achieve the extra money's they fiend for; keep em busy with a fictitious enemy while robbing up the nations coffers. Maybe, just maybe they might cotton on this time around and turn on their masters; but the shiniwatras seem pretty good at judging just enough scraps to throw to keep the dogs from biting

    Prof Lae Dilokwittayarat from the Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, said the premiere's declaration on labour policy wasn't the same as what the party had promised to people during the voter wooing campaign because all people understood that the minimum wage and bachelordegree holders' salary hike was unconditional.


    PTP talk doublespeak to garner votes and the gullible electors fell for it.

    Says it all....and Dead right... those fools believe anything a Thaksin tells them.... now it will be Abhisits fault for some reason...

    Hmm yes "Throw a few scraps to stop the dogs from biting" Yeah I like the look of that one , or one could also say throw a sprat and catch a mackerel or even throw a sprat and catch a 500lb blue fin tuna ,which appears to be more in line I would say!!.
  15. Do you know that you sound EXACTLY like the red propaganda machine spewing out mis-information all over Isaan. Now ask yourself why there is a lack of confidence in the Constitutional Court and who that benefits?

    So to mention a survey that has been done by Suan Dusit which is an established Thai conductor of surveys and which is a survey that has been discussed on all the main Thai traditional media much of which does not favour the red shirts and which I thought may interest a few people on here who do not know what the Thai media is discussing is to pass out red shirt propaganda!

    Don't be so bloody paranoid - I accused you of nothing of the sort. I pointed out that lack of confidence in the constitutional court was caused by the red propaganda - double standards, bias, etc - when in fact there has been little of any of that, but the lack of confidence comes from the false perception. If in fact there was bias, why hasn't PTP been disbanded due to Thaksin's obvious influence in the last election?

    Stick to your Guns Mick ,any thinking person knows you are on the right wave length .
  16. Prof Lae Dilokwittayarat from the Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, said the premiere's declaration on labour policy wasn't the same as what the party had promised to people during the voter wooing campaign because all people understood that the minimum wage and bachelordegree holders' salary hike was unconditional.


    PTP talk doublespeak to garner votes and the gullible electors fell for it.

    Yeah SP you called it right no doubt of that whatsoever, the big question is however, is just what are the electorate who voted for PTP going to do about it when they ultimately find out that they have been well and truly"shafted" big time??
  17. Thaksin Affirms No Plan to Return Home....................

    But as we all know,the more a politician says,'no it won't happen',the more you can be sure that it will happen !

    Ahh yes by now the most famous quote in the world "read my lips". I have no plans of returning home ,George H W Shinawatra OR Is it Thaksin H W Bush !.
  18. The definition of truce within Islam is always tactical and to be broken at any time when it is seen advantageous to do so, a flimsy pretext for breaking the truce is often given and invariably lapped up by the liberal left.


    Nice bit of common sense posting SD, and of course straight to the point and highly accurate to boot.
  19. She said 16 polices needed to be urgently implemented during the first year, including the policies to create political reconciliation, to fight against drug trafficking, to reduce corporate tax rates and to provide soft loans to the poor.

    First policy pardon criminals and return their 76 billion baht as 'reconcilliation' allowing them new access to capital to control society. Next fake drug war for popularity and to physically intimidate critics. Then slash corporate taxes to reward the mega rich Thais and international backers for their support. Finally loans to keep the chattle in debt bondage to the Thaksin family

    Well DP,I opened this thread expecting a good laugh , the remarks passed by various members did not disappoint me,your hilarious post being no exception!!, after all the PTP is just one big joke , with the "Lord Thaksin" at the ultimate head of affairs ,of course it is taboo to mention his name in the house, just glad no such restrictions exist in Thai Visa ,LOL
  20. Of course Abhisit is concerned. If they pull this off thats another million or two or three who wont vote Dem, and who will be right annoyed if the Dems and their mates try to stymie this in some underhand way of forcing the government out because of a visa. The whole thing is set up now as PTP are trying to help the poor and lower middle classes while the Dems and their allies try to prevent this. Very clever politics by PTP but potentially explosive if anyone decides to undo the current government before it has launched them all, linkage Im sure hasnt been missed by any player

    "forcing the government out because of a visa" - No. Just forcing the Foreign Minister to step down because he requested the Japanese to give a fugitive a visa.

    How are the Dems trying to prevent the PTP from helping the poor? They are just pointing out that the PTP policies will not help the poor because it will bring the country down in ruins.

    Yeah quite correct WB you called it right ,if the FM is found at fault he should go, as for helping the poor as you remarked you can hardly do that if the "well" is dry, now can you?.
  21. Israel at Peace with Hamas?, Hamas are not even at peace with the other Palestinian faction Fattah on the west bank, I would suggest that you read the "Hamas charter" or Covenant which says quite plainly the only way forward as far as the Jewish problem is concerned is through JIHAD, which of course Iran is bankrolling the Hamas leaders with millions just to fight their war by proxy for them against the Israelis.

  22. An alternative way in which to look at these money circulating affairs, is that it all comes back around. In a merit kind of manner.....;)

    Oh Yeah?, I know a farang who has just "blown" 6 million baht on his wife, new house ,new car ,lavish wedding and he's lost the lot ,they had the perfect "give and take" arrangement , he give and she took ,(to the cleaners) I stopped believing in "father Christmas" when I was 9 years old and BTW Prakonchai in Buriram is not a bad old place at all to live .
  23. As far away from her relatives as possible cool.gif

    Ahh yes ,it would appear you have come into contact with the dreaded far Eastern disease of Thai inlawaitus of which the only cure is to shout loudly at every given opportunity the two by now very famous 4 and 3 letter words one beginning with F and ending with K and the other starting with O and ending with F ,I am afraid that this is the only thing that appears to work apart from maybe walking round your house stark naked which sometimes affects a short term cure , of course the only real PREVENTION for this dreadful malaise is to start thinking with what is between your ears and not between your legs,LOL.

    The other cure is to politely point things out.

    I too live in a village with relatives close by. Father in law lives with us. My wife is the one who decides things. If some one comes and asks to "borrow" money and my wife thinks it won't come back then she will say no. If she believes the request is a sincere one then she will ask what I think. So far she has never been wrong.

    A wife who understands the situation is all that you need.

    Yeah Quite true, politely point things out is EXACTLY what I did from the very first week or two of meeting my now wife , as prevention is far far better than cure, which can often be very painful for both parties which we often read so much about ,I left my wife with no doubts whatsoever that I was marrying her and not her family and all her so called "friends" who came creeping out of the woodwork once they knew she had hit"the jackpot",who before when she had nothing did not want to know her in any shape or form,all of sudden she is their friend!, I am well respected and liked by my neighbors and my wifes family alike , simply cos they know I am no "pushover" to be regarded as just another stupid farang who marries a lady young enough to be his daughter so therefore his brains and common sense are supposed to be somehow forfeit ,I simply refuse to go down this line of thought that this is the "THAI WAY" especially bearing in mind that it was she who made it quite plain to a good friend of mine that she wanted to meet a farang to better her life , which is Exactly what I have done, and in turn she has made my life better too, after all in the "game of life" it takes two to tango" and ain't that the simple truth!
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