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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. It is highly unlikely that Hamas or anyone Palestinian for that matter, will provoke Israel in advance of the September UN vote. Even the dumbest person should consider the reality of this when placing blame for the day to day nonsense between the two groups. Expect some false flag activity as it is highly likely and for very logical and academic reasons.

    And away we go with the conspiracy theories. :lol:

    Just a really silly time for rockets to be landing harmlessly in the Israeli desert not to mention, highly populated areas.

    do you really believe that those who fire the rockets intend them to land "harmlessly " in the Israeli desert?
  2. Maybe once that announced unity government between Hamas and Fatah gets going, we'll see peace break out. whistling.gif

    Peace with Hamas and Israel is a pipe dream , not so long as Iran is funding the leaders of Hamas with millions of Dollars to fight their war by proxy against Israel ,maybe the "dreamers "out there should google up the "HAMAS CHARTER" were they want to turn the whole state of Israel into an Islamic republic and the only way to achieve this is through "jihad".
  3. always been bad drivers ,............ then it was chopper pilots , now sailors.......... sounds like 200b in a brown envelope will get you any license here !! ,

    Where in the report does it say the Master was Thai ?.....:rolleyes:

    Here in Thailand you do NOT have to be a Thai to get a licence to kill ,I know a few Farangs who are not fit to push a pram never mind to drive a car or anything else for that matter of fact, have received a driving licence when money has been passed "under the table" .

    Where does it say the Master was a farang who had a Thai masters ticket then ?........as normal on TV people are jumping to conclusions and talking through their ar*e,.....Marine accidents and incidents happen all over the world and there is no reason to suggest this is anything other than that.....there is no indication of the nationalities of any of the parties involved

    Just because it happened in Thai water doesnt mean a thing

    where did I write it was a farang?,or any one else for that matter of fact,Of course If you dispute what I write by all means say so,I merely posted a statement of fact, that anyone can buy qualifications here if the"money is right",LOL.
  4. always been bad drivers ,............ then it was chopper pilots , now sailors.......... sounds like 200b in a brown envelope will get you any license here !! ,

    Where in the report does it say the Master was Thai ?.....:rolleyes:

    Here in Thailand you do NOT have to be a Thai to get a licence to kill ,I know a few Farangs who are not fit to push a pram never mind to drive a car or anything else for that matter of fact, have received a driving licence when money has been passed "under the table" .
  5. "I want to remind Suthep about his pledge to burrow and live in a hole," Jatuporn said to the cheering red shirts following his release.

    After greeting the red shirts, Jatuporn paid a temple visit to be anointed with blessed water, a ceremony to purify himself from bad luck.


    -- The Nation 2011-08-02

    He hasn't been out for a day and the veiled threats have started already.

    He may be able to try and rid himself of bad luck (of which there isn't any such thing btw)

    But the bad deeds are recorded.

    Yeah Thad,on his release ,Jatuporn pledged he would continue to struggle for the red shirts,and given the choice of being a PM, Cabinet minister or a Red shirt ,he sooner be a red shirt!, hardly the answer of a man who should be pledging to serve the constituents he is supposed to represent is it!.
  6. Well the real point is, does hes NOW instated MP Immunity,

    put a stop to existing and commenced Trials for Terrorism

    and get him sprung from jail, using his MP status as collateral?

    This is a different bunch of legal authorities to intimidate,

    the EC remembering Arismans invasion of their offices bassed the buck.

    Though the will also let the committee dawdle over his party membership.

    Hi Animatic , would you agree that the EC is now an ineffectual toothless tiger after this little stunt?
  7. Should be no problem I live in Ban Kruat, .There are about 6 of us using CAT CDMA,in Ban Kruat, still getting our monthly bill. Possibly ,the interest will be IF and WHEN they actually get around to rolling it out. My advice would be to go to the CAT office in Buriram, and ask them. the man who works in the office has pretty good English. None of us has had any communication from CAT.

    Yeah AF all in all not too bad a service,I live 12 kms from Ban Kruat and although the speed could be better at times,but in my opinion its still worth the money .
  8. Judged by his facial characteristics? Lucky for him that he's not black - he'd already be hanging from a tree!

    As a black man, I am deeply offended by your stupid remark, I have not received a less courteous treatment from anybody, be it Thai or an Aussie.

    You should stop all the bar girl nonsense that you ve picked up. Thai treat everyone equally, if you are an arse, they treat you like an arse, whether you are pink, white or green.

    Yes I agree it is a silly remark , meant I would think as a joke rather than anything personal , however in truth Thai's do not treat all people alike ,even fellow Thai's, as dark skin is considered inferior to white ,one only has to look at the TV adds to see this with the masses of skin whitening agents ,soaps etc , which is a billion baht business, look at all the TV"stars" nearly all milk bottle white ,many I would add as "mixed race", of course this is in no way a slur of any kind on yourself ,its just a simple fact of Thai life , that to A Thai skin colour means quite a lot ,I think its total non sense but I am not Thai, and I still remember the late and great MLK saying "you do not judge a man by the colour of his skin ,but by the content of his character .
  9. Rumor among the Thais is that this is NOT the guy who was driving. This is also what the mother of the doctor believes as well. He is in fact the fall guy for some idiot kid of a high ranking soldier who was actually driving the car. I think the Thai way is to save face is to come up with a fall guy, have a trial, justice is served, he spends a few months in jail, then he quietly walks out the back. Spend some time in a temple, change your name, and get right back into the swing of things.

    He has to be found guilty first before doing his "bird", my money is he will "walk" on a "technicality".
  10. While the intentions of some people here is noble, many need to try to own and run business in Thailand and i do not mean just internet "i have a business"

    I own some hotels, and i can tell you, some people come for job interview in boxer shorts, without a shower, un-brushed hair, dirty cloths etc.

    Some staff simply come to work and sit there doing nothing, and when i say nothing i mean NOTHING.

    ( about the part of the job interview I've seen quite a few times of this as well )

    1 housekeeper i had, it took her 6 hours to clean 1 room and mind you she was on double the minimum wage.

    ( had a similiar experience but let this person go after the first day )

    I have written out point by point instructions on what needs to be done daily and still same employees do nothing. Some can not even answer the phone.

    And some here believe those should get a pay rise? if anything, their pay should be half.

    There is no work ethics in Thailand, no loyalty or desire to succeed especially when it come to unskilled labor.

    ( I disagree on this issue won't go into a lot of details though but getting people who will be loyal and have desire to work with your company can be done )

    I have 3 times the needed staff because they simply do not care, raising their wage will not make them work or care any more or harder, all it will do is cost me more money but than i will fire half of them.

    I have to wonder on that final note if you had a high expectation of your staff and that Maybe you haven't found the right successful way of getting your staff to do things. Don't try to use western management style with thai people it doesn't work

    Yes, i am sure its my lack of management and whatever else, this is why car sales have no idea what they selling, electronics sales have no idea about the products and every second foreigner and tourist complains about lack of service, all those businesses must be under bad management, because staff are just full of energy/initiative and desire.

    When it comes to dealing with unskilled and uneducated workforce to find a decent employee is like diamond in the rough.

    I can say i have 5 staff who are excellent in every sense of the word and they do not need to worry about minimum wage because they already get more. while the rest do not even deserve 200 baht per day, if anything they should be charged for the food and drinks they consume-because this is all they do

    High expectation?! i do not think so.,i never thought that answering the phone could be a challenge for someone or to turn the lights off/on is a big task.

    Yeah I get your message,very loud and very clear, to your staff who you appear to treat well and pay them what they deserve you are an "employer" whilst the slackers who in reality do not deserve to be paid in "washers" you are somehow "exploiting " them, seen this the world over for the last 40years , this was the problem with left wing unions in the UK in the late 70s were slackers and good workers were treated just the same as long as they paid their union dues every week ,and their employers could not fire them without causing major industrial strikes , resulting in confidence In our manufacturing base sinking to an all time low in the "winter of discontent" in the late 70's.
  11. Democracy is about accepting the will of the people despite objections to process. The new government may surprise the naysayers and achieve progress. Exactly which democracy on Earth is referred to in terms of absence of corruption and self interested politicians? Red, Yellow, Black or Purple Thailand is a great land and remains amazing. Support the democratic process, accept the will of the people and hope for peace and progress. Good luck to Yingluck. May you succeed and achieve.

    I do hope your perception of Thai politics is better than your avatar ,cos it happens to be an African bull elephant not an Asian one!!.
  12. Democracy is doing just fine in Thailand ???? Really ???? Do they even know what Democracy means? There has never been democracy in Thailand and never will be in my lifetime whilst corrupt politicians and convicted persons are allowed to have a say in how the country is run.

    NBM,could you please stop this line of thinking forthwith,cos to speak your mind which just happens to be"the truth" often causes "offence" from those who's heads are up the part of their anatomy were the sun doe's not shine.
  13. Mmmm actually elected governments with a majority can do what they want as long as they do it through the constitutional system and not illegally. The PTP have a very clear policy platformand a fairly clear line on reconcilliation. Whether I or anyone else likes it or not is utterly irrelevent. They have been backed by the Thai people to carry those unhidden things out. If the PTP does not satisfy the people or enacts reconcilliation in a way the people dont want they can vote them out at the next election or use their democratic right to demonstrate if they feel it is of more urgency. Also in the meantime there is a senate and a whole bunch of check and balance mechanisms. Democracy is doing fine in Thailand.

    I didnt notice this rag attacking the threats made against the EC if they dared to seat Jatuporn.

    By the way, the mandate the PTP got under the system would be consdiered very strong in any country even a landslide.

    Hi H, Just how many of the PTP's promises to effect this "landslide" do you expect them to keep? ,on a % basis will do just fine.
  14. The election result is the result people must move on, but how it was achieved is another story.

    How on earth can you get rid of rotten apples from a large barrel?? While there are outside influences, and mob control =impossible.

    In my estimation all this is NOT going to work, as the reds cannot be separated from the in coming government, if that did happen then the government would have to go, as they would have little support to keep control. The MINORITY of Thai people voted them in, not a landslide. Good luck to most of the corrupt thugs in control.

    I agree with everything you Write apart from the "good luck" thing,LOL.
  15. Two Engines malfunctioned at the Same Time?

    Yes...its called forgetting to refuel.

    Burmese ground fire ?????? why are they nearly always looking for near border confrontations?? just causes agro all the time, or is it a coincidence??

    The safe bet is to blame anyone but the Thai's, maybe a combination of Ill trained helicopter pilots and preventive maintenance of anything mechanical which is not in the Thai dictionary,only guessing, and of course could well be wrong.
  16. Who tipped them off ? I dont suppose an Iranian with 30 kgs of ice or smack came through on the same flight and is now relaxing in a spa in his 5 star hotel suite in Sukhumvit road.They only catch mules with 100gm to a few kilos.

    Yeah I have heard its an old trick, feed them a "bust", while the real villain slips through the net unnoticed.
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