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Posts posted by engrin

  1. Read www.dontfixit.org before you do anything.

    It will make you squimish if you read it afterwards!

    In reponse to the post Thailand needs more babies. I answer the world needs less babies. What would happen if there was a decrease in the world population? More food for everyone? Less pollution? Cheaper oil? the list goes on doesn't it? In my opinion, people should be adopting more.

  2. My 2 cents on the "classes are full we can only do a private class for you"

    The teacher gets paid more money if she/he teaches more hours/classes. If she tells 3 students that there are no classes avail, then she makes 3 hours pay instead only 1 hour pay with all 3 students in one class.

    Usually, with English Language schools private classes are also more expensive so the company will make more per student if they sign up for private classes too.

    My advice would be if they tell you there are no classes available perhaps they can contact you when there is one available. You might see a change in attitude!!

  3. Is anyone out there going to Korat or passing through Korat via Chonburi tomorrow ? (Saturday)

    My wife and I dont have a car and all the VIP bus tickets have been sold. The thought of taking the slow bus is making me cringe!!

    If anyone is going to Korat or through Korat and is also passing through Chonburi maybe from Pattaya or Siracha and can give us a carpool we'd be happpy to pay for all petrol costs and lunch at one of the rest stops along the way. -> we're desperate!!

    I have to work until 4:00pm on Saturday but can be ready to leave at 4:30pm.

    Sunday morning is also an option.

    Our exact destination is between Korat City and Pimai but if more convenient we can be dropped in Korat City and take a taxi from there.

    Happy Songkran! :o

  4. Thanks for your responses.

    I'm now thinking I'll do the job myself with wife / wife's family. This way I can train them first and watch what they are doing.

    This being Thailand, the interior walls I plan to paint are concrete and have cracks in them. They also have brownish blackish spots I assume from moisture and aging the house has been through.

    Mentioned above is anti-fungal paint, I assume that's for a indoor job like the one we are doing. Also mentioned is to look out for LEAD in the paint which I will.

    I'm not a paint speciallist.

    Should I be looking for a water-based indoor concrete wall paint? Is there a brand name paint that anyone can recommend? There is a large Captain Paint store (i think thats the name) not far from our place that should carry the major brands/types.

    Thanks again for the replies

  5. Looking to paint the inside of our rental bungalow over the Songkran holiday.

    I could do it myself but I guess it makes more sense to hire some locals to do it rather than buying all the brushes, rollers, etc.

    How much should I expect to pay for the job? Should I arrange an hourly wage / daily wage?

    Will I be able to go to the local paint store and find workers there?

    The bungalow is about 30kms outside Korat city

    Our bungalow is a 2 bedroom with a large main room.

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