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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. Has anyone used Comsat, who are a sponsor here, to arrange a satellite TV set up? I did search but no hits. I am particularly interested in the Multichoice package.


    I paid several thousand baht less for a comparable system to mine from someone else so you may want to shop around.


    Beer Lao was good long before Carlsberg got involved. Originally it was Laos and French when founded in 1971. Carlsberg only got involved after 2002 when it, along with the makers of Beer Chang, each bought 25% of the Lao Brewery Company. The remaining 50% is owned by the Lao government.

    Ownership changed again in 2005 with Carlsberg and Laos Government each owning 50 percent.

  3. We don't know what kind of visa he has, so to give the right advise is difficult.

    OP probably has a O-A visa, I presume he was given 1 year of stay when he arrived. However, his visa will expire before Dec. 28 2009, as the visa is valid 1 year from date of issue and not of entry. So he will have to look at his visa, and look for something that says valid till *****. He has to leave and re-enter Thailand before that date to be able to get a 1 year extension.

    My visa was good for 1 year from date of entry not date of issue as you state.

  4. OP if you get one year extension and re-entry permit as you state your visa will be valid until Dec 28th, 2010. Just make sure your back before that date.

    Point of information, you don't have to apply for extension on Dec. 28, 2009 you can do it several weeks before and it will still be valid till Dec. 28, 2010.

    Since this is your first extension make sure you are up on money requirements in form of pension or bank deposits.

  5. OP you may not like many of the responses but a lot of truths have been spoken. I know because of experience helping a BG get out of the business. It wasn't an easy task and it cost me a few dollars in the process but she truly wanted out. She now has a job that averages 20k baht a month and is very happy being in control again.

    I think the biggest reason these girls end up in the profession and the reason they don't leave is the amount of money they can make when compared to a straight job that pays only 6k or so for 12 hours a day six day a week. It becomes even harder as the lady gets older to find a decent paying job.

    I guess these comment don't answer your questions so let met point you at a couple places.

    I know there are many vocational training schools around Bangkok and perhaps in every major city. The one I am know of is located in Klong Toey. The instructions usually cost 100 baht per course but you may be required to purchase material dependent on type of training.

    Another option is . . . . http://www.goodwillbangkok.org/aboutUs.asp

    She still would need money for normal living expenses during the training.

  6. Just tell this person you are taking them to a doctor on whatever day you plan and you will not take no for an answer. Some people need that firm hand to make them take that first step. Everyday I regret not being that firm hand sooner.

    Like you I hesitated and what most likely would have been only stage 1 cancer surely metastasized into stage 3 because of that delay.

    Go to a good private hospital that will perform all necessary test to diagnose the problem not a local doctors office who might just throw pills at the patient without any test.

  7. Yes take the blue book first to an insurance vendor outside the gate of the Land Tranport office and they will sell you the compulsory insurance. If the vehicle is older than 5 years you need a inspection certificate from the shop on the end of the row also. They will put a receipt in the book also. Then proceed inside on the ground floor and show the book to the person at the desk and you will get a que number. When you're number comes up go to that window pay the fees and get the book stamped and the decal for the windscreen.

    Takes no more than 10 minutes if not too busy

    Its 5 years for motorcycles and 7 years for cars.

  8. I am an American girl engaged to a Thai man, living in Bangkok. I am employed so I have a non-Immigrant B Visa, so all is well with me staying in the country.

    There has been recent drama in the news about land, and I am a bit confused.

    1. My fiance and I are planning to build a home. The land is already owned by his family. I know that you cannot buy land unless you are a Thai citizen, but what about the house on top of the land? Can I co-own or have my name on the house?

    Yes you can own the house but I would wait till married before investing in a house.

    2. If we were to get divorced, would I get part of the house? (I am definitely going to be contributing into the funds to build the house) Would it make a difference to get the loan for the house while we are still engaged or should we be married? I've heard that if my name is not on the house and we were to get the loan for the house in just my fiance's name, if we got divorced, I would not get anything b/c the house was built after marriage- regardless if I helped pay or not.

    Marital assets are split 50/50 if obtained after marriage.

    3. If we want to buy more land in the future- I know that currently Thai law prohibits expats to buy- however, they are now not allowing Thai spouses to buy land either?? I do not understand how could they take away his right, as he is a Thai citizen?

    Thai's can purchase land but must be done with own money not money from foreign spouse.

    4. If we have kids later- how will that complicate all this?


    Advice? Help!!

  9. She should ask the US bank if they can wire funds instead of sending paper checks. If they say okay the funds can be wired to New York branch of Bangkok Bank using its ABA routing number with instructions to deposit in wife's account, which she will provide. Bangkok Bank branch in New York then sends to her branch and account in Thailand. Conversion to baht is done in Thailand.

    I send money to Thailand by this means from my brokerage account all the time but

    transfer fees are involved.

  10. What if they're between sois 71 and 77? I don't fit within your 6 month criterion, but I would be staying near Pra Khanong market if I did.

    I have not yet found where Soi 73 and 75 are, after 2 decades of living here... :) , perhaps washed away by Prakhanong klong?

    Coming down from Asoke, the market will be located before crossing the klong, thus would be considered as Soi 71, Prakhanong area. The area after crossing the klong will be Onnut, Soi 77.

    Somewhat cheeky to the 40 or so expats living in Baan Saran Nuch Condo on 75/1 :D Mind you we do like to keep this place a secret...opps.

    I suspected that Soi 73 and 75 have been closed up by market stalls both sides of the klong decades ago, and probably impassable to normal traffic, thus, have been eclipsed by Soi 71 and 77.

    Soi 73 and 75 do exist but each are only about 50 meters long. They are located on the south side of klong and both have a sign. I live on 75/1 and have walked by both many times.

  11. Good location but the room furnishings are dated. Remember this hotel dates back to the late 60's and I think was the first modern hotel built in Pattaya. I stayed last earlier this year and found it to be clean but rundown because of age. I would have no problem staying again but there are many better places for the same price or cheaper. If you plan on staying book one of the rooms next to the pool.

  12. Abide by the lease and make sure she does even if it requires a lawyer.

    I would install a webcam and motion detection software on you PC so it will record video when someone comes into house when your gone.

    I also would consider changing the locks.

    Cut a deal with contractor building house to pay you a monthly fee and if he refuses pull the plugs he has connected to your house. He or she have no legal right to use your electric if you pay the bill.

    Don't put up with crap from owner and for sure get a lawyer lined up in case needed.

  13. Normally 401Ks are protected. But if it's just him in the 401k, it could be up for grabs. Need to talk to a lawyer about that.

    Thanks but I hope to get some advice from the forum here which I have sometimes found amazingly informative.

    "So....can a 401K be sequestered by a court to repay debts?"

    This was your question and Carmine6 provided accurate info. Usually a 401k set up for all employees will be protected but owner only plans can be used to pay debt. The deciding factors will be how company was formed (corp, s corp or some other manner) and type of 401k that was created.

    All the answers will be found in the paperwork that formed the company and 401k plan.

  14. I drove from Pattaya to Nong Khai yesterday. I have a Thai license and my car is fully registered and insured.

    I was pulled over four times and paid zero baht.

    Thai police are snakes with legs. Obey the laws, stick to your convictions and pay them nothing.

    Remember, the thing they fear most is work. I told one copper to take me to jail if he was convinced I broke a law. He wasn't and I drove off in five minutes. Each of the remaining encounters lasted only a few minutes.

    Be polite but firm. You don't have to play their game. They're not interested in enforcing laws -- only in lining their pockets.

    If you ride an unregistered bike, all bets are off. You can't hold any high ground, and deserve to be manhandled. Good luck.

    A great post and sound advice. Should be posted in every "should I or shouldn't I?" bribe thread.

    Been living in Thailand 8 years, driving for 2. Paid a total of 700 baht in on the spot fines, my own mistakes.

    Agree with these post. I've been living here 6 years and driving for 6 and paid only one legit ticket, which I deserved.. All other times I politely refused to pay their bribe and was sent on my way.

  15. These supports are not there for the column and generally should not compromise the column as there is only few anchor bolts. Can not see from the pic but the bolts might even go thru the column with grouting. Naturally this means that they have left the rebars intact (usually located only in the corners).

    There additional brackets are simply to prevent the column "going straight thru" the floor slab, i was structural designer in my previous life but can not remember the corret term in english now... Basicly to add contact area that transfers the load from the concrete floor slab to the column to prevent the slab breaking (column punching thru the slab) and the column going thru it. This method is very common in concrete columns that are "mushroom" shaped in the top for the same reason. Here it seems that designer forget it or the contractor forget to cast them with the columns...

    In any case quite bad mistake either way, if it was the designer his licence should be questioned or revoked and if it was the contractor then he should be made to pay and reorganize his site management and supervisors.

    I tend to agree with MJo statements concerning reasons for added steel brackets.

    Some may remember the Seoul department store that collapsed 10-15 years ago. It was built using flat slab construction (columns support the floor without use of any beams) because of the added weight from a new floor and air cons on its roof the columns punched through the floor causing the building to collapse. I think they found not enough rebar was used to attach floor to columns for the amount of weight added.

  16. My friend ( gary ) is going to khorat for a couple of weeks from june 22 and he needs some ideas on where to find a good english meal and maybe meet up with some uk farangs who can tell him all thats good about khorat because he is thinking of moving there soon. any one who has business ideas on smallish budget most welcome, only people with positive ideas please enough negative back here in the uk already.

    cheers guys

    I think a Brit owned placed called the Ram is located on a street behind Makro.

  17. Bad planning mate, not so much to do with Thailand. You say you have been here for 10 years and you did not put aside few hundred thou for visa requirements but spend few mil on house, cars and booze ?

    Could not have said it better myself.

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