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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. Have a friend that did what OP is talking about doing. This guy bought all the equipment and stock for the shop which was a 7/11 type store. After opening sales were going great and they quickly sold out most of the stock and came to him for money so they could replace the stock. It seems they spent all the money they were making on personal items and none was spent replacing stock. OP what will you do when this happens?

  2. You could park at Tesco Lotus next to OnNut BTS ,, then BTS to Nana for Landmark,,

    Traffic around Nana and Asoke at 5 pm can be bad ,

    I also suggest you use the Tesco Lotus at OnNut. You have the BTS stop right at Lotus plus you have access to the Chalong Rat Expressway on Sukhumvit Soi 50 which is the street in front of Lotus. Access to Expressway is only 100 meters from Lotus.

    The Chalong Rat Expressway now extends all the way to Outer Ring Road East (Highway 9). So if coming from Sara Buri take the Outer Ring Road East till you get to the exit for Chalong Rat Expressway. Take this expressway till you get to Sukhumvit Soi 50 exit. When you come to Soi 50 go left and you will see Lotus about 100 meters away. Park in Lotus and take BTS to Nana.

    Going to Si Racha you go back down Soi 50 100 meters and take the Chalong Rat Expressway goint east till you see the signs for airport. Follow them and you will be on Highway 7 which is headed for Pattaya and Chon Buri. Sorry don't remember name of exit for getting off of Chalong Rat expressway but if you follow airport signs you will be okay.

  3. I bought the same oven and I love it, but it's not big enough to cook a big turkey if that is what you are looking for. The model is one of these (its the 4 on the manual and can't find any indication which is the one for mine) . For 10k baht its really great.





    Bought mine at Carrefoure

    Look on the oven itself and see if you see label with model number.

    Your right it won't do a large turkey but it might do a small 5-6 kilo bird. One day must measure to see if possible.

  4. I use BUPA travel health insurance and it cost less than 4k baht for year policy. Can stay out Thailand a max of 90 days on any single trip.

    Whichever company you use make sure she can be out of Thailand for 2.5 months and be covered. Some companies only cover short trips of several weeks.

  5. I plan to visit family in the US with my daughter for about 6 weeks. When purchasing travel medical & accident coverage is it necessary to specify the exact travel dates or is coverage for any travel days within a particular time frame?


    Whichever company you use make sure the policy covers the US because some do not unless you purchase additional coverage.

  6. "one must have atleast 6 months valid passport before departing from any country,thats international law..."

    I find that very hard to believe. What law is that?

    So, let's say you come to Thailand with a tourist visa, with six months left on your passport. When You're ready to leave after 2-3 months, Thai immigration won't let you leave because the passport isn't valid for another 6 months?

    Call me a sceptic.

    The problem in most cases is with the airlines. If doing their job at check-in they will not board you if less than six months remains on your passport. In case you are already in a foreign country the airline will only board you on a flight to country where passport was issued if less than six months remain on passport. These are the rules as pointed out by a Qantas check-in agent in Melbourne when she noticed I has just over 6 months remaining on passport and was not returning to my country. She wanted me to be aware of restrictions before I had travel problems.

  7. Like you I wanted an oven but my space was limited so I bought a 3 in 1 (microwave, grill and oven) made by Toshiba. It even has a stone oven menu list which I haven't tried yet. It cost me 10k baht and I thought it would be money down the drain but I have no regrets and would buy another one in a second.

    Its worth your time to see if it fits your needs.

    Do you happen to have a model number to check out for this?


    I am out of town for another week so I cannot provide model number at this time but will post upon my return. I think it was something like ER-B7TC but cannot be sure. Mine is the one that has turntable and does stone oven in addition to oven and grill.

    If you can't wait for exact model number they had several models at the Emporium in appliances section. I also saw the model I have at the Carrefour located in On Nut.

  8. Living in Thailand four plus years when local police finally noticed my presence and dropped off paper form for me to fill out. Form asked for minimal info and they came back the next day and picked up. This occurred 12-18 months ago in village 30 km north of Korat. At the time many other farangs in Korat area were being asked to fill out form by local police.

  9. yes, that makes sense, and fits with my previous experience living in the los and overseas.

    but in our place the reception goes and we lose a few channels. sometimes we can get them back, other times it takes a few days for this bloke to come back and get them fixed. i think it's to do with the tuning system in the office, but i'm not sure because they won't let me see it. if i knew for sure what it was, then i could tell them and just fix it myself.

    Those times when a few of the channels do not return has it been after a power failure?

  10. driving on Sukhumvit road, the buses have the constant, silly and annoying habit of going from the middle lane to the left lane. i don't get why they do not just drive in the left lane. so they are often in a situation where part of their rear end is still in the middle lane while they wait to turn into the left lane. i stop, preparing to wait for them, and its pretty consistent that i get beeped at by those behind me, probably 9/10 times, which suggests to me that I am probably wrong. they want me to drive into the right lane to pass, but you still have right lane traffic. i suppose i can just stick my nose into the right lane and make someone in the right lane stop, but i'd rather just wait the 3 seconds and stay where i am. :)

    Yes you should slide enough into the right lane to get around.

    TIT so you must learn to drive the way Thai's do like it or not.

  11. Like you I wanted an oven but my space was limited so I bought a 3 in 1 (microwave, grill and oven) made by Toshiba. It even has a stone oven menu list which I haven't tried yet. It cost me 10k baht and I thought it would be money down the drain but I have no regrets and would buy another one in a second.

    Its worth your time to see if it fits your needs.

  12. i am waiting on my thai gf's/fiance' visa to get approved before her travel to riga, latvia - never having been in cold weather before, she may not be willing to endure the winters here - have any of you had a thai gf/fiance'/wife live in a cold weather place before? my concerns are being cooped up in a condo durng the long winters -

    I think it will depend on the woman. Some have what its takes inside to stick it out.

    You should promise her before she comes that you bring her back to Thailand if she finds herself unhappy with you or finds it unbearable to live in your country. I made that promise when my Thai wife moved to the US with me 34 years ago. She endured some of the worst winters New Jersey had to offer those first 3 years but she buckled up and made the best of it.

    How well she does will be up to you also so when not working have things planned that the both of you can enjoy.

    After 28 years living all over the US we returned to Thailand to live out our lives. Upon arriving the wife spoke pretty much the same words I spoke 28 years before. She said it meant so much to her 28 years ago that she never forgot those words and wanted me to have the same option.

  13. So the land office is responsible to some extent? That's what I 'd have thought. How could they allow sale if it was illegal? But they were telling me to go check and to make sure they (the land office) didn't perform an illegal transfer?

    That's why you get a letter from the juristic person for the condo building so the land office will know percentage of foreign ownership. Its the juristic person responsibility to generated this letter and yours to obtain from him.

    This same person can provide you with a letter that condo management does not have lien on condo of interest for non-payment of condo maintenance fee's or other assessments. This may also be needed by land office.

  14. How exactly does one go about knowing whether a condo has below or equal 49% foreign ownership? Is this data kept at any governing body or just with the condo management? This question came up recently at the land dept when a spokesman there said we should be sure beforehand. I thought it might have been their job to be sure?

    What happens if a foreigner buys into a condo that already has 49% allocated to foreigners?

    You need to get in contact with juristic person for condo. They will be able to provide that info and generate a letter stating percent of foreign ownership.

    You cannot buy a condo in your name if over 49% foreign owners. I for one would not buy a condo that prevents me from having in my name.

  15. It cost my sister in law 30,000 Baht at a private hospital in CM a few years ago.

    Wow, that is cheaper than the U.S. I still think I want to get insurance for peace of mind. Thanks for your information.

    If she is already pregnant its to late to purchase insurance to cover a preexisting condition. If not pregnant make sure you get rider on any insurance you buy that covers pregnancy.

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