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Posts posted by coma

  1. 7 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    "Can hardly wait for 20 Jan."

    I feel the same way. Trump might have some strange policies regarding America, but on foreign policy, Trump makes far more sense that Obama and Clinton.


    Above is a link from the New York Times. Trump is going to end aid for the rebels fighting AGAINST Assad.
    A quote from the New York Times [ Mr. Trump’s the-enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend logic is consistent with what he said during the campaign. “I’m not saying Assad is a good man, ‘cause he’s not,” he told The New York Times in an interview in March, “but our far greater problem is not Assad, it’s ISIS.” ]

    I'm sure Trump is not going to change his mind. He said stuff about how bad the TPP is, and he's already announced that the TPP has been put into the dustbin. Trump will surely end all aid to rebels in Syria, and help Assad remove ISIS.
    Trump said "but our far greater problem is not Assad, it's ISIS".  Mr Trump, Sir, you've said something that most Americans and British people totally agree with. But some people have got belief that Assad and Russia are more dangerous than ISIS.  And no, we don't think it's a good idea to watch ISIS (or whatever rebel groups) remove Assad, and then we have to bomb ISIS or whatever groups.


    Good one again.  For me I am at a loss as to why the West wants to treat Russia as an enemy all the time. And it seems Mr Trump is a baffled also. Who cares if Putin is ripping his own people off for billions of dollar ? Nothing to do with us.The Russian love him so why should we care. If the West and Russia play from the same sheet of music as each other then the world would be a much safer place.

  2. Here is something for ALL the apologists out there to digest.


    : According to reports, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack on Ohio State University that injured eleven people.


    COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Islamic State claimed responsibility on Tuesday for the attack at Ohio State University, calling the student who drove his car into pedestrians and then slashed people with a butcher knife a “soldier” of the terrorist group.



  3. 31 minutes ago, johna said:

    Its quite clear that the US deliberately bombed Syrian forces, and that the so called investigating officer Brig Gen R Coe  is lying through his teeth. It took another 27 minutes for the US to halt the air strikes after they were informed by the Russians they were bombing Syrian forces, Coe only admits to killing 15 Syrian army personnel, though he acknowledges the US has no access to the bombed site. 

    Here is a link to The Guardian story which is much better informed than Associated Press and not embedded with the Pentagon


    The US military has formally admitted fault in a major September airstrike in eastern Syria


    Very encouraging article. Can hardly wait for 20 Jan.


    2 hours ago, webfact said:

    Abbas has been in power for 11 years.


    He was elected to power in 2005 and the last parliamentary vote was in 2006.


    Some think it is time for him to nominate a successor and call new elections.


    Yes. He has outdone Yasser by a year. Time to move on old mate. A change to somebody a little younger and with more intestinal fortitude is what is needed.

  5. 43 minutes ago, Mosha said:

    It'd be over quicker if we inadvertently stopped arming Daesh.

    Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


    Yes. No matter where it happens. It is quite disheartening to an "allied" soldier, when during the conduct of a battlefield clearance, he has to pry a M16 or variant, complete with M 203 from his dead enemy's hands.

    There is also the issue of all the US armoured vehicles, mortars and 155 mm pieces they got hold of when the Iraqi army dropped it pants and ran for their lives.

  6. So the RAAF has fessed up to being involved in bombing Assad's troops back in September. Along with British, Danish and US aircraft. Cowboys the lot of them.


    If you want to get involved in somebody else's business in their own country, on the other side of the planet, then at least work with with them. Not unilaterally. This business would have been done and dusted 12 months ago if the coalition butted out or at least worked with Syrian and Russian forces. As it stands now they have prolonged the inevitable. And that is a complete Assad victory.



  7. 10 years spent training those cowards. Spend a hundred years training cowards, they will still always be cowards. When was the last time the Iraqis won a war ? Not including the cowardly act of invading Kuwait ?

    If 50000 isn't enough to retake the city then draught another 50000. And if that isn't enough that draught another 50000. You are fighting for your own country. Not somebody else's  As for this statement.......


    1 hour ago, webfact said:

    "We are not equipped or trained to fight inside cities. We are an armored outfit with tanks," acknowledged a senior officer from the 9th Division, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with military regulations. "Even if we are able to advance toward the city, we need forces to hold the territory we liberate. Our men are exhausted after a six-week battle deployment."



    You are a leader and you are talking like this ? No wonder your men are exhausted when you talk like you are defeated. Ad for not being "equipped or trained to fight inside cities". You knew this battle was going to be fought inside the city for over a year. All I have to say to that is , Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

  8. 13 minutes ago, jm91 said:

    It is absolutely certain that you have no idea what you are talking about

    Geez..another mass murder in the USA and you want to talk political smack? 


    You don't seem to have much sympathy. 


    Can you please explain how he has no idea what he is talking about ?

    He has hit the nail right on the head. Just because that doesn't sit well with you own, what it would seem are apologist views, doesn't mean he is wrong or doesn't know what he is talking about.


    Political decisions are what allows these mass murders to thrive in the country. So why not talk political after a horrible event such as this ?

  9. 1 hour ago, Dustdevil said:

    Yes, seems to me the F-22 Raptor is a better plane, and one that can dogfight.


    Yes. Much better aircraft but much more expensive. About 50 million per unit more than the F-35. I read somewhere a while back that the US plans to reduce its order in Raptors and increase the amount of F35  air frames.

    The Raptor also has its own issues. Mainly with regards to pilot's not handling the cockpit conditions. Loss of alertness, respiratory issues including chronic coughing and sneezing. Some have even become unconscious during flight. Not sure if it is oxygen issues or if the aircraft is just too high performance.

    Personally I would go with a smaller fleet of Raptors over the F35. The Lighting seems to have had and is still having way too many teething problems for my liking. Maybe in another decade or so it will eventually become a great aircraft but the first generation of its kind most certainly is not.



    11 hours ago, webfact said:

    A senior Israeli air force official described the arrival of the F-35 as a game-changing development that will give Israel a "strong and effective tool" in dealing with challenges across the region.


    I find this statement very hard to consume. A squadron of Mustangs or Spitfires would suffice in dealing with the "Palestinian Solution ".

  10. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    He says indigenous women are 34 times more likely to experience violence than other Australian women.


    Who's fault is that ? The mostly white elected Australian parliament ? What do they want the parliament to do ? Make a harsher set of laws for aboriginal people only in the hope of curbing indigenous only assault rates ? That would be racist. Having a sing and a dance with the locals is about as much as one can do. Legally. Best left to the tribal elders to sort out this one. That is of course if they can be bothered or aren't too busy giving their own old cheese a beating.

  11. 3 hours ago, simple1 said:


    It isn't just a one off letter either in California or elsewhere in the US. Unfortunately, especially Muslim women, have been subjected to a number of physical and verbal assaults and increasingly so. A number of the oh so righteous right of centre followers are cowards by assaulting Muslim women in the street, not only in the US, but in other Western countries. To use a cliche, two wrongs do not make a right












    Yes. I agree with you. To a certain extent. Two wrongs defiantly don't make a right but i understand people's frustration with this lot. It may sound harsh but a lot of them bring it upon themselves too. If the Muslim community were as vocal against Islamic terrorism and their own racial bigots, as they are about getting 'racially vilified' themselves, then I am sure that would go a long way to them gaining more respect in the community.

    Also, they need to try to assimilate more. As it is they stick out like the proverbial sore thumb because of their religion. They definitely don't go about their business trying to be the 'grey man". In fact it is just the opposite. Dressed to show all that the are Muslims, driving around in expensive, hotted up cars with windows down and music blaring, giving evil eyes to those who's eye may cross their paths, not attending relevant national holiday and sporting events etc etc. They bring the life that they say they wanted to escape with them to their new country.

    Where I come from, if I happen to wonder into an Arab owned shop [buying supplies to make my favourite food, Arab Cuisine] that isn't already familiar with me, then I get looks like, what the <deleted> are you doing here? They make me feel like a second rate citizen. If only they knew.

  12. All of a sudden the anti Islam 'sleepers' feel emboldened by the election of Mr Trump. Quite cowardly actually.


    Either way the Islamic community needs to eat a big bowl of harden the f... up. Their brethren and the actual actions they commit, have had the world on edge for well over a decade. They get one measly letter, which seems to be from one individual, and everybody is supposed to care ?? 

  13. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    Two Iraqi refugees who arrived in Bowling Green in 2009 were charged two years later with attempting to provide money and weapons to extremists in Iraq. Both are serving prison sentences.


    That about says it all. For every two charged and convicted of such crimes, it would be naive to think that a great many other immigrants are doing the same, just haven't been caught yet. And let's not forget that this is just the beginning. There are many generations to come. Often second and third generation immigrants are much more extreme in their views than that of their parents.

  14. Bias reporting ? Maybe. But considering he is the President elect he should NOT even be going close to the subject of electoral fraud. A. He doesn't need to. And B. it gives the media the minuscule opening they need to mix words and make him look like a fool to many gullible constituents.


    I guess people [ the losers ] are looking for electoral change before the next election in four years. And this is a good' way to drum up support for that change.

  15. This Jill Stein and her Green party are just stirring the pot, trying to drum up a bit of free advertisement, at the taxpayer's expense. Hoping it will get her a little more than 1% of the vote in four years time.

    I liken her effort to the lowly individuals that initiate a fight, get their butts kick, have nothing left in defeat except one last parting spit in the opponents face. Even Hillary and the democrats concede that they "Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology,"  we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves," said Mr Elias, the Clinton lawyer.


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