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Posts posted by coma

  1. 16 minutes ago, Publicus said:


    Not too much illegal or unconstitutional there with a misdemeanor or two attached as per police civil law boilerplate.


    Burning the flag is nothing illegal or unconstitutional, unpatriotic, nor izzit an act of treason.


    Burning effigies is common practice so authorities always have safety personnel and equipment at the scene or at the ready but only just in case of accident. It's rare for the police to cuff anyone for lighting a cigarette or burning an effigy. (Burning rubber probably turns a head or two but not much more.) 


    Walking out of class might be at endtime or at some point before it, but there's nothing about it that is illegal, immoral or fattening.


    Nobody I know likes violence but these demonstrations don't rise to any notable level (except maybe Oakland). 


    So many of youse guyz seem already to be tired of winning cause the past day or so there instead has been a lot of whinging. Some of this stuff sounds like my Uncle Charlie on Thanksgiving. 


    From where I sit youse guyz won, yet I guess I wuz mistaken to expect to find some smiles. Or an invitation to smoke a peace pipe. Instead youse guyz seem to want to throw the Riot Squad at 'em backed up by SWAT.


    For most people I know, it doesn't take too much to make 'em happy.


    Lets just wait and see. And hope that it is just a temporary vent of frustration that goes away very soon.


    If pro Trump supporters go out to protest against the protesters [ already happening in some areas on a small scale ] it could get real ugly real quick. We all know how much the citizens of the USA love a riot.

  2. Why don't they just call it something else ? Like a union between man/man or women/women. With all the same legal rights [ except IVF treatment for lesbian couples] as normal couples have. Like get divorced and dragged through the court process. Also need to drop the discrimination card against religious individuals and groups that refuse to take part in said ceremony, as it is against their own belief.

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