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Posts posted by coma

  1. If they are good, law abiding citizens with no links to terrorism, anybody involved in terrorism, don't finance terrorism [ through their local mosque or some other way ] and openly denounce terrorism AND pay taxes, then I am sure they will have nothing to worry about.

    Those that are worried possibly DO NOT fit into this category of Muslim. If they are scared they can always rack off back to their birthplace or some other place where Islam is more "tolerated'. :violin:

  2. 8 hours ago, dddave said:

    Huge backstory here.

    Bangkok oldtimers here may remember a notorious 2004 murder case in Bangkok wherein a Israeli man murdered his wife in their hotel room, dismembered her, wrapped the body parts in towels and stuffed them into a suitcase.  He was seen on video hauling the suitcase downstairs and he then dumped it into the Chao Phraya.  

    It washed up downstream and was opened by someone who undoubtedly got the shock of their life.  It didn't take the BiB long to figure out who the murderer was...he had used towels from his room to wrap the parts and those towels had the hotels name embossed on each one.

    He was arrested, convicted and sentenced to life but somehow finagled a pardon in 2012.

    The perp in that murder was Eli Cohen, who is now the victim in this current gruesome affair.

    What goes around, comes around.

    Som nom nah



    12 years for murder ? Royal Pardon ? Then allowed back into the country. Must of had someone watching over him. Unfortunately for him they weren't watching when Karma showed its face.  You said it. Som Nam Na

  3. I guess portions of the world populace have finally had a gut full of apologist leaders, ruling with their hearts instead of their brains, and are now voting in the opposite direction. A good thing in my opinion. Look what apologist leaders like David Cameron, Francois Holland and Angela Merkel  have done to their countries and respective constituents. The face of democracy is evolving at last.

  4. 5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    What a farce. Australia should be housing these people. In fact, they should be made to accept boats from Europe, too. Look at the size of it; there's plenty of room and monies from governments around the world can help set up camps in and around those huge bush towns. The US and Europe are already crowded, pull your weight, Oz!



    Yeah I agree. They should fence of a couple of hundred square kilometres in the middle of the desert and put them in there. I have heard the Aussie desert has lots of sand and a huge wild camel population. They should feel safe and at home there. I may even give a small donation so they can build a mosque there too.

  5. 47 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

    Is there more evidence showing the Belgian was in the wrong? All I saw from that clip was a Thai man attacking an old guy from behind as he walked away. Where is the report of his dangerous driving? Clicking on the link goes straight to a Thai written piece, unless any of you were physically there how can you make such a sweeping judgment of a man that was physically assaulted from behind?


    You need to open your eyes and look at the beginning of the clip a few more hundred times I would say. The farang has dismounted his vehicle is at/inside the Thai bloke's window having a go.

    You also need to read the article again. Maybe several times till you notice the bit that says and I quote



    "After the incident it was stated that the foreigner had got out of his car after a series of overtaking manoeuvres had taken place between the two cars".
  6. What a pathetic stick up that was. The Thai guy hits like a girl. Had the Foreigner not been so old I guess he would have given him a right old flogging. A blatant case of "handbags at forty paces."


    But I can't see much happening about this one. The farang blatantly instigated the physical altercation [idiot considering his age]. But the attack had ceased when the Thai guy got up enough courage to have a go himself. They should both be charged for dangerous driving and being clowns in a public place.

  7. 9 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

    I am not in the minority.  Clinton won the popular vote.  Trump is not a politician.  He's a self-serving businessman. Did you see Putin raise a glass with his inner circle when it was announced Trump won?  Another quick out of the paddock to congratulate him was Hun Sen, as were Prayuth, Erdogan and Sisi.  It's an indication that they view him as a useful idiot. 

    He may well not be a politician yet. But he is about to become, arguably the most powerful politician on the face of the earth. And the sooner you and your lot get your heads around it and simmer down, stop the riots, stop the gutter talk and give the man a chance, the better it will be for all. End!!

  8. 1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

    Due to the fact that he's lied to them throughout the entire campaign.  Even a moron like Trump must know he will be unable to follow through on his 'polices' (AKA threats and lies).  He backtracked on the Muslim ban within hours of winning.  Not days, hours.  He told them whatt they wanted to hear because he knew they'd buy it, and they lapped it up.  He has no respect for them and would have said anything to win.  He played to their basest fears.  It was a cheap campaign. Vet much like Brexit. 


    On another note, I did find the photos of him meeting with Obama in the Whitehouse yesterday amusing.  Poor DT looked like a little lost child.  I expect the fact that he is now head of state and will be expected to actually do something is beginning to sink in.  This is not a reality TV show, which is not actually reality, where he gets to lord it over a bunch of appalling sycophants.    You can not tell other heads of state that they are fired.  You can not grope or sexually assault their wives.  You must know what a map of the world looks like without reaching for a children's atlas. 


    I see. So you don't like the guy ?


    He wouldn't be the first politician to be unable to fulfill an election promise. It happens ALL the time ALL over the world. Whether it's because they were blatantly lying to get elected or were sincere about the promise but were block by the powers that are politics. I give the electorate more credit in judging which one it is. But in this case it appears that you are running with the minority, thinking he was lying. So are the majority are wrong about Trump and you are right??


    Example : Obama declaring he would have Guantanamo Bay shut down. FAIL. Did he lie during his election campaign to win votes ? Probably not. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

    Funny how Trump supporters actually seem to think Trump cares one iota for them.  They were useful at getting him elected but that's about it. 


    Can you be a little more elaborate ? Like what makes you think he doesn't care "one iota" for them ? And what evidence do you have to support your conclusions ?

  10. That is what the people voted for. Change. Change in protocol. Changing the status quo from the same old BS dished by the last god knows how many administrations. The media are mostly a bunch of corrupt self serving so and sos anyway. And we all know that what they report on Trump will not paint him in a good light. So screw the media. Well done again Mr Trump

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