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Posts posted by coma

  1. MANILA, Philippines—Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Thursday he might follow Russia’s example and withdraw from the International Criminal Court

    Mr. Duterte also said the United Nations has been useless in stopping wars. He said if China and Russia decide to create a new world order, he would be the first to join them and leave the U.N., which he said was dominated by the U.S



  2. 3 hours ago, humqdpf said:


    Also, there are few bigots who hate just one people, ethnicity or race. Generally, they feel that their own race is superior. Therefore, you generally find that bigots are against at least some of the following: Jews, Black people, foreigners, gays, people of certain religions, Latinos, Arabs etc etc


    So you need to be a white Anglo Saxon to be a bigot ? 

  3. 4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    How can a US Jew be expected to take responsibility for the actions of a foreign government? I have no love for the actions of the Israeli government, but that doesn't mean that Jews worldwide should bear the brunt of public consternation. Should all Catholics be held accountable for the child abuse perpetrated by their Church's priests?


    There is a flip side to every coin. Should all Muslims be held accountable for the actions of the radical elements of their faith ? No. But it does. It clearly influences large portions of non Muslim's opinions of Muslims the world over.

    So my point is that Israel's actions do influence some people's perceptions of all Jews. Just as Islamic terrorism influences some people's view of all Muslims. That is human behaviour.

  4. If indeed there is a rise in Anti-Semitic behaviour, the ones they need to blame for it are the Israeli government and its foreign policies. Especially their treatment of the Palestinians. Sad but true. I myself have gone from disliking Israeli foreign policy to absolutely disgusted and appalled by it over the last 12 to 18 months.I am sure there are many others feeling the same.

  5. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    The vote in the Knesset passed by 57 to 52 votes.


    Bit closer than I thought. But not close enough. And they wonder why they are "living in constant fear". These sort of decisions by the Israeli war machine leave only one avenue for the Palestinians to take. And that is to continue their armed struggle. I for one certainly don't blame them. And for the like of the US to support such decisions is why things like 9/11 happen. Some people just don't get it at all. Stupid !!!

  6. 9 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    BUT, but you've got to bear in mind, Washington's "real" reason for having those military bases in South Korea and Japan. And what is the "real" reason ?  Washington has spent decades keeping military bases near CHINA. If World War Three breaks out, and if Washington wants to attack China, then, them military bases in South Korea and Japan will be needed.   :smile:





    I really don't see war with the United State as being something high on the Chinese governments agenda. It would be counter-productive to them. They are doing just fine with the current status quo.


    Also, with today's current weapons systems and Maritime Technology such as Super Carriers and Nuclear Submarines, they provide enough deterant and capability that makes those bases manned mostly by US troops unnecessary and actually quite strategically unsound.  Especially if they can be manned by local forces. Let's not forget that any war in that part of the world is likely to be a "Blitz" attack. Those manning these bases would largely be collateral damage in the opening exchanges.


    Just my 2 cents worth. :smile:

  7. Chlorine in ya pool, mustard on ya sandwiches. If that is what they want to do to each other then leave them to it. People from the other side of the planet getting involved is just getting more people killed. And before the greenie apologists start crying " oh but the civilians ".  It is a civil war. The civilians are the soldiers. Pick up a weapon, pick a side and start fighting for yourselves. For what you believe Syria should be at the end of this mess. And if/when it spills out of Syria then let its neighbours deal with it. The UN is a farce and couldn't deal with a wet dream let alone the Syrian conflict. The US coalition has been banging away without a result, largely due to themselves not even knowing whether they are coming or going. Creating and arming terrorist groups, to try and topple someone they have a personal grudge against [ sounds familiar ] and prolonging the inevitable. Which is the defeat of ALL anti regime forces in Syria and Mr Assad remaining in power. Anybody that believes otherwise is delusional. If Assad was meant to be toppled it would have happened a long time ago.

  8. 34 minutes ago, NumbNut said:

    'Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the bill will improved the quality of life for all Australians '


    Man, must be LOUD!


    Yes I think most REAL Australians don't give a hoot about religious prayer times. 555


    And yes. Buy a watch and look at it from time to time you backward lot.


    P.S Give they Palestinians their land back. Or start giving them pieces of Israeli land as compensation. See how you like it. You're just going to cause more violence.

  9. Good news for the USA and the Kingdom. Even better news for the Junta. 


    Arrhh ! It doesn't really matter. Western model democracy was never designed for countries like Thailand. Twenty odd coups or attempted coups since they tried to embrace it in 1932 tells us that. Unfortunately, Thailand falls into the same basket as countries like Libya, Syria and Iraq. They need authoritarian rule. At least until they can get the national I.Q average up over 100. 

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