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Posts posted by coma

  1. here are some pictures of the accident, only look if you are not easily upset, especially at the poor guy hanging from the bridge


    judging by how those van drivers act on a daily basis the assumption that he has some blame for the accident would not surprise me, every day when I drive to work, and on my return journey, I run the gauntlet of these morons.

    It seems the blog owner has now pixelated the body hanging from the footbridge


  2. Tourists have just as much right to enter Thailand as you do. They also have just as much right to an opinion about any personnel experiences they come across here as you do. They also have the right to express their pleasure or displeasure [lawfully] about Thailand as you do.

    So tourists have as much "right to an opinion...," is that right? Even if they don't have all the facts. So they can come to Thailand and criticize anyone as they see fit, based on their own "personal experiences." So if a tourist, do-gooder comes to Thailand and sees you with a Thai woman and yells at you "Pervert! Why are you exploiting these Thai women? Don't you have any decency? Why are you so desperate that you have to buy a hooker?" They may not know all the facts, like the fact that this woman may be your wife, or colleague, or daughter, whatever, but according to you, they're certainly entitled to their opinion. What a bunch of crappola.

    Those like you and others who keep repeating the mantra "animal cruelty," how do you know this for a fact? Maybe these guys love their animals, a heck of a lot more than you do. Maybe it's the only way to get these animals fed. Would you like to adopt an elephant to look after one yourself? Speaking of animal cruelty, how about all these stray dogs running around. Are you going to cry a tear for them? When you go to a circus or the zoo, do you accuse the workers there of animal cruelty? Shouldn't those tigers working with Ziegfried and Roy be out in the wild doing what tigers do? If you're going to cry animal cruelty, how about being a little more consistent about it.

    Read my post before commenting. Did the words 'Animal cruelty' come up in my post? Sorry. But you are an epic failure. :whistling:

  3. i had met this guys that walk theit Pet elephants around town selling Food for the elephants or like 13-14 years now .

    i did not know how many i reject in my 10+ years in chiangmai . not once had i seen any nasty looking or gangster like punk trying to force anyone buy their fruit .


    My question would be .

    Why Tourist is alway like a Magnet for toruble ?

    i go around with a camera every days looking like a tourist and i refuse all elephants trainer or begger or flower seller .

    i eat out average 3-4 time a week . every time i eat out i will for sure meet up with either a elephants or a flower seller .

    but not once had i seen anyone get nasty at anyone .

    So in my view i would just read up with a touch of Salt . to session it .


    The first Rule for being a Tourist i perosnally feel is Be a tourist and mind your Own business .

    Unless trouble come find you . is best to keep your comment to yourself especially if you do not even speak thai .

    not a wise move .

    Tourists have just as much right to enter Thailand as you do. They also have just as much right to an opinion about any personnel experiences they come across here as you do. They also have the right to express their pleasure or displeasure [lawfully] about Thailand as you do.

    Living here for "10+years" equals what? . Shame on you.

  4. I try to asnwer positively to this question at all times. Sets a good mood up between both speaker and listener. When my conversation gets going then I can move on to any negative thoughts and feelingsthat maybe bugging me at the time. I find this works well :rolleyes: ยิ้มก่อนแล้วก็บ่นเลย อิอิ

    เป็นยังไงบ้าง สบายดีไหม สบายดีเหรอ IMO are all the same questions and can be answered as such.

    This is a good question, and one I've never really felt comfortable about answering. I love mkawish's suggestions - all very useful. I'm afraid I don't understand David's offering. In what circumstances would this be/not be appropriate? I'm not quite sure I get the meaning.

    My own routine answer - unless I have something specific to report - has always been a rather reflexive and slightly hesitant "โอเคครับ" ph34r.gif

  5. Speak, Read and Write Thai to a very good standard. Can help you out if you need it. Just contact me here.

    Also the statement that Suan Dok Hospital is not the place to be getting your g/f treated [in my opinion] is far from correct. All the best surgens/ doctors in Chiang Mai work there.

    Best wish for you in this difficult time and if you need my help then let me know.

  6. ถูกต้องทั้งหมดนะครับ :ph34r:

    Yes. That is all correct. :rolleyes:

    However low class consonants can carry rising or low tones by simply adding ห หีบ in front of the leading consonant with the low tone also requiring ไม้เอก. LIKE THIS หนาว rising tone cold

    หมวก low tone hat or

    หนึ่ง low tone number one

  7. Correction to my original post guys. Saturday the 27th of Novemeber was the date. Not the 29th. One day just runs into another here. You know.

    It takes a few months to release the results. Somebody told me that the same teacher checks all the writing tests and that's why it takes that long (but I don't know if that's true).

  8. I sat the Thai Language competency exam on 29th November 2010. In the hand manual it stated that they would release the results in the Ministry of Education website within 3 working days. However, I have yet to see them.

    QUESTION~??? Is there anybody in this forum that also sat this exam? And if so do you know if they have set a new date on when they will be releasing our results? Thanks guys.

  9. I come from the land of snakes such as Coastal Tipan, Feirce Snake, Eastern Brown etc ๆๆ .And whilst trekking through the many different terrains in Aust I have had the pleasure of coming across these so call "World's Deadliest Snakes " in their natural environment. And not once have I seen a snake even hold its ground, let alone turn to bite as i have approached its position.

    If you cannot identify the snake. You are not competant enough to attempt handling it using any device. YOU WILL #### YOURSELF AND GET BITTEN. If you must have it removed. Call the experts in to capture it and resettle it in an area where it will not return.

    Ref this comment

    "If you are near medical facilities, don't worry about them. If bitten and you do not feel almost immediate excruciating pain, simply clean the wound as you would any other. Otherwise, it is best to kill the snake and take it with you to the hospital, even if it bites you again, but hospitals will most likely be able to immediately identify the type of poison (hemo or neurotoxic) by your symptoms when you arrive."

    This advice is not entirely accurate and could result in complications. DO NOT wash the strike area at all. Medical staff will swab the bit to determine the toxin/ venow type which will give accurate species identification. And the appropriate antivenom will be administered. If bitten you should apply a compound bandage on tight. Starting from the bit sight. Going down the limb, away from the heart, then continue up and down the limb. Mark the bit area on the bandage with a circle so the med staff will know where to cut the bangage open to take the swabs. Immoblise the limb and trying to stay calm. Keeping your heart rate down to a minimum which will slowdown the toxin movements throughtout your body.

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