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Posts posted by ttthailand

  1. There must be some type of zoning in a village that would not permit this even here in Thailand, I know TIT...
    Perhaps he should try to sell his house to the Chinese who are doing this.
    I like the sugar approach and also the music and dogs. You need to find some music or signs that really upsets the Chinese and make sure every arriving tourist gets their introduction.
    Get a bunch of angry looking bikers with big noisy bikes to sit in front of the house and intimidate everyone and party.
    You have to fight fire with fire !

  2. Have lived in Thailand 20+ years. I was feeling angry a few years ago and it went on for awhile. I realized that it was the company I kept that was the cause. I dropped more than half my so called friends, broke up with my then GF and moved. My life changed for the better. That was 4 years ago and I must say that the last four years have been some of the best years of my life. Basically, take control of your life and don't let other people bring you down. I see many young and old fall into the trap of letting the people around them control their emotions. Throw out the garbage and bring in the new !

  3. Had one GF who was great in bed but other than that a total waste of space and a drain of cash. Current GF of over two years cooks great (I taught her:), is kind, does all the wash and ironing, cleans the house, does 90% of the dishes, goes to university, seldom asks for money, the list goes on and on .... I am a lucky man I guess ! The only problem is that she thinks I am the most handsome man in the world and can sometimes be very jealous. Oh what a lucky man he is :)

  4. GJ  can't possibly win and sadly it now appears a vote for Johnson helps the demagogic fascist trump. So if you want to help trump, vote Johnson. Realists face things ... it's a BINARY choice. 

    No, it is not a BINARY vote as all you Hillary followers keep saying. There are 5 people running in this race and if I have not forgotten they all should have an equal chance and no favoritism should be shown by any government agency. This upcoming debate percentage requirement keeps changing every election to make it a two party race but it is not the American Way, at least not what I served my country to protect. They said Bernie never had a chance and he won !!! Yes, he won except the DNC is so corrupt that they rigged the system and gave it to Hillary.
    I would stay home before voting for Hillary or trump ! Two wrongs don't make a right !
  5. Trump and Clinton are both cons with too much money and power and a bunch of sheep following them. We have really hit bottom !
    I don't agree with everything he says but Gary Johnson now has my vote. At least he appears to be honest and will follow what the majority of the people want and not what the 1% tells him to do. From hearing his interviews and speeches he is a little left on some things and right on others. Now it is really about getting into the debates. Let's see if the corrupt DNC and GOP block him.

  6. I would guess that if you didn't buy your girlfriend something nice she would be shy to drive it. Thai girls want something newer or a big SUV type to show their friends how rich they are, hahaha. There are some decent cars around that are cheap. If you want something newer you can pick up a 4 to 5 year old low mileage Proton Savvy for as little as 100 to 200k. Not a great name brand but can be a nice little car newer looking car for cheap. If you go with a SUV or something like a Toyota expect to pay 250k + for something 10 years old or older with high mileage.

  7. I don't mind the ones on the BTS or sitting at Starbucks or anyone who is not really doing anything. The morons who walk down the sidewalk, drive their motorbikes or cars, the waitress who pays more attention to her phone than her customers, these are the ones who bother me. As long as it don't affect me I don't really care, live and let live !

  8. 20+ years in Thailand and relationships with Thai girls from all walks of life.... All the girls brag about or make excuses for their boyfriends or husbands. It's all a matter of face. If boyfriend is too old or ugly they say it's about money and that is the only reason. If boyfriend is handsome they normally just brag about how rich he is or how big he is.

    What I find funny are the farang talking about other farangs women to others or telling you about your own girl. My so called mate told me once that a girl I was dating and giving me problems was because of her past, his words were "you know what she was when you met her". This was kind of true because she did work at 5 different gogo bars before. This girl was only after money, 100% ! The funny part is that after we finished I found out that my so call mate was later banging this girl and according to him In Love. Hahaha, so called good mate now in love with the girl who he was once putting down. The guy has a house with pool up in Burirum and a condo in Pattaya so you can guess where her attraction is.... She once said that he was ugly so I can assure you it is a money thing. What a dumb &$?@er.
    The bar girls are in it for the money and the farang for love .... Hahaha !

  9. If you can't accept the reality that it's going to be either trump or Clinton that will be the next president and that trump is massively much worse well then we may be from different planets. As Sarah Silverman said to Bernie or busters ... stop being ridiculous. This is grown up stuff. There are only two real choices. That reality may indeed be depressing but that is the reality regardless.

    As the world now knows for sure the DNC was an agent for Hillary from the beginning. Vote fixing, emails showing bias, 400 super delegates casting votes before the thing even started. Bernie had tens of thousands of people at his rallies while Hillary had hundreds at best. So stop being ridiculous, people don't trust Hillary and most want another choice. Trump is too far out in space and even his own party don't want him. Once the debates start Gary's numbers will start to grow. Once people see him at 20 to perhaps 25 percent then even more will jump on the wagon. Remember that Bernie was at less than 10 percent when he started and ended up at about 46 percent, which would have been much higher if the fix was not in against him.
    Hillary and Donald are both damaged goods and rotten to the core.
  10. If you can't accept the reality that it's going to be either trump or Clinton that will be the next president and that trump is massively much worse well then we may be from different planets. As Sarah Silverman said to Bernie or busters ... stop being ridiculous. This is grown up stuff. There are only two real choices. That reality may indeed be depressing but that is the reality regardless.

    As the world now knows for sure the DNC was an agent for Hillary from the beginning. Vote fixing, emails showing bias, 400 super delegates casting votes before the thing even started. Bernie had tens of thousands of people at his rallies while Hillary had hundreds at best. So stop being ridiculous, people don't trust Hillary and most want another choice. Trump is too far out in space and even his own party don't want him. Once the debates start Gary's numbers will start to grow. Once people see him at 20 to perhaps 25 percent then even more will jump on the wagon. Remember that Bernie was at less than 10 percent when he started and ended up at about 46 percent, which would have been much higher if the fix was not in against him.
    Hillary and Donald are both damaged goods and rotten to the core.
  11. I don't think Gary Johnson is crazy and yes he's less offensive than Trump (easily) but I find the scenario of him winning any states absurd and the wishful thinking that if the decision went to the house that the republican house wouldn't pick trump dangerously absurd. Go ahead ... waste your votes on the fringe candidates. That's your right.

    Hahaha.... I see it as you wasting your vote. In addition if you voted for a real change you would vote for someone other than the same corrupt system that Hillary belongs to. Free country I guess.
    Never trump or Hillary !
  12. Why do you maintain that Gary Johnson is in the middle?  On economic issues, which are the ones most important to voters. he's far, far to the right. He wants to raise the Social Security full qualification age to 72.  And that's just for starters.

    Perhaps I should have said 75 percent far left and 25 percent far right. 75 percent of his platform is same as Bernie Sanders, 25 percent is far Right. My main concern with Gary is his support of TPP. This I don't like but it is something that I think will go ahead anyway no matter who is elected. Check out his web site. He is not for everyone but at least he is not a liar or crazy.
  13. The truth about Gary Johnson.

    He won't receive even one electoral vote but he will suck in mostly potential trump voters.

    Go Gary Johnson.:clap2:

    The truth about Jill Stein.

    She won't receive even one electoral vote but she will suck in mostly potential Hillary Clinton voters.

    This woman has no government experience and believes in totally flaky anti-science views on thing like vaccinations.

    Vote for Hill not Jill! :clap2:

    A typical response from a hardened Hillary supporter who won't open their eyes to see all the damage Hillary and her husband has done to America.

    Let me tell you two ways that Gary Johnson can win.
    First: with all the recent attention third parties are receiving the media has now started to grant interviews. With these interviews and the Internet it is now possible for Gary Johnson to receive the required 15% in the polls to get into the national debates (rigged system). Only about 1/3 of voters have even heard of Gary Johnson and even little more really knows about what he stands for. The debates will inform the public and give then a real vote and not a lesser of two evil vote. With a majority of voters not liking Trump or Clinton And the fact that Gary is in the middle and honest he will perhaps pull enough votes to win, yes win !
    Second: If not make an out right win he will win enough states to prevent anyone from getting the required 270 EVs. This will put selecting the president in the hands of the House. The House which has a majority of republicans will not vote for Hillary and if having another option will not vote for Trump. The only logical selection will be someone right in the middle... Gary Johnson or perhaps another.
    Trump or Clinton will not be president !!! Trust me !
  14. Obama is correct, Trump is unfit to be president but so is Hillary. Our only hope is for a third party and Gary Johnson may be just what we are looking for. I don't agree with everything he stands for but I will say I think he will make some needed changes in the political system which have needed done for a long time. He is currently at 12% in some polls and has been appearing on many news channels. His message sounds good and what's nice is that he is not left or right. I believe he is also honest and will work for the people unlike what has been happening for the last 30 or 40 years. This is perhaps the first time in the last 100 years that a third party could possibility win. Check him out.

  15. This entire race so far has been a total disaster. Corruption, cheating, bullying, you name it ..... There is however still hope. It seems that the third party of Gary Johnson is coming up quickly in the polls. I believe some polls show 12%. If he gets to 15% he will get into the debates and have a platform to give his message. Check him out as it is better to vote for someone who is at least honest than the lesser of two evils.

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