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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I have also done the same. In a country where the age of consent is 16. I don't consider myself bad. Lucky maybe???? as she was very good looking.
  2. Banyan Hotel has 1,093 steps or 61 stories ????
  3. Agree. Had he been in Indonesia it would have been legal. It is only US based people who seem to be crying foul???? Or people who have not seen the real world.
  4. http://www.radiocaroline.co.uk/#home.html ????
  5. I'd say removed for his own protection. Is there any evidence that he was actually arrested????
  6. Even if they could swim, children would jump into the water not knowing or realizing there is no way out. I.e. a ladder. This accident could have been as simple as that. Maybe that is why the other two went for help?
  7. They will tell you if they think you have been visiting too many times. I only know it has happened to a mate of mine. As I said, no real drama.
  8. He can keep arriving here. If too many visits, immigration will mention he does something different next time. I.e get a proper visa. No real drama.
  9. When I was young we used to go swinging on a rope tied to a tree above a river. Nobody ever mentioned not being able to swim and I am sure my parents never knew. Only difference being we cycled there.
  10. When I was in my early teens the school I attended needed a new sports changing room so they started an archeology class to dig the foundations.????
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