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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Texan in a pub in Ireland talking to a local "On my farm I can get in my car at 8am and drive around my farm and not come back until 4pm" The Irish farmer replied "Yeah, I once used to have a car like that."
  2. Maybe it is in the angle. On my bike the phone is almost vertical in front of me so at midday the sun doesn't get much area to heat up. If you have the phone mounted low and horizontal, pointed up towards you it might be different. This being worse.
  3. I would think at 80 kph , for instance, the wind alone will cool the phone. On a winding mountain road the changes in direction and the occasional shady patches will help. My ancient Samsung seems to handle it OK. I'm changing to WP5 similar to above.
  4. Irony alert ???? a Catholic mass for the Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
  5. Still about 6k from the cycle track but I suppose that is not too far for pedalling if the cycle path is 24k. More important will be how to get from the cycle track back to downtown.
  6. Surely wire is wire. Doesn't matter where it is sourced. A "US" cable is likely from China.????
  7. They mostly, all have a tailgate. Bung the bike on. A few bungy cords and...
  8. ^ Bung it in a truck and take it to the service centre. There is a map on their website and a telephone number.
  9. There is dropping the bike and then there is dropping the bike. One will result in more than a bent lever.????
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