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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I've just returned from a once in a lifetime holiday. I'll tell you what. Never again.
  2. I use one of these. If you connect the rubber hose to the side port it acts like a vacuum cleaner and sucks out the "gunge". Just be careful where you point the outlet.
  3. Indian cigar store souvenir seller. Customer:- "These dolls here are $5 but the the ones over there for $10 look the same" Indian:- "Some people like to pay $5 , others like to pay $10."
  4. ^ Why do we want Thailand to become a police state???? Thais obviously don't?
  5. I believe cows produce most methane by burping???? not farting. https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/videos/2058-methane-emissions-cow-burps-not-farts
  6. Surely the wrong side of the road to be a Thai picture????
  7. Here is the last solution they implemented. https://goo.gl/maps/r1aFyDMphwL4BmJXA
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