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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. They changed to Li-ion batteries but are still using lead acid chargers? ???? Or vice versa.
  2. Post it back to UK as a gift before they are taken out of circulation???? That is what my mate did as he had no friends returning to UK.
  3. The law says you may take any measures to protect valuables on your property. But maybe considered illegal (internationally) to connect 240v to an electric fence. He wouldn't have got (gotten if one wants to give away one's nationality but that's a different thread) burns from a properly installed electric fence/window bars
  4. They were installed as as short term solution?
  5. I think if Professor Dr. Thongchai Panswad got out a bit more on foot or on a bicycle he would find many small soi communities where old ladies ride around on bicycles. But they don't usually go near or cross over heavily trafficked main roads. But they are slowly transitioning to electric bicycles if they can afford them.
  6. But she wants a Mira. Unless she has never enquired about a Celerio?
  7. I bought my Kawasaki from a 75 year old who said it was getting too heavy for him. He had already bought a CT125 to replace it. He has ridden all over the place on it. I.e. from Chiang Mai to Phuket and beyond. He says he doesn't go much more than 70-80 kph. CT is perfect if one lives up north and wants to explore gravel roads and farm tracks. I intend to build my own copy when I find the perfect donor bike. Insight???? CT is a ruggedized Wave with a different look so will stand out from the crowd. Think Enfield Himalayan but smaller. I think there is a red one as well.
  8. Macaques at the temple???? Do not smile it is a sign of aggression. Do not maintain eye contact. We all evolved from apes. Some not as much as others.
  9. That I don't deny. I'm just questioning the exactitude of the supposed historically data. Ice core samples for C02 OK but not the 0.5 degree temperature increments from before accurate thermometers were available.
  10. ^ Because it is free and because they can. Or because they are actually Forzas and viewed from a distance????
  11. Someone left off that graph the period in history when the C02 content was also in the 400ppm range. About 4 million years ago. The world was about 3℃ warmer and sea levels were higher than today. We have accelerated it, but it is not a disaster for the planet. Just for people who paid for a sea view.
  12. I use two spots but sometimes maneuvering out can be a pain.
  13. No. The climate is changing. What I am saying is that one probably cannot definitively say +/- 0.5 degree in , say, the 1600's or 1700's. Add to that. Who was taking said temperature readings???? I know the Royal Navy has been taking readings every watch for hundreds of years, all over the world. How accurate were their devices? Maybe just maybe there is an old 18th century thermometer in working order at Greenwich, that someone can test???? It looks like a nice graph but...
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