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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. But clearly all the companies supplying weapons are not? Hats off to Bangkok Bank for at least helping Russians. They could simply say NO? It maybe a third party is pocketing the money? The bank at the Russian end? Authorities that stop financial transfers should think about the innocent and not jump on the morality band wagon.
  2. May i fix that for you? The problem described is the same as is happening to the travel industry in general? Nothing is stable yet. As for bar owners. Pay good stable money. Someone will appear. - Give the girls the bar fine? - Lady drinks at regular prices but add 50B, which the girl gets. Etc., etc.
  3. Failing the registration inspection because of lack of chainguard has been covered in posts on the Motorcycle in Thailand section. Install one for the inspection, take it off after.
  4. Let me give you a bit of a clue. Some time ago a Thai construction magnate was killed on his way back from golf when his car hit a roadside tree. After interviewing all the witnesses etc. and even recreating the crash with another Fortuner ( I was just down the street when that bang occurred) they concluded that it was no accident and was murder. So the RTP can do most all of the stuff you mentioned CHP can do. It is a question of workload, finances etc. not the skill or ability of the police officers. How quickly did they find the identity of the Canadian gunmen who assassinated the Indian drug guy?
  5. I don't think politics affects traffic laws?
  6. When there are enough in the rubbish, a next generation person will invent a way to process them.
  7. Why does it matter? If you do the right thing it is usually legal. If you do the wrong thing it is usually illegal Each country is independent they do what they like.
  8. Unless you like it. Thailand means Freeland We are not policed by Buford T Justice.
  9. ????Isn't that one of the illnesses on the work permit medical certificate?
  10. If they think there is a risk they usually give you a helmet. Or did when I lived in BKK
  11. There are signs telling you. Also not allowed on overpasses with no shoulder or semblance of emergency lane.
  12. Then just pay the money and be on your way. Easy. It like the lottery in reverse.
  13. I'm a foreigner and I have no idea how to stop someone riding a motorcycle into the back of a white bus with lights on a road illuminated with street lights. ????Oh wait? Outlaw busses with Romulan cloaking device
  14. I think everywhere. Life is not much fun without it? Vary few incumbent governments get thrown out at elections because of political or idealist policies.
  15. For some reason Pattaya seems more stringent on motorbike exhaust noise. I thought that was a commonly know fact.
  16. Tut, tut. Should have been in the service road?
  17. Nobody seems to be addressing this as we all rush to buy electric vehicles.
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