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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Is male or female relevant for a step through question? Miranda is 6ft 1in. That looks like a Honda SH? ????
  2. You can't spell advertisements without putting semen between the tits.
  3. My wife said she wanted to brighten up the garden so I bought a donkey.
  4. Go to Wong Wian Yai and take the train to Samut Songkran?
  5. I've been from Bangkok to Ayutthaya on a private train. OK not steam but it waited all day for us to return to Bangkok. Isn't Thailand wonderful.
  6. HiSo people hire nannies to look after their children and then house them is a grubby room at the bottom of the garden with primitive facilities!
  7. People come to Bangkok/Thailand for a party and because it is exotic. They expect it to be a bit raw.
  8. ????On closer inspection one will discover they are not really leg shields but shopping bag hooks.
  9. Honda ZoomerX has small leg shields which can be avoided by manspreading slightly.
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