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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Freedom works both ways. We have to accept the freedoms of others if we live in a community.
  2. In Thailand I enjoy the freedom to ride in the village with no helmet. I also enjoy the freedom to ride the wrong way on my scooter on a one-way street, etc. It seems to me that most others who harp on about their freedom on this forum seem to forget the freedoms of others.
  3. In publics places? Outside ones own domicile doesn't really apply? I'll bet the OP cooks cabbage and eats garlic but he can righteously pollute the hallway.
  4. I'll be happy to give them a call, but the shipping etc. might be prohibitive. I'm away until Monday, Will you have a look at this and confirm the part numbers.https://www.partzilla.com/catalog/kawasaki/motorcycle/2013/er-6n-european-er650eds/ignition-switch
  5. So how much from Kawasaki Thailand?
  6. Usually if you want to buy a gun it will be someone in uniform who will offer to sell you one.
  7. I'm impressed that the organizer is confident he will still have the job in 5 years time
  8. Exciting. Are you kidding. And why all the questions? What he did is irrelevant, to his statements.
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