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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. You don't have to be paid 50,000. You just have to be shown to be paid 50,000 and pay income tax on 50,000. getting a spurs work permit may not be the most convenient? I used to sign so many document that I started to lose muscle memory and could no longer sign my name.
  2. Seems to me the "anti" brigade reference CDC and FDA whereas the "pro" brigade reference NHS. Read into that what you will. Surely that is the whole point. with serious complications like multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). Can anyone afford not to. How many people with negative opinions here were vaccinated as children by caring parents?
  3. ^ He bought with him preconceived ideas about how the world works? I.E. Not the same everywhere.
  4. I think UK passenger trains are electrified in conurbations, but diesel in the countryside.
  5. Retired you have more time to bump into and make friends. Working takes up a lot of time. Usually it is hobbies or pastimes that help. Up North or BKK is the same.
  6. You just need a professional looking bucket and some bright blue hose with the correct fitting for the skimmer.
  7. I never do because such signs , in all countries, are overly cautious. We've all seem them. Says 50 kph when one can easily and safely negotiate the corner at 80.
  8. Piping, electrical, instrumentation, mechanical, depends on the industry.
  9. Just thinking that maybe in a 15 year old's eyes. Gears are for guys, automatic is for girls? Life is complex when you are impressionable.
  10. Some of us are quite happy to answer or help. The key is to ignore the idiotic or non relevant replies.
  11. OP your work permit is issued to you, not your employer. By the labour dept. not Immigration. Many guys remain in Thailand on their legal visa extension even though they are "in between jobs". They only confront the visa extension problem when the time comes.
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