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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. ^ Cricket 6's coming to Chaing Mai???? But I have yet to ascertain if the bar is open all day.
  2. I find Chiang Rai to be just another grubby Asean town. I suppose the surrounding areas have merits but... Maybe it is the areas I go to.????
  3. Can I link it to my user name so that I can comment on topics while off-line.????
  4. ^ Sorry I'm slow. What is GH. The only thing I can imagine is Guest House.
  5. Which particles are carcinogenic???? The levels of sensationalism in the media is getting worst than in the tabloid newspaper days. Another confusion for the uninitiated is the possible confusion in Thailand that the name of the provincial capital and the province is often the same.
  6. Were they wearing colours? Thais like to be in gangs. Case in point , technical schools. The most popular one in Bangkok is the guys who wear orange.???? Lots of different chapters.
  7. Or because there is nothing they can about air pollution from another country???? The Phu Chi Fa fire(s) was started by embers from Laos, so not the Thai's fault. We've had a bit more helicopter action of late so they are doing something.
  8. I think in the car world that is called Rallying????. Brilliant, great for concentration.
  9. It is simply business. If they sell more books well and good but don't try to tell us it is because the originals had words and sentences that are controversial. Now I'm no literary expert far from it but have any of the Greek classis been edited through time? The Canterbury Tales?
  10. I'm confusing this thread with the one about bikies that irritate me. One doesn't need to dress like a pirate or join a club to enjoy riding a motorbike or have mates.
  11. Trees love CO2 and will grow faster if they get a longer growing season. This leads to more leaf shedding, which increases forest floor litter, which means more fuel for fires and the circle of life goes around.
  12. In my own way this one of the funniest things in a longtime
  13. Stand beside the road and do the appropriate Thai downward wave. Works every time for me. It won't work though if like a mate of mine you live 800m away from the road in a gated community.
  14. I suspect the manual for periodic maintenance only covers the first 90,000 kms. Hence the dealership quandary. My Suzuki has 96,000 so I'm in the same boat. Luckily? my nearest dealer switched to Ford so I'll have to go to a local guy recommended by some of my friends.
  15. ^ There is a Ro-Ro ferry to Koh Lipe???? Or are the ferry staff supposed to man handle a potential 250+kg bike.
  16. There are always restaurants and hotels???? Discovery will be part of the adventure
  17. Why would other 7-Elevens not sell beer?
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