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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. There is a Brazilian scientist who says that condensing water which form clouds in the upper atmosphere has a huge cooling effect and that the vapour , which rises from forests, (transpiration) has more cooling effect than the carbon trapped by those forests.
  2. Well done. Very, very creative use of statistics.???? But I like math as well. So... Total firearms 10,258, knives 1,476, blunt objects 397. So non gun totals 1,873. Hunting type weapons 609 Vast majority are handguns at 6368
  3. Which is worse, prison or the air force???? Are we sure his name isn't Nitwit?
  4. ..and there's me thinking that was just a user name????
  5. Some of the money I have is what I understand is called Generational Wealth. So technically it is not mine I am simply the guardian for the next generation, as were my ancestors.
  6. Well there you have it. Britain was once a republic but the parliament decided they needed a monarch to return stability to a divided country. It is all about stability, which is what commerce needs.
  7. Don't they just need an up-to-date bank book copy.
  8. I love the people complaining about Bangkok Airways to Samui. They are like the villagers who complain that a local pub is going to close and they whine about local culture and loss of social life. When asked do you frequent the pub they answer no and that they are not pub people.
  9. Open Google maps. It will show your location Type Auto repair. Chose one.
  10. ^ He doesn't know how to cover the vent, hence the thread.???? If he can't figure that out on his own... Of course it could be a rented door... Maybe I've prompted him to think about another door???? Humour goes a long way???? But having to explain, ruins it
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