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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. He probably can't write otherwise he would. ???? More likely it has something to do with revenue and advertising.
  2. Has always been thus.???? For years my agent used to take my bank book and deposit 100 baht in the bank on the ground floor at Changwattana and come back with an updated bank book. My wife badgers me now and we do the same in a different province.
  3. Vancouver Hash Policeman outside the car: "Oh. It's you guys. We've had complaints about the singing" Hasher: "Yeah, it's not very good is it?" Policeman inside the car: Blows his coffee out of his nose. Policeman outside car: "I want you all gone in 10 mins" Hasher "How about 30 mins?" Policeman outside the car " OK 20" ????
  4. Laughed at this as applied to a lot of Asinine Now posters
  5. But seems to be popular in Philippines and Indonesia. One thing against it is that a basket cannot simply be added on the front. Something almost unheard of in Indonesia. Only one model year here 2010.
  6. Bought from a market in Rayong. I believe it should be on a NSR125/150 but it seemed to run OK.
  7. ^ ^ Would have been but I bought one of these.
  8. They do have Leo, Singha and Heineken but I have not been brave enough to enquire about the price.
  9. ^ My exhausts are not original. Neither are the 150 barrels.????
  10. The view from my local Starbucks I don't go there for a 75 baht coffee.
  11. I think this is one of those products, maybe like a good wallet, that one keeps one's eyes open for whenever one is out shopping or browsing and that one buys whether one needs or not but just in case. Called maybe a business card dispenser. I used to have a nice leather covered metal one from a small corridor vendor in a large shopping mall.
  12. 2019 I got my visa in Jakarta, (not tourist). I thought it was easy, no hassles at all. If I remember it took one week.
  13. Allied pilots over Britain did the same to V1's ( a drone of sorts). Who knows the Russians might have been practising for this. It sends a message to the Americans to stop poking them with a metaphorical stick. Some Russian fighters are known to fly slow enough to do a cobra manoeuvre so uncontrolled stalling is not an issue. Although I do suspect the drone pilot slowed down as a method of defense. Now known not to work.
  14. I was a Hasher before I came here. So it was easy for me to meet up with Hashers in BKK/Pattaya/Phuket/Chiang Mai. I have a good social life. But anyone can join in. If you have half a mind to do so.
  15. So you fix and fiddle with computers as a hobby. I see no problem with that in your own home. I like to fiddle with motorcycles. If I am fiddling one day and a mate rolls up with a noisy motorcycle, I will have a fiddle with that one. It only becomes a problem if you start fixing too many and there is a guy down the street earning his living from it and he finds out.
  16. Don't know. I've only seen pictures during training session of a guy's thigh with a large bit missing after he kept a source in his pocket. Not instant. If the missing source is still locked in its holder it is benign.
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