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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. So everyone agrees that there is a problem/threat/intimidation. And it seems the police are not/cannot do anything in these no go zones/marches. Then the country has lost control to this "mob". Then unless the UK wants to find out what's next. It's high time for martial law and mass arrests/deportations to be carried out by their national guards and military.
  2. Conflating those talented immigrants like engineers who entered the US properly , with the masses of illegals is a strawman argument.
  3. Sure there were those that saw this coming. But unfortunately they were not in place to do anything about it. So it is emperative to vote into the highest levels of government folks like this author , Marine Le Pen in France, Any far right leader in any European country. For the same reasons to also do so in the U.S. Because it's getting real late. But this requires putting out of office these liberal SAPS that hold some lowlifes civil rights above your safety.
  4. Round them up ,revoke citizenship and put them on a boat back to bum f--- Egypt
  5. Bla Bla Bla. Until ya all can call spades spades and ID who this "mob" consists of you can talk until the cows come home. And nothing will be done
  6. Two different mechanisms however: Carbon dioxide chemically dissolves. CO2+H20 <>H2CO3 + energy. So more heat in the water favors this reversible reaction going to the left. In the the case of oxygen the O2 molecules are physically trapped in the H2O water molecules, that form hydrogen bonded cages. So with higher water temperatures the water molecules are moving faster which prevents the hydrogen bonds forming . So the the 02 escapes.
  7. The higher the water temperature,the less dissolved oxygen. So can be serious problem for sea life. https://atlas-scientific.com/blog/how-does-temperature-affect-dissolved-oxygen/
  8. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts.
  9. Could care less about any party: If the man in the moon party could address/correct all the tasks I listed they would have my vote. 1) Stop the Southern border invasion. 2) Stop sending Billions to Ukraine. 3) Now invest in all infrastructure upgrades to include the degraded social/physical degraded inner cities. This plan would up employment in all the trades. Ya all seem to have issues with improving the USA ???.
  10. Ok when ya all are finished with your Endless diatrabes and strawman arguments ^^^. Maybe a dictator is what it takes to get anything done with these "progressives" sandbagging every thing Trump wants to do: Halt this treasonous invasion at the Southern border. Halt sending Billions down this Ukdraine rabbit hole . Instead invest in all the degraded infrastructure in the USA. That would include cleaning up the social and physical decay in these liberal SAPS run cities. That would include federalizing the national guards to help clean up this sorry mess Fascism isn't all that bad.
  11. My post was in the context of what presidents started wars / aiding and abetting. So Bush was the worst. Obama got the US into the Syria mess as well as in Lybia. And then the Obama ,/ Clinton no response during the siege on Benghazi. And now Biden with the open border disaster and Billions going down the Ukdraine rabbit hole. So even if Trump was mid range sure beats the damage from these other Saps. But they sure do know how to vote for the wrong guy - twice
  12. Trump worst president says the military industrial complex. Bush: Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama: Syria and Libya. Biden: Ukraine plus Obama https://www.cato.org/commentary/americas-ukraine-hypocrisy
  13. Textbook example : if you don't like the message attack the messenger. There are sources all over the place that say same facts in all kinds of media. Am baffled how you people carry on with your deluded denial diatrabes
  14. https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers-2023
  15. If you're referring to the two trillion in that bush/cheney disaster and now from there on that not such a winding road to Ukraine. Don't for get the institutional bribery (I mean campaign contributions) from the military industrial complex to the policy makers in congress
  16. That's right: Declare national emergency thanks to bidens open border : about 8 million and counting . Then Trump can order the Army Corps of Engineers to build the WALL from the Pacific to the Gulf manned by the national guards and border patrol. With the Coast Guard at both ends. Of course this project will be muy affordable after getting out of that Ukraine rabbit hole.
  17. Surrendered Afghanistan ? About 20 years too late. Had the army rangers got Osama bin laden instead of contracting the task to the locals. Then let them have their 12th century country. Could have a military base and Afghan women getting an education????. And when does the good fairy arrive.?? So it was a waste of about a trillion not accomplishing that in 20 years but because Trump bailed that 20 years is his fault??? Unbelievable,! And Trump is going to pull the plug on that Ukraine - now not in 20 years
  18. Just one from at least a page from search: odds for Trump to be elected. They all show Trump ahead.https://www.actionnetwork.com/politics/presidential-election-odds-2024
  19. There goes Jomtien: These people just can't stop screwing this place up with their bogus kickback/contracts .https://thepattayanews.com/2024/02/15/pattaya-plans-major-makeover-for-jomtien-beach/
  20. Every where you look. 2nd rd.@ Royal Garden. Get used to it- Thousands of miles of bad pipes.
  21. Lack of proper law enforcement in these liberal saps run sanctuary cities where some lowlifes civil rights are more important than public safety. Solution: Federalize the states national guards/ send in the army. Round them up and put them on a boat back to bum f--- Egypt. Billions down this Ukraine rabbit hole - at the expense of inner city decay and infrastructure in the US. That the majority of Americans support??? Russia's impirical expansion??. The January 6 people who broke laws are being held accountable . How many of these blm mass rioting and anarchy are being held accountable??
  22. Trump this ,Trump that- bla bla bla. Ya all seem to be " overlooking" the problems at hand. And why any patriotic, objective American has had it with this administration.
  23. My observation today: 2nd Rd. Just South of Pattaya Tai. There ain't no end to it.
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