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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Not so safe at 0200. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. And just what did city hall expect: Beach Rd parking, All these happy sh*t events along that glorified Rd/promenade. They wanted more Thais in Pattaya to make up for losing quality high spending tourism. Well they are going to lose more and more . Be careful what you ask for- you might get it
  2. And who is the head of state where you come from ?
  3. And who is the head of state where you come from ?
  4. Puleeez. Radical far left academia coming out of the woodworks again . And I guess Spanish Grammer is not your strong suite: It is Los Lobos or el lobo loco
  5. Ok misleading statement's, half truths and omissions .All the mumbo jumbo in the world does not send a clear message about the two technical pilots that concealed flaws in the MCAS system that led to the second crash . It just amazing how these two jerks seem to be getting lost in the shuffle.
  6. Do you have link to immunity for these two technical pilots. And you have avoided my question above : Just what was considered by the DOJ in this deferred prosecution? Regarding employee accountability? ? So in other words criminal negligence ( continually concealing flaws in the MCAS system that led to the second 737 MAX crash was not considered??? So the big picture here that is getting lost in all this DOJ mumbo jumbo is that the technical pilots are getting away with it. It's cases like this where I would favor a justice system in a country where these two jerks would have been locked up many moons ago-
  7. Thank you. Glad I'm not the only one here calling spades .spades. Exactly this. The individuals like these two technical pilots who deceived the FAA by continually concealing flaws in the MCAS system that led the the second crash seem to be getting lost in this shuffle. By design I dare say. And I'm for sure getting baffled by claims the government gave immunity to these two technical pilots. So in effect the DOJ and Boeing are on the same side letting these two pilots off.
  8. So these two technical pilots concealed the serious problems with the MCAS system. As a result of this deciet training manuals did not include this for future pilots and this led to the second 737 max crash. And these two pilots are getting away with this ????? Then what was considered regarding Boeing employees accountability? This deciet by these pilots is black and white criminal negligence.
  9. These two technical pilots are at the center of this deception. Why aren't they being individually prosecuted? Boeing is part of the military industrial complex and will be protected . Wrong of course. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/boeing-charged-737-max-fraud-conspiracy-and-agrees-pay-over-25-billion
  10. And don't forget to check this place out https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSY8fmva5/
  11. Well no one is questioning your facts. But this " suicide" is very questionable: The whistleblower said ' if anything happens to me it's not suicide,'https://metro.co.uk/2024/03/15/boeing-whistleblower-john-barnetts-chilling-prediction-death-20469333/
  12. There are a lot of coulds in these reports. So no later than July 7 for DOJ to decide to prosecute? https://fortune.com/2024/05/15/boeing-criminal-charges-justice-department-violation-settlement-agreement/
  13. Engineers? They would be lucky to get their shoes tied every morning. This endless retro construction is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. All over Pattaya too. And soon as this bogus Jomtien project clogs up the pipes with muck ...
  14. Out side of some perpendicular to beach rd drain works at the Northern end. These 2m diameter pipes all along the beach are really not necessarily farther South at all. The whole bogus contractor/city kickback project sh*t show is one big miserable inconvenience. On top of that you have more and more of these local lowlifes on motorbikes to put up with. Best thing to happen to them is statistics. I'm taking this sh*tshow personally because I really liked going to Jomtien to get outta Dodge
  15. Best thing could happen to these local jerks on motorbikes is statistics
  16. Indeed ↑to thaibeachlover. And on the topic of Bidens disengagement from the poles: I worry that he might be confident that there will be "enough ballots" to give him the win. I read somewhere that all he needs is Philly, Atlanta, and Detroit. BTW just because this sounds like a conspiracy does not mean there is no conspiracy
  17. No the people who handled covid poorly were the obese,un healthy (cigarette smokers) with lifestyle induced co morbidities
  18. Indeed like Pattaya used to be. So now the concrete/palm tree, unnecessary parking lot, drain pipe , contractor/city hall , bogus "improvement" crew has arrived in Jomtien from Pattaya . "These people" just can't $top $crewing this place up. And putting up with this inconvenient miserable construction environment, no doubt to require retro corrections like In Pattaya
  19. Yes heavy equipment digging very large ditch beach side for 2m + pipes along most upper/ central beach rd
  20. Ok do a Google search and take your pick. Trump is ahead in swing states. And all the denial in the world is not going to change anything. Wow , sure am enjoying this surprise Early arrival of the Schendanfreud
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