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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. And they have even figured out a way to screw up the long view with the ugly ships. Actually there is a lot of work at North end and then nothing until Soi 10 . Then after Soi 12-13 nothing all the way South. So it's not continuous so far.
  2. Ok Mr. G. You shall never be forgotten. And always rememberd as the great defender of Boeing. And Boeing apologist.
  3. Let's not get sidetracked about glue and apologies! This miscreant of a CEO Calhoun should be taken away. He had 4 years and did nothing to earn $33,000,000. Open question: Is there a country in the world where this jerk & Co. would be held accountable??
  4. Oh and before you reply with "wing nuts conspiracies" (ad nauseam) You need to get educated on the subject out side of your one track replies that don't hold water. So do some much needed research, Reddit is all you need. Then you can continue this discussion.
  5. Lost my argument about MCAS??See this very informative post/argument on Reddit by gargravarr2112 that I agree with . So has gargravarr2112 "lost" the argument too?? Even Stevie Wonder could see the disaster this management fix created trying to do things on the cheap.
  6. The big picture is that Boeing went in the 90's from an engineering driven company to a finance driven company that distanced itself from the technical engineers and teamed up with mba,s running the show at the expense of safety. Educate yourself with a search: How Boeing lost its bearings. The Atlantic has a very good article if you can access it. https://medium.com/@prosenjit_pb/downfall-of-boeing-9d74b97d659
  7. I'll admit this topic is very much more complicated and convoluted with a series of events that led to the crashes : From the comments section.
  8. Ok but you support the democrats and VP Harris the border czar. Gotcha. https://www.blackburn.senate.gov/2022/1/biden-harris-border-policies-are-enabling-human-trafficking
  9. Thais like money too. Alot of business lost on both sides of Beach Rd and counting. And that ridiculous one way nonsense halves the traffic along the beach . So let's not worry about should I stay should I go. Wonder what the Thais in Jomtien say/think about this city hall/contract kickback construction sh*t show. And any palms on trucks would be incoming
  10. Isn't that singular on this forum subject these days.
  11. That's right it's a steep beach that produces a strong outbound rip current. There is not any thing mysterious here. Again you don't need 2 meter waves to form a strong rip. These people drowning here don't have a clue what to do in that situation. They should at least have rip current diagrams posted on beaches with swimming sideways solution. Alot of people are drowning here lately. And again wearing fins swimming around there is advised. If it's a strong wide rip with incoming waves you want to get out of there.
  12. To correct the flooding all that is required are a number of these in specific locations in Northern Jomtien beach rd. And it could be done in months. Instead this bogus concrete and palms contract/kickback construction horror show that is ruining Jomtien comes in riding piggyback.
  13. Hang on this mess is going to be cleaned up with Project 2025
  14. Photo of Na Tai beach. Notice even on a small day there is textbook rip current formation. That is the band of water in center perpendicular to shoreline. On a day when the waves are just twice as big (4 feet) that rip current could take you out maybe 50 yards. When a non experienced ocean swimmer panics they can drown as they take in water. An experienced ocean swimmer can just swim sideways out of it. The other options are just ride it out. Again any swimmer is advised to wear fins preferably Duck Feet, not scuba diving fins. Because who and what ever option the swimmer takes their survival is much greater with good fins. I very much doubt if there has been a drowning in Phuket with someone wearing fins. And for you people questioning this:Go out there with/without fins before "commenting"
  15. That would be Gavin Newsome. While being a progressive jerk who would not get any of moderate independents but could get alot of the younger independents. So some say he could beat Trump ?
  16. Oh no just when you thought there might be justice - Another outrageous sweetheart deal. Of course Boeing will take the plea that waters down any accountability. Appointment of a monitor 555. And note this exempts any employees being prosecuted for criminal negligence. So talk about having your cake and eating it too for Boeing, "justice" department ,FAA. And once again the victims families are getting screwed over. Screw City. .https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-wants-boeing-plead-guilty-201111812.html
  17. Clinton was ok . But Bush twice , Obama twice , Biden once . That's five times stupidity.
  18. Belgians would not be experienced ocean swimmers among alot of other Europeans and Russians. Another mistake is not wearing fins. But being inexperienced he would not realize this. From the photos and videos I've seen these are not big waves at all,,(by California metrics) I can see what the Phuket problem is: The coast geography there is a series.of small bays bordered by points at both ends. The SW monsoon swells come into those coves/bays at slight angle. It comes in and causes a sweeping side rip along shore. When this water starts piling up at the other point. It has to go outbound. All these inexperienced people would have to do is just go for a ride outside and wait to be picked up . There are also probably some textbook rips. Again its not the big waves it's the rips. So only go out with fins so you can power through a rip
  19. In case you did not read the wingnut cult link above here is screenshot. Now who do you believe: The Whistleblower or Boeing ? If you believe Boeing then there ain't much to discuss Gus
  20. Isn't high time for the FBI to raid Boeing facilities and search for these not missing paperwork's regarding the doorplug. Because that is about the only way this paper work will see the light of day. Indeed ^^ this is emerging as a coverup conspiracy. Again just how much more of these lies are going to have to be put up with.https://www.businessinsider.com/boeing-whistleblower-alleges-criminal-coverup-over-737-max-blowout-2024-4
  21. Missing paper work??? There were 4 bolts missing on the plug. How much more of these lies, cover ups and criminal negligence from this "Boeing culture" are going to be put up with? These lying sacks of sh*t should. be rounded up and taken away. End of Story.https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/ntsb-report-on-alaska-flight-1282-says-key-bolts-missing-when-boeing-delivered-jet/
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