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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. During questioning at the Phuket Tourist Police Office, Minnig failed to produce his passport.

    dont you guys read that? does staying in thailand make everybody being so racist / nationalist??? wether he's a swiss or not, for thai, he's just another non-quality farang... while for farangs themselves, since the post mentioned this mr. carlos minning is swiss nationality, they gonna fight each other by offending: thai, korean, chinese, italian, french, german, british, mexican, brazilian.....

    for nationality's sake, isnt it ridiculous???!!!!

    Agreed JiaJia, these forums always seem to end up in the racist gutter. Some of the writers remind me of something from when I was doing anthropology/sociology about the 'them and us". A lot of the old cannibal stories came from the same kind of insecure people..you know "we of the Fakkawi tribe are very good people....but those over the hill are so bad they even eat people".

    Err by the way, you left out Filipinos!

  2. Hello all,

    I am a 48 yr german and have currently a thai gf of 26. I meet her a few months ago on msn and visited her some times in bkk. She says she loves me and she want to marry me. How can i know if she really loves me ? Anybody has experience with this ?



    hi i am a 26 year old thai girl and have recently met a 48 year old german man. how can i know if he loves me or just wants me for my fit young brown well toned body ? ps i have an arse like a ten year old fillipino boy do you think this is a factor ?

    I think you hit the nail right on the head there Malcy, well done.

    I look at it this way. I have been with this terrific girl now for two years. We were married about two years ago. She did have quite a few questions about money in the beginning, and I dont blame her. At the time of meeting her I was spending more than my salary each month, boozing and whoreing around Bangkok. When we talked about her moving in with me, I made a deal with her that she could have my salary each month (less 5000 for savings) and she had to manage with the rest. I expected the same standard of living, holidays etc and she was not to ask for more for family etc...she had all the money now. The biggest condition was that we be completely honest with each other.

    Two years down the track I am as happy as a pig in shit. She cooks for me every day, and she is a great cook. I do absolutly nothing, bar wiping my arse and brushing my teeth. She even packs my work bag every morning, polishes my shoes, sees there is money in my wallet, and lines my clothes up to get dressed. She would dress me if I let her. We have holidays away and even go into Nana a couple of times a year, book a hotel, and select a couple of party girls for the night! While jealous at rare times, she trusts me as I have worked real hard proving by example that I am as honest as I say. I dont go to bars as a habit and spend most of my time with her (happily).

    The way I see it, it is an agreement. Isnt that what a marriage is? Not sure I love her but have the greatest respect for her because she has kept up her end of the bargain. She never asks for more money, except maybe an advance on next months if we have had a heavy one. And she knows I have had a few pay rises since the original agreement which I keep in the bank. She even asks me if it is ok with me if she send her family some dosh (I think twice) and it has never affected my standard of living. Yes your right, it is a normal thing for the Thai women to handle the finances and it is a lot cheaper too.

    Another point is that traditionallyThai women see there fathers as gods. And when they marry, their husbands take that place. I know my wife is with me for the long haul as her father wanted the marriage registered in my home country and I refused more than a village wedding as I was concerned about my assets there (been taken twice already). I explained this and she agreed, going against her father's wishes..that tells me a lot knowing Thais like I do!

    It seems a lot of Thai men give their women the run around. A girlfriend on every corner. I know for a fact her previous gave her a hel_l of a time. And what about us Farang? How many times have Farang men promised the world and then gone back home on the next plane never to be heard from again.

    But yes be very careful. By the way, I am 55 and my wife is 33 years old.

    From a very happy camper!

    Ps This Donz bit is a joke right? Or doesnt he know it yet?

  3. Hey guys thanks for the info. I'm from Oz so the US stuff doesnt apply but thanks anyhow. As for where the tax has been going Im not sure. I did have a WP before and was paying tax but my Non Imm B ran out and I was illegal for a while (ie no tax paid). I have since got my paperwork straight and am back to paying tax again. The school informed me today that they are applying for a tax number for me - so thats good.

    As the Permanent Resident requirements call for 3 yrs of unbroken extensions of WP and visas etc, the previous period is not applicable (to my knowledge?). So I'm not too worried about that. I think the school is fairly above board with regards to tax matters (the rest??).

    Thanks again.

  4. Hi folks,

    I am hoping someone can help me with some questions I have re taxation in Thailand for a farang teacher. I have a work permit, teaching lic. etc (yes a real degree) and have been having tax deducted from my salary (but no tax number yet??). Do I need to do a taxation return? If so from where do I obtain same? I checked with the longest serving teacher here (not many stay very long) and he says he never has but thinks the school does because some years he has recieved a refund from the school. A friend, just started at another school, tells me his new colleagues get all their tax back because they are not permanent residents? I am also considering applying for permanent residence in a couple of years time and want to make sure I am on the right track. I read on one of the forums you must pay tax/submit tax returns to qualify but cant get any info. Can anyone help me or direct me to some online info etc?


  5. Here is my 2 satangs thought...

    A suicidal person usually is carrying around some burden that they feel they just can't handle anymore. Offer to listen as she vents her feelings of despair, anger and loneliness. Avoid trying to offer quick solutions or going against her feelings. How big she perceives the problem to be and how much she is hurting over it is what counts. Any rational arguments do little good to persuade a person when they are in this state of mind. Instead offer your empathy compassion for what she is feeling without making any judgments. The longer you keep her talking, the more you can take the edge off her desperation thus reduce the emotional burden she carrying and give her time to calm down. As her momentum winds down, it will be harder for her to act on her original feelings, hopefully.

    If her condition is worsen as you're listening to her, then don't hesitate to seek the police or professional help

    Agreed teacup, "give her time to calm down", but not alone. I have had first hand experience with this sort of thing and yes, I believe they are "attention seeking"...because they are looking for a solution to the 'emotional burden'. You need to be there for them and to provide as much comfort as possible. The cases I know of made a lot of threats but didnt do anything until they were on their own for a while. I feel sure they would still be here today if they werent left alone.

  6. You get a work permit after you have proof of qualifying employment and a non immigrant visa. As I said before if they will not provide a non immigrant visa you have no choice. You arrive on a tourist visa. In your case you set up business (and that is likely to involve legal help). You obtain a non immigrant visa and then a work permit. Be aware there are a number of conditions that must be met. You may be able to change your tourist visa into a non immigrant type in-country if/when you can provide the below:

    Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)

    Copy of passport entries.

    4 X 6 cm photograph.

    Application fee of 2,000 baht.

    Company letter requesting for Visa Status Alteration.

    Employment contract. (Labor Dept.)

    A letter of guarantee to certify commercial registration.

    Company registration certificates.

    VAT registration certificate and the lists of company Board of Directors.

    The latest financial statement. (Balance sheets ; Profit & loss statement)

    Company income tax or trading tax returns.

    Documents providing evidence of education ; Job experience of foreign national.

    Withholding Tax records.

    BOI letter application for changing visa.


    The Applicant must sign every page of the application.

    The Company Authority must sign to certify all documents and have them stamped with the company seal.

    The visa applicant must arrange the documents in proper order and must prepare the originals as proof.

    Call 02-2873101-10 ext.2237 for details.

    Sorry to correct you Lopburi3 but I gathered the man said he was a teacher. If so he will not require the company registration/tax/employment records etc. I am certainly not a full bottle on the subject but I recently transfered from a 30 day Visa on Arrival (Baan Laem) to a Non Imm B in Bangkok. You must have a minimum 21 days remaining on your VOA and the following documents are what I was asked to provide:

    Passport and 1 photocopy of all used pages as well as your photo/details page and your arrival card (each page signed)

    University degree and transcripts plus 1 photocopy each (all signed)

    Passport size photo (not gloss -rubber stamps dont like em)

    2000 baht

    TM.86 form

    The school of course must provide documentation such as your contract (in Thai), teaching licence, school registration etc but they should know. I just downloaded the TM.86 from this website and typed up all the details on my computer before I went in. You go to Immigration in Suan Phlu, 3rd floor, room 303, and the people there could not have been more efficient and courteous. A woman met me at the door who seemed to be there to streamline things, she checked my papers, put them in order, gave me a number, and the whole thing took no less more 20 minutes! In fact they were three quarters done before my number came up!

    But I admit I am not sure how much the school had done previously. At that visit they only gave me a 3 month as my Teaching Licence had been approved but was still being prepared. I believe there was some paperwork included from the Ministry Of Ed to prove it (I dont read Thai). I went back some 2 weeks ago and got my extension to 12 months and a work permit from the Labour Dept to boot. Now I'm laughing.

    Can I just say here this is the first time Ive been on ThaiVisa??!! (you could do with a spell check...hate to admit it..English teacher and all)

    Good luck anyhow.


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