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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Ahh the western guys are loving this thread. Nothing like a bit of ego massaging. Much like what many of the lovely Thai ladies are doing when they tell you stories about how big you are in comparison to the local men. Most men seem overly obsessed by their nether regions, and the women who like to twist you around their little fingers know that. So Mr "Handsum" Farang man, with the "oh you so big!" nether regions, why not check your egos at the door and exchange it for a little bag of reality. But, maybe thats asking too much.

    Guess your another poor undersized wretch. :)

  2. I don't know the details of the PGCA, but do you have actual teacher certification? Most of the international schools around here that will be paying 100k/month or more require a certified teacher. Their ESL teachers have a teaching degree and teaching license/certificate. Individuals with TEFL/CELTA certificates, no matter how much experience, often cannot be hired by well-paying international schools. You might want to look into that - maybe check with some international schools here - just to make sure that could still be a backup plan for you.

    Also, keep in mind that this isn't the best time of year for an international school teaching job, because it's the middle of the school year. For the schools on a Thai school schedule, the semester just started. But, international schools typically hire from December-February for the following school year, so if you are qualified, you may be in a good position to start searching for next year.

    Yes, you would need at least 24 educational credit points to get a teacher's license or be employed by an Intern. school irregardless of TEFL/CELTA certs. or experience.

    And if you are coming here to make money, don't. You can, but better/easier elsewhere.

  3. "The tape records widths of between 49 and 56 millimetres"

    I first thought that scale is diameter, but after looking on our caliper I doubt that. Thai men would be monster.

    Than I took the size /3.14: 56/3.14=17.8 mm that looks too small.

    What mistake did I made???

    I am glad to see this topic as I have had a lot of trouble ever since I have been here.I use the biggest condoms I have been able to find [56 durex] and was with the help of my girlfriend,and I still find it very uncomfortable to put them on and they easily slide off and leave them inside her.This is to say the least a bit embarrassing!!! The measurement is the circumference of the penis and I do not consider myself to be so well endowed as to boast about it.Any help here? thanks Dougal

    They should slip off if they are too big, not too small!!??

    You're right. They only slip off when they're too big for you. Or when you lose your erection during intercourse.

    No, they dont. Well, not in my case, they roll back and off if they are too small. Maybe you havnt found one yet that is too small for you! :)

  4. Mine is only 3 inches, but the mrs likes it that wide. :)
    Well mine is 12 inches long, but I don't use it as a rule! heh heh

    Guys, trust me: it's NOT longer organs, but WIDER ones that the girls prefer. Several of my former TGF's have admitted this to me (and is a fairly-widely known fact, too).

    So, all you "John Holmes wannabes" out there who have been brain-washed by Western porn into thinking longer is better, get a clue. You're wrong.

    Yes, if you understand the arousal areas in a p-ssy you understand that length is not that important...but I guess it depends how much you want to put in! :D

  5. "The tape records widths of between 49 and 56 millimetres"

    I first thought that scale is diameter, but after looking on our caliper I doubt that. Thai men would be monster.

    Than I took the size /3.14: 56/3.14=17.8 mm that looks too small.

    What mistake did I made???

    I am glad to see this topic as I have had a lot of trouble ever since I have been here.I use the biggest condoms I have been able to find [56 durex] and was with the help of my girlfriend,and I still find it very uncomfortable to put them on and they easily slide off and leave them inside her.This is to say the least a bit embarrassing!!! The measurement is the circumference of the penis and I do not consider myself to be so well endowed as to boast about it.Any help here? thanks Dougal

    They should slip off if they are too big, not too small!!??

    I agree in principal but they are so tight I can only pull them on half way and believe me they are not very secure

    'biplanebluey' I know exactly what you mean, I have same problem. They roll back up and off coz they are too small. Or I tear them trying to stretch em on. But I had the same prob in Oz. I had to buy a bulk supply from under the counter in order to get the right size. Something about the Australian Health laws which specify what type of lubricant is used due to its affectiveness? against HIV. The larger sizes have to be smuggled in because they dont pass the test. Just a bit of trivia.

  6. Every time I come home or walk down the street with a plastic bag, most Thai people look at the bag to see what's in it. "Oh, Ken son beer singh, not one! Tee hee". I got no privacy about what I buy. It's like a window into my life for them. I'm not sure the Thai people could live without this entertainment or attraction if we had to wrap things up in cloth. I'd probably have to open it up for them so they could put their head in and inspect the merchandise.

    Hahaha I can really relate to that. Trouble is if you had it wrapped in cloth they cant see the Big C or Tesco on the bag which would have answered their first question 'pai nai krup?? !!

  7. While commendable, this practice is an attempt to solve the symptom not the problem (while not going into whose making what out of it). The problem is a cultural one. Traditionally the Thais have always bought takeaways. But they came in a natural wrapper such as banana leaf and bamboo etc., which was actually beneficial to the environment when discarded in the bush or klong. Now we have the same habit but the wrapper discarded in certainly not so beneficial.

    People need to be educated all right, from top to bottom. I work for a very large school chain which spends an absolute fortune on gardens and features, yet fails to provide ample, if any, rubbish bins (Just as it is all over Thailand). I guess if you have bins, someone has to be paid to empty them. Parents drive their kids into the school, park and have breakfast with their kids in the car, then open a door, lean out and put the rubbish on the ground and drive off. The van drivers who commute the kids to and from home park down the back and throw their rubbish on the ground. A couple of these guys, seemingly very pleasant sorts, sat in our smoking area, knocked a sticky drink all over one of our limited seats, laughed and walked off.

    My wife and I have spent countless hours, with some of the neighbours, cleaning up a vacant block next door as a communal spot. We put in a lovely garden, even veges and herbs etc. Locals relax out there and socialise around a table and chairs in the cool of the evening commenting on how suuay it is. Then these same locals will dump their rubbish/building rubble etc there !!? Someone even dumped a truckload of septic waste where the block meets the next street!!

    Up the road a couple have spent a fortune renovating a house, paying close attention to every detail which resulted in a very picturesque house. But they threw all the building rubble, paint tins, old ceiling, everything over the fence into a vacant block next door, even up against their own fence. And I could go on forever. I know economics must have some part to play but I just cant work it out. Thais say they love their country but show an almost contempt for it like vandal does.

  8. Ok problem solved. Well, with the SCB that is.

    A tip to anyone trying to get SCB EasyBank set up online. When asked for your passport number dont include the letter b4 the number (if you have one). For example if your p/port no is B1234567...dont enter the letter B.

    2nd Tip: Dont ring the helpline outside of working hours coz you will press 9 to hear English but get a Thai message saying its closed (if you understand Thai).

    3rd Tip: Dont use the EasyBank Help chat because even though it looks fine on the screen and says sorry for the delay of 3 mins and 27 secs you will sit there till the cows come home or longer. ...The wheels have fallen off....and its broken!

    They did politely and promptly answer my email the following morning, apologised for the chat and my problems and suggested I ring the Help line. I thought it was one of those chase your tail tricks but no, the helpline answered and a lovely lady politely guided me through my problem.

    Even though I am happy now I think it would have been a good idea for the web page to advise that you dont add the prefix letter on your p/port number, or the chat is down, or that the Helpline is only open when the sun is up!


  9. You ask a good question. I don't know that productivity, in the general sense of the word, is taken into account in the police force at any time.

    It is a little hard to measure the productivity of services such as the police. This is especially true when it comes to crime prevention.

    Productivity?...same anywhere. Its that which you take out of your pockets when you come home after a long days work and survey what you have at the end. For these guys....well who knows where it came from, its a very long story.

  10. I found the SCB onlne registration really easy.

    That was 3 years ago though. Maybe it has changed.

    I don't think so, I did it a couple of months ago and also found the process very easy. I'm pretty sure that I didn't have to enter my passport number.


    Entering your ID ie. your passport and country is one of the first steps in the online registration process. I should know I have tried dozens of times.

  11. I am really pi.....ed off. I have two bank accounts: Bangkok Bank and Siam Commercial Bank. I have these accounts due to my school employer's choice at the time. I decided to apply for online banking. Mainly to be able to check my statements/balance etc and to do the odd online purchase. So today I went to branches of each in the same shopping centre.

    Bangkok Bank: I had to wait 25 minutes with a number before I could put my bum on the seat (ok, normal worldwide). When my number comes up I tell the guy what I want. He wants my debit card, bankbook and passport. Next minute he comes up with up to date balance...I could have done that myself with machine without waiting. Ok misunderstanding. No, I want online account access, I explain again. While continually checking his watch he than proceeds to hand me form after form to complete with a grunt. I actually misread one form and started to put surname in middle name field and then crossed it out after only one letter. He screws this form up and gives me a new one to complete again with a grunt of 'no mistakes'! while he starts to machine count the money in his drawer. I must have filled in 10 forms and then he walks off with his cash drawer without a word, to be replaced by a very lovely lady who takes one look at the forms and goes red faced. She now asks for my work permit which the school insists on keeping. I explain this and she says it's ok. Next she gets on the phone, embarrssed she turns away and covers the mouth-piece so I cant hear her and then hands it to me. A very apologetic voice at the other end explains to me that I have to go to Silom branch (I'm two hours out of town) because thats my account branch.

    I dont understand why I can make some online purchases with my card and yet cant check my statements. And this 'jerk' was just stalling me with all the forms so he could cash up and go home. What the f....k. So I go to the Siam Commercial Bank.

    Siam Commercial Wank: I explain the same thing to a very 'polite' male teller who takes all my documents and explains he has to talk to the manager. Unbeknownst to him my wife was in the background and clearly heard him complain to the manager 'Why doesnt this lazy farang do it himself on the internet?' then comes back to me and says yes he can do it but it would be a lot easier for me to do it online via ...and this is the punchline...EASY NET!! So I go home after a fruitless two hours of waiting in banks to find the SCB online registration will not accept my passport number and suggests I call the Easy?? Bank help line for a very prompt freindly solution. I call the number and press 9 for English as directed only to get a Thai recorded message I cant understand???? But wait..they have a 'friendly prompt EASY??' chat line I can get support. So I start the chat with my question and get a 'estimated 3 minutes and 27 seconds waiting time for operator'.....I wait 20 minutes and try again....another 20 minutes and try again. Finally, after approx. 1 hour, I get a message that the 'EASY' chat line is now closed and suggests I ring the Easy Bank help line and press 9 for English "$£"£$££$"£$£££ what the f...k But wait!! There is an Easy Bank help line email service.

    I wait to see what EASY solutions that will bring if I ever get a reply??

    Do these people understand what 'easy' and 'friendly' and 'efficient' means?? Its a massive joke.

    Next stop Kasikorn Bank!

    Does anyone know how easy (in the real sense, not the Thai way) it is to get a Kasikorn Bank account? (I do have a WP.

    Thank you for listening to my frustrations..I had to get it out.


  12. This is going to be a nice little earner. I am aware that they are out and about in Bangkok as well. I know one biz owner who had to change all of their software, they had been warned though that they would be getting a visit in advance.

    Happening in Chiang mai too apparently. What do these guys do when they are not having a crack down I wonder ?

    If they are not having a crackdown, they are normally creating a hub. :)

    It's the Hub of Crackdowns!!

  13. Former Thai PM appointed as adviser of Cambodian PM and gov't

    PHNOM PENH, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Former Thailand Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was officially appointed as adviser of his Cambodian counterpart Hun Sen and the Royal Government of Cambodia y King Norodom Sihamoni, a statement of the Royal Government announced on Wednesday.

    The King signed the Royal Decree of the appointment of Thaksin Shinawatra on Oct. 27. The appointment was made in accordance with the country's constitutions and at the request of Prime Minister Hun Sen.

    Hun Sen said, as he arrived in the beach resort of Hua Hin, Thailand, for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit on Oct. 23, that "Thaksin can stay in Cambodia as a guest of Cambodia. He can also be my adviser on the economy".

    The Cambodian leader repeated an earlier invitation to Thaksin to stay in Cambodia and rejected Thai claims that Phnom Penh would have to extradite the tycoon.

    "Our concern is for humanitarian reasons, it is friends helping friends. The internal affairs of Thailand would be left for Thai people to resolve, I am not interfering," said Hun Sen.

    Thaksin was toppled from power in 2006 and he has been living in self-exile in foreign countries since then to avoid a two-year jail term for corruption.

    Also, in the statement, Cambodia said it will not extradite Thaksin at a request from Thailand if he comes and stays in Cambodia. Meanwhile, it said that the Royal Government will continue its policy of having friendly relations with Thailand.

    Ties between Cambodia and Thailand have been soured since June 2008 amid a border conflict over land surrounding an 11th century temple. But relations have cooled further since Hun Sen made his first invitation to Thaksin last month.

    The Cambodian government said earlier that under treaties between the two nations it could reject a request for Thaksin's extradition because it would be made on the grounds of "political offence."

    Thaksin, born in Thailand's northern province Chiang Mai in 1949, became one of the richest people in Thailand by setting up telecommunications companies like Shin Corporation and Advanced Info Service before entering politics.

    Thaksin entered politics by joining the Phalang Dharma Party (Power of Justice Party) in 1994, and once served as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in two administrations.

    -- Source: Agencies


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    Humanitarian reasons!!! What a joke. What would a former? Khmer Rouge leader know about humanitarian reasons beyond being able to spell it!!

  14. I overheard a man in a message parlourr tell his friend's friend that rumours unless good news will be sent back to China via new 4G system as part of the final phase of the eradication to corruption.

    He was in the rotary and his wife had a friend who went to school with a bloke who had a medal now in Nicaragua appts Dubai must be true or was it Asian Information Syndrome!

    yeah I had one once but the wheels all fell off....

  15. hi

    last night, whilst still sober ( i think) i sat with a dude who is very well connected to the top brass

    thats means nothing in itself i guess as you guys and gals do not know this

    but what he said was worth listening to because i know hes for real and i wanna buy a plot in siem reap

    thailand will soon ( according to him) make some law that challenges all foreigners land ownerships

    they will ask the thai partners to prove where he got his money for the share from

    if he cannot, and according to him, most wont, they will be forced to sell back to the government at 1 3rd

    does anyone know about any of this?

    if it wasnt my buddy i wouldnt really be posting,wish 8i could say who he is, bit anyways,whatdaya think?

    any cause for concern?

    Your story is very interesting. However, and I could be very wrong...I have put my foot in it b4, I am very sceptical about anything I read on this site considering some of the rubbish I've seen. I see you have only been a member for a month but you have over a hundred posts already. And your name is 'straightdave' ??

    Back to topic, it may very well be on the cards as there has been a few warnings of late.

    Another crackdown??

  16. open a bank account in Thai,with on line banking takes about 5 days,go on line with your UK bank and transfer your money for free,

    im told by my own bank manager if you transfer money to Thai from a UK bank the receiving bank will hold 30% of the money for a period of time,can be 90 days,

    this is fact has i have been down this route,

    I think that your bank manager and you are somewhat confused here! There was a time about two years ago when Bank of Thailand did have procedures in place to limit capital inflows and that resulted in the equivalent of a temporary tax that amounted to around 30% of incoming funds, in practice the rule did not impact most people and reasonable amounts of cash were allowed in and out without being impacted - if you were caught up in that process it might be that the amounts involved were very large or that you didn't have a satisfactory (safe) reason for wanting to bring the cash into the country, the alternative is that you we scammed, don't know.

    On a trip out here a few years ago I unexpectedly ran out of funds, had no card, only my savings bank account number. I discovered that most banks have some kind of office here in Bangkok, so I did a search and sure enough I found my (smallish) OZ bank's office. Just by providing my bank account details and showing my passport I was able to withdraw $3,000 on the spot. My first step would be to see if your bank has an office/agent here. Or as someone else suggested ring/email your bank back home. Good luck.

  17. Again, it is shameful that the US-Navy advertises so openly that the main reason for them to come to Thailand is Rest & Recreation.

    In normal diplomatic wording it should have been called a courtesy visit from the US-Navy to Thailand.

    According to my wife and father in law, and myself, the Vietnam era is long gone, and the US should behave like any respectful state.

    Advertising the R&R so blatantly is very degrading for the Thai people.

    Perhaps you know more than I do regarding the meaning of "R&R" but why should it be "degrading to to your wife and father-in-law" that the US Navy takes R&R in Patong? It's as if you're blaming the victim rather than the perpetrator of a crime yet to be committed.

    Hey a little bit of Rock and Roll never hurt anybody....irregardless of what my parents used to warn me. But jokes aside, I really think these guys would need a bit of a rest after being cooped up on a ship with 2,999 other 'availables' and nothing else to do but stay in your bunk or shower all day (without a soap-on-a-rope) .. :)

    It's almost as you're saying (and I've heard rationized by the Thais before) that if the foreigner were not here, any crimes perpetuated against the foreigners (or accidents involving foreigners) would not have occurred so, in essence, it is the foreigner's fault for existing or being here.

    Please go back into the hole that you (and your inlaws) crawled out from. Excuse me for my lack of "diplomatic wording".

  18. Nothing upset´s me anymore when it comes to Thai´s .. you just have to love them! 555 :D

    Little did i know about Thailand and Thai culture 10 years ago so how could they know about this .. told GF about Hitler , WWII etc. couple of years ago and she had never heard about it so dont blame Thai People , blame the regime! :D

    Really? I think, you should blame your gf....

    My wive (also Thai) knows very well about Hitler and Nazis - learned at school in Thailand :)

    Back in Oz a few years ago I had a 16 yo (girl) neighbour who had never heard of Hitler or the holocoust before I brought it up one day. And she was no dummie!

  19. Dumb decision, he's one of the most famous figures in history, good reason to have a wax carricature. It's unfortunate a few imbeciles can choose what the rest of us can and can't see. The museum just needs to ensure that his portayal is done in a tasteful manner, which the comment probably didn't do but that's an easy fix and doesn't require him removed.

    It's odd that nazi sensitivity has grown with time rather than fallen, a sure sign people (you know who) are milking it.

    Ridiculous thing is that you would likely have the same media uproar if this took place in the U.S. or Europe? What has happened to free speech. Let people make their own decisions. Have we no faith in humanity or we merely being being controlled through selective media.

    Probably a bunch of Jews complaining is my guess. Funny thing is how they've gone and done basically the same thing with Palestine, albeit in a more politically correct and less brutal manner.

    'a more politically correct and less brutal manner'..........huh???? :)

  20. Government is trying to cleanup corruption is all quarters of the administration. Expect to hear more cases like this. Anyone with a government job that wants to keep it needs to show they are squeeky clean.

    I agree. We can all laugh about 'crackdowns on crackdowns' etc but I get the feeling there is a serious attempt to clean the place up this time. I have been hearing a few whispers lately that there is a couple of very senior untouchable 'secret hands' giving directions. Sit back and think about how widespread corruption is in this country..both horizontal and vertical. Imagine what it would take to clean it up...a very long and difficult endeavour. After all, Rome wasnt burnt in one day! Have patience, times are changing. :)

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