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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. They're probably just FROC-ing off.

    Nimitmai Road

    Large crowd has gathered at corner of Nimitmai and Hat Thai Mit road protesting the BMA's ? placement of sandbags all along centre island of Nimitmai road down to Suwintawong junction. Water slowly rising from drains at the corner of Nimitmai and Hat Thai Mit roads. Eyewitness and security from our moobarn advise approx 1000 people gathered. My wife informs me the TV states only approx 400 people but fails to advise why they are there. Maybe fishing or a boat auction??

    yeah good one :cheesy: :cheesy:

  2. Nimitmai Road

    Large crowd has gathered at corner of Nimitmai and Hat Thai Mit road protesting the BMA's ? placement of sandbags all along centre island of Nimitmai road down to Suwintawong junction. Water slowly rising from drains at the corner of Nimitmai and Hat Thai Mit roads. Eyewitness and security from our moobarn advise approx 1000 people gathered. My wife informs me the TV states only approx 400 people but fails to advise why they are there. Maybe fishing or a boat auction??

  3. More confusion. :blink::huh:

    Yesterday, the Transportation Minister said they would not dig roads.

    This morning the other paper is reporting that government scrapped the idea to dig roads.


    and yet, roads are being dug.

    The article is confusing. The first line says ' Some roads (plural) being excavated.....' but then the rest of the article only mentions one in Pathum Thani. Not sure if its bad comunication or just bad English grammer??

  4. "To cover the entire stretch, we will need up to 10 million sandbags," Sukhumbhand pointed out, "We will have to focus our efforts on the most vulnerable and key spots only."

    A few us navy ship full of eager bodies to help... they could have put a big dent in that.

    Like New Orleans?

    Anyhow, nice offer but bodies float...sandbags are much better........:rolleyes:

  5. Sorry for the confusion but I said I THOUGHT he lived in soi 22 or 26 but he is ALMOST opposite Ek Burapa school and as I said yes it is that General area. I didnt say the school was at 22 or 26 HTR.

    To start again there is flooding at Ek Burapa school and in the general area. I have only been there once so I cant give you specifics. Just think Ek Burapa school area and flood....easy.

  6. Hat Tai Rat/Ek Burapa school

    Just got an email from a friend at the above location, I think he's soi 26, almost opposite the school. He tells me the school is flooded and the lower roads starting to flood. Didnt give any depths but his soi into the moobarn is not yet flooded so obviously not deep as yet. He has been told to expect the floods by 2 to 3 pm.

    take care everybody.

    That is next to a khlong, right?

    Here? http://g.co/maps/evf8y

    Yes thats right, Klong Samwa I believe. Cant remember if he is soi 22 or 26 but thats the general area.

  7. Hat Tai Rat/Ek Burapa school

    Just got an email from a friend at the above location, I think he's soi 26, almost opposite the school. He tells me the school is flooded and the lower roads starting to flood. Didnt give any depths but his soi into the moobarn is not yet flooded so obviously not deep as yet. He has been told to expect the floods by 2 to 3 pm.

    take care everybody.

  8. We plan to return soon although we realize that nothing can compare to that fish and it is "The one that got away" story that will live with us all for the rest of our lives!!!!!

    He maybe "The one that got away", but it aint over till the fat lady sings, he only won the first round!

    Mr Fish: 1

    The boys: 0

    I spent 13 years in the fishing tackle trade back in West Australia and have fished the coast from salmon in the southwest, deep sea fishing with pro wetliners for Jewies and Samson in the midwest, to Barra and threadfin in the tidal creeks of the northwest, but I have never experienced anything like yesterday's fight.

    Thanks so much Paul for introducing me to Thai freshwater fishing, and thanks to the other guys for contributing to a very memorable day.

    And Mr Fish, my compliments to you for such a good contest, but be assured it will be you, not us, who will need that stretcher next time we meet.

  9. This has absolutely nothing to do with "lying" in the Western sense but, as others have pointed out, is simply her way to avoid her losing face and you being offended because she forgot your birthday.

    Don't make a big deal out of it.


    Exactly. Your sweating it like a Western woman.

    I have no idea if my wife lies to me or not. I don't pay attention.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: as he climbs back onto his chair!:cheesy:

  10. I had the same problem with a neighbour, not a business, although I think he thought he had his own Bar Beer. He would invite all his mates around and go till sometimes 2 in the morning on a week night. I got into trouble for complaining...I was a trouble maker. Even though the bulk of the neighbours, including my landlady's mother from next door, complained or at least agreed with me, he would do nothing. Finally he lost his job (2nd time in 3 years) for being late and hungover....did he learn from the experience...no! He actually got worse....apologised to us but said he had to do it now coz he was depressed from losing his job again Go figure that one!

    The outcome...I moved. I sleep very well now.

    I wish you all the best but dont hold your breath.

  11. You report to the office for the area where you reside.

    I obtained my one year extension of stay based on THAI WIFE at Chaeng Wattana and did my first 90 day report at Nakhon Srithamarat. We specifically asked the officials at NS if the 90 day reports could be done anywhere and they concurred at any immigration office in the country.

    I live in Minburi but work in Rangsit. I have always been told that I must 90 day report to Pathum Thani office based on the fact that Rangsit comes under P.T's area so that's where I had to get my Non Im B visa issued and renewed. Also told same thing when applying for a reentry permit. I wish I didnt coz its so far away but I have always got the same answer.

  12. I am slightly offtopic but i did not wanted to open a new one for this simple question

    I moved to a new address and i got the house registration document from the landlord and i am planning to go to immigration to notify them. What else do i need to bring? (My next 90 days reporting appointment is due 35 days or so...)

    Complete the TM28 Change of Address one page form and provide that to immigration when doing your next 90 day address reporting. Or, go process the TM28 form now as you are suppose to do that immediately when changing addresses. You'll need to take your passport also.

    When my address changed about 4 months ago, I just submitted the change of address form when I went and submitted my 90 address reporting form which was about a month after the change of address occurred. Actually, I hadn't moved but the district office had changed the house numbers/addresses for our entire moobaan, but immigration wouldn't have known that as I didn't tell them...I just submitted the TM28 with the new address on it...immigration would have figured I had physically moved to a new house on the same soi. The immigration officer at Bangkok Immigration first processed the change of address form and gave me the receipt from the bottom of the form...then the officer processed the 90 day address reporting form and gave me the receipt to me. Out the door I went.

    Oh oh, I didnt know you had to fill in a form when you move. I have moved twice (rentals) in the six years I have been here and have always just put the new address on the 90 day reporting form. Is this a new thing?

    Do I need to provide the house rego book?

    If I put in a change of address form now do I also have to give the 90 day report form or can that wait till its due.

    Hope someone out there can shed some light on the subject


  13. While I would like to congratulate those teachers who have made headway in their proffession, I am sick and tired of the govt and those morons who critisize teachers as though teachers have the last say. Many teachers, including myself, have their hands tied by the idiots that run these schools (I'm talking private here) who are only interested in marketing and have the idea that providing what parents actually pay for is the last priority.

  14. It is all a big joke really when you think about it.

    The US are the biggest arms dealers on the planet.

    They were the ones that originally armed the mujahadein when the Russians were in Afghanistan.

    They also armed and supported Saddam Hussein in his early days.

    The pick and swap sides and sell arms here and there so I take anything the US government or for that matter the British, French or Russian governments say with a pinch of salt.

    They are hipporcrits the lot of them.

    I agree wholeheartedly, except for the last line. I do know a lot of Americans here who openly detest their country's foreign policies. But they are highly educated, not like some on this site.

    The one I always remember is "There are no Us troops in Cambodia.................... haha

  15. Is that loud enough for some people? To date, all of the protests have railed about the evil Americans, the abrogation of Mr. Bout's personal liberties, the intrusions of the state into commercial enterprise, etc. and now the full story is coming out. And best of all it is transcribed and recorded for the whole world to see.

    No, for the anti USA crowd nothing is loud enough. If the US ceased to exist, the anti USA gang would shift their frustrations to another country. They are just unhappy people that need a whipping boy and, for now, the US fits the bill :blink:

    PS-If Mr. Bout were as innocent as some proclaim, why would he have shown any interest in meeting FARC rebels with the express purpose of selling them weapons to kill people?

    You obviously miss the point completely!! No one is saying he is innocent, rather there are others who are just as guilty and get away with it because its 'unofficial' government policy. Oh, and because they trust in god. What a laugh.

  16. I work for a large private bilingual chain here and have done so for over 6 years. We often tell new teachers that come along that if they are keen to teach children then drop the idea real quick because the system will tear you to bits.

    For one we have far too many activities designed only to impress parents and the same, smarter children are taken out of the class for weeks beforehand to practice dancing and singing for it. The school will pay little for teaching resources while fortunes are spent on opening more schools or their surroundings. They expect the teachers to pay for just about everything. You need to buy your own computer and printer to make worksheets etc as the computers provided are always breaking down and the school refuses to pay for ink. The copy room is always late in copying materials because they have no toner.

    Out of a 50 minute period I can only teach for approximately 20 minutes because the school demands that everything must be completely coloured in - again to impress the teachers. So the students spend more than half the period mindlessly colouring with tiny worn down pencils because of the tight budget on materials. Students often have to wait their turn for coloured pencils as there is often not enough to go around. If you try to cut down on the size and number of images on the worksheets to get around it the school wont approve them because the images are too few or small. We cannot have any bold print, such as headings etc on worksheets as it uses too much toner.

    Much of the students' written work is rubbed out and rewritten by the Thai teachers and assistants so they will look beautiful for the parents. If a student is absent the work must still be completed and when we enquired how can a student catch up they told us if its too much we must do it or pay someone else to do it. The parents are obviously aware their children were absent and that the work is not theirs but we never hear a murmur from the parents.

    The school will not dish out any discipline nor allow the teachers as it may upset the parents - the sacred source of income. It is almost impossible to teach due to the noise of passing students playfighting as they pass classrooms. Most show little respect to teachers and you have to get out of their way on walkways and stairs. Some weeks ago there was a fight that resulted in a student being admitted to hospital with head injuries after one of his classmate's older brothers attacked him because of an argument. Afterwards they called the offender to the office and then told him to go back to his classroom unescorted and bring his bag back to the office so they could search it for weapons ???

    But at the end of the day they are still putting pressure on us to raise the educational level of the students?? I could go on forever here but wont because I'm told the school's lawyers keep a close eye on such sites.

    Why are you still there after 6 years?

    Because I care for the kids, I couldnt just walk away so I do the best I can for them.

  17. I work for a large private bilingual chain here and have done so for over 6 years. We often tell new teachers that come along that if they are keen to teach children then drop the idea real quick because the system will tear you to bits.

    For one we have far too many activities designed only to impress parents and the same, smarter children are taken out of the class for weeks beforehand to practice dancing and singing for it. The school will pay little for teaching resources while fortunes are spent on opening more schools or their surroundings. They expect the teachers to pay for just about everything. You need to buy your own computer and printer to make worksheets etc as the computers provided are always breaking down and the school refuses to pay for ink. The copy room is always late in copying materials because they have no toner.

    Out of a 50 minute period I can only teach for approximately 20 minutes because the school demands that everything must be completely coloured in - again to impress the teachers. So the students spend more than half the period mindlessly colouring with tiny worn down pencils because of the tight budget on materials. Students often have to wait their turn for coloured pencils as there is often not enough to go around. If you try to cut down on the size and number of images on the worksheets to get around it the school wont approve them because the images are too few or small. We cannot have any bold print, such as headings etc on worksheets as it uses too much toner.

    Much of the students' written work is rubbed out and rewritten by the Thai teachers and assistants so they will look beautiful for the parents. If a student is absent the work must still be completed and when we enquired how can a student catch up they told us if its too much we must do it or pay someone else to do it. The parents are obviously aware their children were absent and that the work is not theirs but we never hear a murmur from the parents.

    The school will not dish out any discipline nor allow the teachers as it may upset the parents - the sacred source of income. It is almost impossible to teach due to the noise of passing students playfighting as they pass classrooms. Most show little respect to teachers and you have to get out of their way on walkways and stairs. Some weeks ago there was a fight that resulted in a student being admitted to hospital with head injuries after one of his classmate's older brothers attacked him because of an argument. Afterwards they called the offender to the office and then told him to go back to his classroom unescorted and bring his bag back to the office so they could search it for weapons ???

    But at the end of the day they are still putting pressure on us to raise the educational level of the students?? I could go on forever here but wont because I'm told the school's lawyers keep a close eye on such sites.

  18. And then I once met this guy who wore one black and one brown shoe.

    I pointed it out to him and he said: I know, and you know what? I have another pair of shoes like this.


    I used to do the same with socks, purposely wearing one red and one blue. People would point out that I was wearing odd socks, to which I would reply 'There's nothing odd about them at all, I have aother pair at home exactly the same!

  19. the Thai Baht / Baht??? :o

    Yes the current price of gold is around 18,800 THB/Baht weight of gold. I don't have a chart but it seems to be near it's all time high.

    the same as it was several months ago and that means poor respectively zero performance of gold.

    Excuse my ignorance on such matters, but can someone clarify as to why the local price for gold has not really gone anywhere in the last week or so compared to the spot gold price. I bought some 96.5 thai gold about a week ago and the price today is the same as then according to the Gold Traders Assoc website whereas the spotgold has has gone up by US$25 -30 in the same period. I know we are talking different purities and the US$ has weakened while they say the Baht has strengthened..but by that much?? Can anyone help me get my tiny brain around it please. It hardly seems worth hanging on to if this is the norm.

  20. I have bought cheap tickets ok with AirAsia before, off to Vietnam next month. However I find their web info very vague, such as:

    I have never been able to find out what the baggage allowance is before you supersize? Emails to them have been unanswered!

    They also charge a convenience fee (100 baht) for using a debit or credit card but it is per person per leg. So if your going to Perth via Singapore it is an extra 400 baht per person return. I have emailed them to ask if you can pay cash at an AirAsia office to avoid this convenience fee but they have also been unanswered. (not sure if its for my convenience or theirs??)

    Be careful if you also book hotels with your flight as I found it far cheaper to book direct yourself. The advertised flights often look very cheap but arent always after they add on all the charges. Its a bit like that big M shop that keeps asking you if you want any fries/shakes with that order.

    Generally speaking, the earlier you book the cheaper.

    I also find it particularly annoying that they dont answer emails.

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