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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Hi Mason,

    When i first met my girlfriend we applied for a tourist Visa for her to come to Australia.

    We got a 12 month multi entry tourist visa and that staff at the embassy could not have been more helpful.

    Later we got married and applied for spouse Visa.

    It was processed and granted and the embassy in Bangkok again were very helpful.

    My wife has now been in Australia 2.5 years and have been granted her permenant residency.

    Again only 1st class service from Immigration.

    No problem here with discrimination.

    Without knowing your exact circumstances, i would suggest that if you have been given advice to not apply for a tourist visa for your wife, then it may be prudent not to do so.

    If you do need clarification on anything it may pay to call the embassy.

    Everything aussietraveller said happened to me australian immigration could not have been more helpful we are about to apply for a tourist visa for her mother and again immigration have told me exactly what to do.

    No complaints from this Dockers supporter :)

    I agree on all bar the footy bit. Although I come from W.A., footy dont interest me but the rest I agree with. I have just got a second visa for my wife and no mention of spouse visa for next but if thats what it takes then so be it. I also do not have any complaints with the service. I also like to think they are just looking after my home country in these troubled times, and know a lot more about such matters than I do.

    They may have good reasons for doing things this way but legal reasons why they cant be clear in stating it. Just my opinion.

  2. To be honest the banking fees in Thailand are pretty low at least compared to Holland and the US. The only 2 real strange fees are the 150baht foreign atm card fee and the 600 baht incoming foreign T/T fee.

    Well there is a very nice cash flow market there to be milked. Don't worry these fees will not go over looked and I am sure these fees will double

    I dont mind paying service charges so long as the service I get is reasonable...been here 5 years, got a/cs at 3 banks, and they havn't yet deserved 1 satang of what I've paid.


  3. Thailand really does want no tourists...

    first mass protest and riot warnings

    now bombings where you could lose your life or a limb just to get your money to spend here...

    i guess an informed tourist is not looking thailand to come and spend their hollidays here

    If this was a post about "tuk-tuk scams" or "bar girl scams" or some other tourist related post I could see your comment but COME ON. We are talking about bank bombings and TOURISTS are probably the last thing on the bombers minds.

    I would say that TOURISTS are on the bomber's minds? If you want to screw up a government what better way than to put a dent into an economy that benefits tremendously from tourism whilst at the same time raising doubts about the government's ability to protect its citizens and visitors to the country?

    That's how terrorists work they raise fear and doubts into everyone's minds who in turn attack the government for allowing such things to happen.

    Which judging by the posts on this subject is succeeding?

    Makes a lot of sense to me too!!

  4. I'm curious as to where this bank is... I've stayed numerous times at the Narai Hotel at 222 Silom... So where is the bank?? In fact I'm staying at the Narai within 2 months.

    333 Silom Down the Road from Sala Deang BTS on the opposite side of the road from The Pat Pong Soi's

    no it is not... it is on the same side as the patpoing sois.. and the same side as the narai hotel.

    it is on the opposite side of holiday inn... vorawat building.. jewelry trade centre...etc.

    Opposite side of road from Patpong I'm sure. Ive darted thru the traffic there on many a drunken night.

  5. Hi folks,

    I need to get a re-entry permit and as my extension of stay was granted at Pathum Thani, I am told I have to go there. When I got the extension in September it was real difficult to find. it looked like a tempory office and I have been told since that they have infact moved.

    Sorry if posted before but my search came up with only dated stuff so I want to make sure before I make the long trek from Minburi.

    Can anyone give me any info or links to maps etc, I would be grateful thanks.

  6. I got my 2 entry visa today in Vientiane. I have one 3 entry visa from Helsinki and two 2 entry visas from Vientiane before that.

    Today I also got red stamp beside my visa:

    "Remark: The holder has travelled to Thailand with Tourist Visa 9 times. The Embassy may not accept the application next time"

    Classic T.I.T........hey, lets give out free visas to encourage tourism, but we don't actually want you to apply for one, and really we don't want you here at all, we're doing just fine without you!.....hmmm

    NINE tourist visa's :) Hardly a genuine tourist.

    Exactly..logic seems to be very individualistic!! :D:D:D

  7. Firstly, sorry if this has been covered previously and I have missed it.

    I have a non Imm B ext good to Sept 2010. I need to get a re-entry permit next month as I am leaving for a couple of weeks. Many of the posts say your 'local' office. Local to where you work, live, or had your visa extended? I live in Minburi (address for 90 reporting), I work in Rangsit and had my visa ext in Pathum Thani. At work they tell me I can go to any office but I have lost a lot of shoe leather trusting them. It would be more convenient for me to go to the new Imm office in Wattana whatever. But can I get one there?

    Can anyone help me please.

  8. Hello new poster here :)

    I'm a Buddhist-Catholic (yes i'm confused) Singaporean, and i do wear a small one everyday. I rented it from a wat in Koh Chang, and wear it on a string that the monk there gave to me. I contemplated before getting one, fortunately there were a few local thais at the wat who spoke English and were so kind to explain the symbolism of the amulets to me. Different amulets have different "powers", such as Ganesh is for the arts and fame, and amulets of the other famous LPs offering protection from physical harm. Also, a lady there told me the usual dos and donts - take it off before you shower, pray to Buddha before you put it back on, do not walk under the extended arms of people and do not walk under bamboo poles (clothes lining).

    Mine is of the image of the Buddha, and i asked the gentleman there what was inscribed onto the back of it, and what my amulet means. He told me simply and kindly, the meaning of the amulet doesnt matter. What matters is in your heart, what is in your mind.

    Similar to yantrs (Thai Buddhist tattoos), i do not see the rules as draconian that must be obeyed at all costs, the if not something bad will happen to you kind of view. I also do not believe in its magical powers. Instead, i choose to take the deeper, underlying meaning of the rules - which is to respect your body, and to follow the 5 precepts. Also when i pray, i remain wholly aware that Buddha is not a God, that he does not grant wishes (unlike the Christian/Catholic God), and that we are the only ones in power of our own lives and karma.

    Yes I agree with you shoegazer. I discovered Buddhism some 25 years ago when I first came here. I studied Theravada Buddhism, not the Thai animism mix, and found it made sense to me. It is not a religion but an ethical belief system. I wear an amulet as a reminder of that belief. I cant say I am a perfect Buddhist but I do follow what makes sense to me. It helps me sleep at night knowing I have done what I feel is right.

    It also provides me with the understanding that others are not lesser beings just because they dont dress, think, or behave like me.

  9. Private (International) schools don't want to put any of their fees at risk..

    Not true! My good mate works at an international school (RIS), and they just announced that they are closed for a week!

    I work at a private school in -------- and we have had individual classrooms closed down over the last couple of weeks because the majority have come down with high fevers. No announcements have been given to the teachers. They have advertising signs everywhere telling how you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, dry with tissues, and then turn off tap with tissue.

    Trouble is they are reluctant to supply soap and tissue because it costs money so we have watered down liquid soap (if we are lucky to time it right) and the kids have to share one slimy towel per 300 odd students which is changed every day????!!!.


  10. Old price = 100

    New price = 600

    The new price is 600% of the old price.

    You are paying 500% *more* than the old price.

    Before, you were paying 100 (100%). Now you are paying 600 (600%). 600% - 100% = 500% more.

    It may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but it does work this way.

    And we have all wasted more than 600 THB worth of time wrangling over this :)

    Yeah, but aint it been fun? :D

  11. I'm with "Loz".

    Some of you guys are a waste of time and space.

    Thb600 or Thb6000, who gives a flying f...

    The OP was passing on some useful info and some of you guys just go off on all your usual biased,uninformed, and ignorant comment.

    Honestly, if you can't contribute something useful....(just take your hand off it for a while).

    No one cares how your twisted thinking works. Go away.

    Ok. Now, about the possibility of the price of beer increasing............?????? lol.

    Oh I totally agree. The 500 baht increase (500% hahaha) means nothing to me as my school pays it. And secondly, even if I did, it is still 'f' all compared to the overall cost. What I dont like is somebody attacking someone by calling them 'clueless', even if they did make a simple human mistake, which they didn't.

    The original 100 baht is 100% If the new price is 200 bht then the 'increase' of 100baht is 100% (100bht +100% equals 200 baht) Therefore an increase of 500baht to 600baht is a 500% increase. However, at the same time, the new price, 600 baht, is 600% of the original price. Just depends on where you are coming from. And I'm now going back to the bottom of that whiskey bottle coz its far less confusing......gohhhh!! I really do have some patience, should be a teacher..oh I am??

  12. 600 still isn't that much, but you gotta love the Thai style increase, not 10% or 20%, but 500% :D

    But not good at maths :) - 100 to 600 is in fact a 600% rise

    It's *increase* of 500%: 100 + 500% * 100 = 100 + 500/100 * 100 = 600

    If you were right, price not being changed would be a 100% increase.

    Don't correct others' math if you're clueless.

    Sorry, couldn't understand any of that except the last line which I think is very rude...but if you insist, its a 500% increase to me and I think you need to learn how to write before attempting the maths :D !!

  13. ↑ Some relevant replies at last.

    This topic lost it's way with the first reply posted.

    What does Takki Shenagra have to do with this story?

    I'm sorry Mr Rip, you have obviously been asleep for the last 5 years. I dont see anything thats not relevant?! :) ?

    So then, these two cases are related and have been so for the last five years?

    Well, I must say I feel enlightened.

    You are obviously the smartest man sitting in front of your computer!

    Well if I am the only person in front of my computer, then obviously I am the smartest. Thats the second time you have convinced us you have no idea about logic (do a google...might help...but then again..)

  14. "Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


    How's about you tell the foreign countries what that different name is.... Takki Shinegra?


    Don't be silly. That would require thought and basic common sense. Neither of which can be found here.

    I would like to see how long I would last if I commited a crime, changed my name, and tried to walk about the streets freely. Does that mean fingurepints and face recognition, DNA etc is now null and void in this country?? :)

  15. Who gets the job to test condoms before they leave the factory?

    And if people are serious about recycling, should they then rinse out and re-use rubbers? (for the English reading this, no it's not a reference to galoshes).

    If God had wanted us to wear rubbers, he would have given all men an extra finger with a tiny sharp fingernail to pierce the tightly wrapped condom packages in the heat of passion.

    And, if anyone has read the instructions within each pack of rubbers, they're probably the same sorts who read, and then keep in a safe place, the instructions for using their bread toaster.

    Well funny as it sounds, I was offered a job as QC (Quality Controller) for Ansells (local condom manuf.) back in Oz a few years back but had to refuse as I had just taken up another position. But I did fantasize about the testing procedure?!! Also a unique ice breaker for the old 'what do you do for a living?' line.!! :)

  16. Thailand is a major manufacturer and exporter of condoms for western nations. Next time you are in a Alliance-Unichem (Boots) /Walgreens/CVS/ TESCO/ADSA pick up a box of condoms. It will most likely say Made in Thailand. My understanding is that the Thai facilities still supply most of the west. That means that the condoms sold in the west are the same as the ones in Thailand.

    No it doesn't. It means that the condoms sold in the west are manufactured in the same facilities as the condoms sold in Thailand.

    exactly... and they are made to fit the norms of the countries they are sold in.... geriatrickid is way too confused or trying to make excuses... :D maybe the ones he buys in walgreens are too big, while the ones he buys here fits... ???

    Ok, I will try one more time. Please pay attention and read closely.

    Yes condom manufacturers make different sizes, but they are labeled and branded as such. A regular condom manufactured and sold by Durex in Thailand is the SAME as what is available in the UK or the USA. Durex doesn't have different machines for different markets, nor is it cost effective to recertify a production line everytime you make condoms. In order to sell into the UK, Australia, USA etc. the condom has to meet strict standards. You can't just switch a machine over without recertifying and going through QC verification. Condom manufacturing comes under various countries pharmaceutical regulations and the standards for certification of production are the same for condoms as they are for making other items considered to be "medical devices".

    I can argue technicalities all I want, but it will be a waste on some people, so instead here is a size list of common brands to help you lotharios with a big penis select an appropriate brand. Read the boxes and the product monographs for more specific size information.

    Brand & Style Length (mm)/Width (max/min in mm)


    Close Fit 178 - 49

    Sensation 178 - 52

    Ribbed 178 - 53

    Pleasuremax 195 - 66/54

    Elite, Extra Safe, Featherlite, Performa, Select Flavors, Tingle 205 - 63/52

    Avanti Ultima 205 -63/52

    Comfort XL 251 - 63/54


    Straight, Flared/Baggy, Studded, Ribbed, Flared 150/200 - 52

    Contoured 160/200 - 49

    Extra Large 195/200 - 56


    MicroThin (Ultra Lubricated/Ultra Thin), Thin, Textured 190 - 52

    MicroThin Large, MAXX 195 -59.5/52

    This is straight out of a freshman business course on marketing. It's all about product and brand differentiation.

    If your condom does not fit, then go and buy a different product. The fact is that if the Durex Ribbed is too small for you in Thailand, it will be too small for you in the USA or UK because it is the same <deleted> condom size.

    If some of you are still having trouble understanding condom sizes consult the manufacturers' websites or better yet, buy a few different brands and try out the fit.

    I guess what your trying to say is that Thailand makes all the 'small' sizes for the UK, USA, and Australia. :):D:D

  17. There seem to be a lot of frayed egos now. :)
    Many of the shirts in the west are also made in Thailand but it doesnt mean they are the same size.

    Yes the local condoms do roll off for me during vaginal sex....anal sex I couldnt say..so I can only believe you as you seem to be the expert there! :D

    The manufacture of a condom is different than that of clothing. The calibration of machinery is different and you just can't go about changing designs without dealing with the certification issues. If a condom is regularly falling off your penis during vaginal sex, it's most likely because you have not applied it properly. You may wish to ensure your skin is dry and that the interior of the condom is not moistened or otherwise lubricated. A properly manufactured condom that is applied correctly will not fall off.

    Well it seems that at 58 years old I still dont know how to apply a condom?? (unless its a Magnum) And I must be buying them in the wrong places coz I have never come across a condom that isnt lubricated??

    Some women prefer the non-lubricated

    Well, you learn something new every day...never seen them before, thanks.

    Funny, but I read something a while back that stated that one of the reasons the incidence of HIV in Africa

    was higher was because of the preference for dry sex. (I personally couldnt think of anything worse)Apparantly some African women traditionally use a particular tree bark? inserted which has an effect on the excretary glands. :D Anybody else heard this story before??

  18. There seem to be a lot of frayed egos now. :)
    Many of the shirts in the west are also made in Thailand but it doesnt mean they are the same size.

    Yes the local condoms do roll off for me during vaginal sex....anal sex I couldnt say..so I can only believe you as you seem to be the expert there! :D

    The manufacture of a condom is different than that of clothing. The calibration of machinery is different and you just can't go about changing designs without dealing with the certification issues. If a condom is regularly falling off your penis during vaginal sex, it's most likely because you have not applied it properly. You may wish to ensure your skin is dry and that the interior of the condom is not moistened or otherwise lubricated. A properly manufactured condom that is applied correctly will not fall off.

    Well it seems that at 58 years old I still dont know how to apply a condom?? (unless its a Magnum) And I must be buying them in the wrong places coz I have never come across a condom that isnt lubricated??

  19. I love these urban myths about guys with a penis so large it doesn't fit into the typical condom. Well golly gee, if kids can still make water balloons and field biologists can use them as tube shields etc.r I think the typical Thai latex condom will stretch the extra few mm to accomodate you long dong silver types.

    Yes there are some larger version condoms on the market, but do you want to know a secret? It's more for marketing purposes than it is for market need. Don't believe me? Look at the standards set by the various regulatory bodies. The condoms have to accomodate a range of sizes. If anything, there are complaints from some Indian health workers that the size used to set the minimums are too big. Yup, that's right, the Indian manufacturers wanted to make them smaller.

    Thailand is a major manufacturer and exporter of condoms for western nations. Next time you are in a Alliance-Unichem (Boots) /Walgreens/CVS/ TESCO/ADSA pick up a box of condoms. It will most likely say Made in Thailand. My understanding is that the Thai facilities still supply most of the west. That means that the condoms sold in the west are the same as the ones in Thailand.

    Oh and for all of you boys boasting about condoms falling off because your shlongs are so big, you may want to be a tad more discrete. The condom is most likely to fall off in very tight positions. The typical vagina is stretchy/pliable, assuming some of you are really with a woman and have not been confused by a Pattaya based kathoey. :) The zone that's usually pretty tight is the anus. Lost condoms and slippage are more often than not associated with anal intercourse. So, you manly men, shhhh or else your secret might, leak as they say. :D

    Many of the shirts in the west are also made in Thailand but it doesnt mean they are the same size.

    Yes the local condoms do roll off for me during vaginal sex....anal sex I couldnt say..so I can only believe you as you seem to be the expert there! :D

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