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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Thats the contractor asleep after falling of the machine drunk but why you not mention the lines here? Arent they to Best Practices?
  2. Oh there are lots of them tourists up my way, always sitting around in bars and restaurants or looking at their phones sitting on their bikes, they certainly dont behave like police so now the puzzle is solved!
  3. Ok that I understand. Saying just zoom had me thinking he put it on social media site.
  4. Reputation tarnished? Lol! Pattaya's reputation was fixed a long time ago. Revelations like this only enhance that reputation. You can walk around claiming no prostitution In Pattaya as much as you like, you can claim its a family friendly but you are only fooling yourself.
  5. Could be a good match, cant understand a word from either of them lol!
  6. Theres another Australian joke: Why did the yanks get negroes while we got Poms? Because the yanks were given first choice!
  7. You seem to know a lot about sex tourists and sex pats dont you???
  8. Well I am telling you to drop it!! But thats just my opinion lol! (you cant see the difference?)
  9. You didnt read the same article obviously. Opinion is very different from told or advised??
  10. Exactly! And am I missing something? The article states this guy is a "former" MP so in my understanding he has no authority to tell or advise anybody bar his dog. Suggest maybe.
  11. Yes but family friendly so must be ok right?
  12. Good thing he was wearing the proper protective equipment, boots etc
  13. Surprised someone didnt fully secure the area by throwing some branches around??
  14. They were prepared for the inevitable "brake failure" so packed for a possible hospital stay.
  15. Yes thats right his fault, if he hadnt come to Thailand it wouldnt have happened. (Thai logic)
  16. Give the kid some points for his entrepreneurial attempt, most youngens these days just bludge off their parents like its an entitlement.
  17. If someone could get hold of the culprits email maybe the police could ask him to drop in at his convenience?
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