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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. So what do we do now with all these empty telephone boxes and capes now Big Joke is no longer Thailands saviour?
  2. I believe its called "been bought off".
  3. From China? I should have known, the unscrupulous devils!
  4. It sounds a lot like the "Guided Democracy" of Indonesia a few years back. The people were not ready, they needed to be assisted in democracy, while those in power and graciously assisting, extracted as many dollars and cents as they possibly could from the country. Which reminds me, what happened to all those stuffed suitcases Scrooge McThaksin reportedly ran off with?
  5. Nothing? They have asked people to reduce incense burning havnt they?
  6. You still havnt explained why you provided sources that had no relevance to weed? PLEASE ANSWER !!
  7. Yes thats why no one at all smokes it or voted for it to be legalised/decriminalised in so many countries/states. Where is your logic man?
  8. Ask him for a source for his info, he'll probably link some knitting instructions, thats his usual form lol!
  9. Certainly, most of the dark fellas from a country with a big reputation selling drugs in Bangkok and Pattaya have connections with Christian churches and organisations.
  10. Right! I dont think anybody expected hom to be roller blading out of prison lol! When are the Emmy awards next?
  11. The guys got such a big head now he needs a neck brace to hold it up lol! Shame on you Thailand.
  12. Maybe we should all set up an intervention and a place in rehab for the poor delusional soul.
  13. The behaviour and delusional mindset of a certain drinker on here would indicate advances well betond just recreational use.
  14. Wow you may be right, it would explain a lot, but it would have to be some really heavy <deleted>.
  15. A well informed member? here has claimed cannabis use leads to violence such as some killing their parents for weed money and yet these countries where cannabis is legal have not reported the same?
  16. What do you mean do nothing? Just in the last 2 weeks they have blamed Cambodia for the pollution PLUS warned people off getting carried away burning incence sticks! Thats twice as much as their usual effort!
  17. or used in soapy massages?
  18. Can you confirm what airport, what time you will arrive and a pic to recognise you? Im sure I can help you lol!
  19. You cant tell these days. Im Australian but nowadays most calling themselves Australians look like indians lol!
  20. Re Buster Da Body Crab: The great kerosine flood did the job.
  21. Excellent! You understand it, the farmers understand it, why doesnt the government? I know it all comes back to dollars and cents but it is a shame that subsidised cooperatives cant be organised to turn all the agricultural waste, such as sugar cane and corn waste, into mulch or compost to feed back into the land which badly needs organic matter. Nearly everything is burned with almost nothing going back ino the soil. The result would be much cleaner air and increased farm production.
  22. Always best to check with your local office as they all differ. Our office is happy with a google map but it must be door to door, nearest main intersection is not acceptable.
  23. So the NL. Spain, Portugal and all those US states where weed is legal have been lying through there teeth all this time? Who would believe it? Loll
  24. Why do you never answer the question put to you but instead waffle on about your childhood?
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