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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. The truth will not be tolerated: especially when the US of Lies is concerned.
  2. I was just trying to form that sentence in my head when you beat me to it lol! The corrupt investigating the corruption reported by the corrupt. If only Monty Python were still going lol!
  3. People who live in glass houses............................................................
  4. How do you know this, do you have a source, Im just curious? I know back in Australia, unless the law has changed recently, if you move your boundary wall/fence etc onto ajoining land and there are no complaints you can claim it as your own after a period of time. A friend of mine did it by taking over the "right of way" at the rear of his property originally used for night carts. After 5 years? and no complaints he claimed it as his own and noone could stop him.
  5. Wikepedia? I thought only reliable sources allowed not those you can write yourself lol!
  6. Yes from the us, Uk, Australia, lots of places so long as you have the money and can fill in lots of useless forms.
  7. My first school years was in a convent taught by catholic nuns. The feather duste (cane) was the prescribed method but I remember some who used to like to pinch in sensitive areas. We had one who even used to bite sometimes but nothing was ever said because it must have been God's work she was doing.
  8. I would say just a simple case of a sudden temporary shift in the earths magnetic field or if thats too complex how about "dolly did it"!
  9. Surprised they didnt do him for intent to supply with such a huge stash..........
  10. Yes I just read yesterday how the TAT were in Indonesia trying to get more Indos to come here lol!
  11. Its all just another step in testing the peoples reactions to the ongoing plan of putting Thaksin back on the street, its just a matter of when and how.
  12. We dont care what you think is inappropriate, only what we do lol!
  13. So you are saying at least 50 countries are delusional in their support of South Africas genocide case against Israel? https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/genocide-case-israel-rest-world-stand-momentous-allegations-106352563
  14. Avoiding the topic again? We are talking about the current situation not 1948???
  15. No, they are not failing in their programme of genocide of the Palestinians are they?
  16. Exactly. Thailand is saying you are our friends Isreal (but we dont trust you)
  17. There is no intelligence at all in personal attacks, it just shows a lack of any arguement.
  18. Was hoping for some intelligent responses not personal attacks? Nothing has been explained except how it is indiscriminate bombing. Still waiting?
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