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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Trump was right about that wall, they definetly need to be fenced IN.
  2. read is one thing, comprehend is doubtful knowing his record.
  3. Hahahahaha ask for links on common knowledge when all else fails. You provide the links disproving it, not falling for that old trick lol! Keep em busy looking for sources while you post more fabricated propaganda.
  4. You omitted the report on the IDF committing rapes and mutilation of Palestinian women??
  5. Yes more than likely, difficult to prove either way when Israel does not allow independants but shoots them instead. How could anybody believe it.
  6. Have you looked at any news this last couple of months, you are way behind. Its all been proved as Israeli propaganda? Wake up!
  7. And they forbid the truth getting out by controlling journalists. If you are not reporting in support of Israel you are shot....just look at figures, much greater than an other war. So very obviously Israel doesnt want the truth to be known....you dont need to be a brain surgeon to work that out........unless your a Zionist!
  8. That has all been debunked and you know it. You are getting confused with the rapes commited by IDF.
  9. Most westerners disagree because they are human not a sick twisted individual.
  10. Just ike TLOTR it has affected me my whole life lol!
  11. Burst out laughing reading this headline straight after watching the video of the "rabid russian" brawling with Thai police. I think Ive watched too much Monty Python.
  12. ThaiFelix


    They burn the hills here believeing it promotes wild mushroom growth says my wife. However I am sure a lot of fires are started from embers floating around when they burn the sugar cane. The sparks are clearly visible for some time at night.
  13. ThaiFelix


    The normall green hills here are blue with smoke, we are near choking, but they still pile up the plastic rubbish in front of their houses and set fire to it. And yet I have found that Thais are the first to screw up their faces and say "Min! Min!" when theres a bad odour but just cant seem to make the connection??
  14. The Israeli Dept of Propaganda and Dirty Tricks Media Library, Just below the fake pics of raped women and beheaded babies.
  15. Bwahahahaha thanks! Made me spill my coffee but it was worth the good laugh. thank you.
  16. You are in a way correct but we are talking about a viscious terrorist organisation whose powerful propagandar machine could turn two flies crawling up a wall into some fantasy story in support of its genocide of the Palestinian people. Although just about every claim Israel has made about October 7 and since has been fully refuted, these false claims still stick in peoples minds and continue to add support to the evil regimes murderous actions.
  17. Yes there lies the main cuplrit to the genocide.
  18. He wasnt confused, he was a pig lol!
  19. Just like the giant display signs made illegal years ago but still standing and falling down. The reason for the disaster will never be truly known coz this is Thailand and money is involved.
  20. Its all a bit silly really. I mean who is going to do anything? We already have two major well known criminals with evidence against them, even convictions but they will not pay any price for their criminality except via paper bags under the desk. Everybody, and I mean everybody, knows it but they walk free. How is the police force going to be treated any different? A few heads may roll, a few names changed to protect the guilty and the revenue stream but nothing will change. It will all be lost among stories of viscious farang overstayers, nasty graffiti artists, and life threatening peanut sellers without work permits. They are the real threat to Thailand.
  21. Exactly! Doubt he worked for it, seems too incompetent. Maybe inherited or won lottery after finding the number sorting through bat <deleted>e.
  22. Hallucinations from weed? Well at least he didnt murder his parents for weed money.
  23. In a way I dont blame the locals. I just spent a few days in a public ward in a government hospital in the poorest province in Thailand and the locals could not have been more warm hearted. All the staff were the same, just absolutely wonderful. Why? We dont see many farang around here. I read about the yahoo's in Phuket making it bad for all of us, locals, tourists, expats. Reminds me of the only time I have been to Bali, couldnt believe the mayhem, bogans screaming and shouting in the streets a;ll night, drunk, high on shrooms I dont know. Makes you embarrassed to be a tourist/westerner. Got out the next day straight to the tranquility of a tiny island off Lombok. Imagine its caught up to Kuta by now. But then the ones who are doing the complaining live and work there because they benefit from the same yahoos either directly or indirectly. Its a sign of the times, as everybody wants tourist dollars but unfortunately it all comes at a cost. I kinda think of tourism and immigration in the same way, the problem is too many too soon which overwhelms the system, the economy, the environment and the local culture.
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