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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Maybe theyre right, legal cannabis use may not be a good idea lol!
  2. She still managed to look quite sexy even chasing the guy aggressively. Mmmmm love you looooong time peaches! ????
  3. A spotter or a squatter? ????
  4. Aaahh ok, in the west we call them 'double gees'. They seem to have some coating that makes them sting for hours, bugger of a thing!
  5. Double gees are what they need!
  6. Good advice as there could be one of many things causing your back pain. An old workmate of mine developed back problems and came to me for advice knowing I too had problems. My problems were due to prolapsed discs that didnt mend plus arthritis that follows. His, it turned out, was due to cancer. He had had 2 bouts of throat cancer previously which had been treated but eventually it came back but this time in his spine. He departed this world about 6 months later sadly.
  7. You are exactly right. I have had back problems for over 30 years from prolapsed discs to now arthritis. Medication just doesnt put a dent in it. And remember you always pay one way or another whenever you take meds. You need to have self control and think carefully before doing anything different. And yes old age. An exercise I often did back then put me screaming in hospital and on morphine shots a few weeks ago because "yes it was good for you when you were younger but youre not young anymore". Never had a good experience with physios but had a great chiropractor back home. Sadly difficult to find a good one here and especially if you live in the sticks.
  8. Yes for example he is sick enough to be considered for parole but well enough to be wanted to assist the PM in office? Imagine being caught stealing from the office, running away but then being offered a job in the same office? TIT!
  9. One has to be careful with information these days. Israel, Netanyahu and even Biden were announcing days ago how 40 Isreali babies had been found decapitated. All saying they had seen the pictures. All retracted their statements later, after the damage was done, saying it was only here say by some IDF soldiers? Likewise another news report from Israel of how so many hostages were rescued from a Hamas held kibutz by IDF forces. The "rescued" however had a different story: the kibbutz boss had deserted them when war broke out and they had been waiting for word on what was going on until they were 'found". They hadnt seen any Hamas fighters at all, but they were rescued?
  10. Fair crack of the whip, he didnt say whether a good or bad reputation had been tarnished did he? No tourist was killed, none robbed? maybe a good day afterall.
  11. Its pretty certain that the rise in antisemitism is just a natural re-action to Israel's behaviour!
  12. I suggest you should keep up with the news as you have completely missed the main points. lol!
  13. Does your limited knowledge happen to extend to the fact Palestinians dont just live in Gaza? If you read the news that doesnt fit your image of the world you would know that Hamas's main argument is the continual theft of land by Israel through its settlers who act with impunity. Next time I suggest you do some research before you step in it again, your shoes must be a real mess lol!
  14. An american with a knife?? Thailands war on guns must be working obviously!
  15. Stunned? I think they mean the locals were stunned he didnt take it all.
  16. No, reefer madness would have her screaming out to be gang raped..................the US said so it must be true.
  17. I think its more like Thailand needs to learn what is newsworthy and what is not. They also need to learn what is unfounded propaganda and what is not though not many good examples coming out of the west they could look up to.
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