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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 10 hours ago, Lite Beer said:

    Anyone considering applying for extensions for Marriage would be advised to not read this topic.

    If you qualify and have the correct documents you will have no problem. Simple as that .

    Don't read the trolls in this topic.

    Agreed.  I've been on marriage extensions for 9 years and the only time I have had problems is when I have changed Imm. offices which have different requirements.  In those cases I have taken notes to make sure its all correct the following year.  My last extension was in September and it was easiest I have ever done actually requiring less paperwork (only 1 copy of everything and only 3 months of bank statements.  I have only ever had one home visit where they did hint at petrol money which I ignored suggesting that needed to be taken up with their boss....end of story. 


    I take the money in the bank route and have never touched it bar the interest, maybe that has made it easier I dont know.  However I do take a filing cabinet of documents each extension application time just in case lol and my app is printed from my PC so no pen colour issues.  I sign with whatever pen they give me.  Maybe I have just been lucky.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, SymS said:

    Once I asked for a receipt for the 500 Baht I paid for the residence certificate.
    They told me to wait a moment. The two staff talked together in Thai..
    "We can't give a receipt, what should we do?"
    "Just wait, he will just go away".

    then asked me to sit and wait!

    Yeah I just get laughed at when I ask for a receipt.  My previous office used to handle the resident certs in the front main office but when Big Joke first took over they moved to a small dark back office where there were no cameras.  Still no receipt of course but it was all entered in a big book.  I think the upper echelon didn't trust the lowly subs.

  3. On 1/18/2022 at 11:28 PM, pomchop said:

    It is Thais...not Thai's. 


    Maybe we need to correct our own bad grammar/spelling and/or learn to speak fluent Thai before we go too far down the path with our Thai friends.  I personally get a kick out of listening to some of the pronunciations and interpretations that Thais use.

    Agreed,  I was only the other day having a conversation with a mate about how we have both overheard our wifes often dropping the old <deleted> or sh*t as they do their daily chores lol.  It brought home just how much us Aussies swear.

  4. 15 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    When you have sub standard Teachers you will always end up with sub standard Education

    Can I ask what experience you have had teaching in Thailand?


    I taught for ten years here and found the teachers were like workers in any occupation...some good some bad.  However I find many people are quick to blame the teachers as though the teachers have full control in the schools.  Its just like our late school president used to say at the beginning of nearly every one of his speeches :


    "This may be an education institution but it is a business first"


    When I first started teaching here 18 years ago my salary was 40,000 per month.  The standard today is around 25,000....what do you expect


    I would like to see education in Thailand before we start talking about "Education Inequality".  Its like that old saying....You cant complain about the communication if theres none to complain about!

    • Like 2
  5. The Line  (2021)   Imdb 7.7   1 season documentary  4 episodes    tinyzonetv


    US Navy Seal platoon chief  Eddie Gallagher is accused by his own men of being a serial killer, hiding behind his uniform, during the 'partner' campaign to oust ISIS from Iraq.  President Trump interferes in the case leading to the accused going free.


    Quite an interesting watch.




    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

    Sometimes the problem is not with the tests but with how they are used. Swabbing nasal passages is just not enough, must do throat as well. Lots of posts on Twitter about this from those who are definitely positive, but get a negative ATK if just doin nasal swab

    No It has to be China's fault, thats what we are brainwashed to think fullstop.

  7. 46 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:


    Born Sydney Royal Children's Hospital 


    You're from Perth, did you get your annoying features from your Premier Mark Mc? 



    Now how did I know that??

    Mark McGowan?  The less said the better thank you.

    Annoying?  Like I said youve had a bad day so....no comment.


     Look mate, all I am doing is trying to help you but you are so wound up you cant hear me.  You been pouring your heart out for pages about all the problems you been having trying to buy a dog collar from lazada with a credit card and I have the proven solution in 3 very easy steps:


    1.   Scrutinise the reviews to avoid dodgy fakes or dealers

    2.  Order everything COD 

    2.  and get on with your neighbours.



    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Like I said, if you're home to accept the item fine. 

    I have a life, always out and about. 


    BTW, I mentioned credit card, payment, I always pay using my credit card, this is so important. Lots of Dodgy sellers on lazada, advertising items that are fake or sending you a different item to that what you ordered.

    You have protection when paying through your credit card. 


    Back in the day lazada offered an email support for complaints, now they have that BOT, stupid and bloody frustrating. 


    Now if I have an issue, straight to my bank, fill out the forms and money is returned. 


    Creditcard payment everytime for me 

    We have a life too, a good one in fact.  No need to stay home all day, sister lives right next door, easy peasy.  We return the favour at times...its called being neighbourly.


    I always scrutinise the reviews when buying, cant get caught that way.  Never had a dodgey vendor or product.  However have had some damage done when delivering.  This is usually sorted out direct with the vendor via chat.  Vendors are always obliging as they dont want bad reviews.  Only ever had one hiccup with a vendor from China.  All sorted out by one phone call to Lazada helpline.  You are right the Lazada chat support sucks.


    So as I say my only gripe was with failed delivery but COD sorted that out every time.

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