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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 6 hours ago, webfact said:

    Pol Col Naren Khreuangsanuk said his men had been patrolling the Wat Khu Bon fair regularly and found nothing untoward going on

    Mmmm,  problem is these guys are colour blind to brown uniforms.


    "No worries, said the people there, she could transfer it to their account."

    I wonder if the cops had considered following the money trail .............or could that be too revealing?

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, seedy said:

    Thanks for that - missed it first time around.

    Never a fan of their music - to sugary and sweet for me - but there is no doubting his talent.

    That "doctor" should be drawn and quartered.

    Yep I think the doctor was skimming otherwise if he was the doctor only, why would he have pressurised Brian to produce more?  Brian also commented about how he was coerced to sign documents he didnt understand.  Sounds a bit like the Howard Hughes story.

  3. Bodyline (1984)  IMDB 8.5


    At school I was forced to play cricket and hated it because for me the only summer sport in my mind was swimming.  Even so, and considering I have seen it before, I thoroughly enjoyed  this mini series the second time (even though I really wanted to jump through the screen and give Hugo Weaving a good smack in the mouth a few times lol.).



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  4. On 2/15/2022 at 2:08 PM, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Watched True Life Crime U.K. last night as recommended on here .

    2 seasons. (2021-2022)

    While the series was interesting and emotional as dealt with murders of teenagers mostly it was totally spoilt by the amateur narration of MTV reporter Linda Adey .

    Her butchering of the English language is annoying to say the least and her attempt to convince us she is investigating the cases is comical.

    To much turning in slow motion to face the camera and striding purposely to meet family members and police etc turned this from a serious documentary into more of a high school video project.


    The imdb rating of 5.4 should have been enough for me to skip this. ????



    Totally agree with your whole post, I found Adey's performance totally off-putting and amateurish.  Without her it may have been a good production.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    A disgruntled BMW owner?

    Think it was the early sixties, when the first Ford Falcon came out in Australia. One owner was so ticked off by the problems he had he invited the media onto his property, and asked them to film him burning the car.

    It made the front page on a couple of newspapers.  Would never happen nowadays, too much advertising revenue at risk.

    I recall hearing that story but thought it was in the states and that the owner invited the boss of the local Ford Company around to witness the funeral but under some other pretext.  However I am damn sure it was a Ford and not a Holden and it certainly wasnt "the Kingswood" hahaha!

  6. 5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Utterly disgusting. He had not been breath tested by the police asking instead that he remain in the hospital. 


    Huh? They could not administer a breate test on site? Equipment too mickey mouse, or need to talk to daddy first? The reason why these creeps rarely get charged, is obvious enough. It is all about the money. You are above the law here, if you are worth over 250 million baht. Any and all laws. A truly regressive system. 


    Any why the pathological fear of defamation? Homicidal creeps like this loser should be called out by name. Shame the families. That is the least we can do. 

    Probably asked him to pop into the local police station some time in the next few weeks for a breath test......if its not a bother that is.

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  7. 10 hours ago, Lite Beer said:

    Anyone considering applying for extensions for Marriage would be advised to not read this topic.

    If you qualify and have the correct documents you will have no problem. Simple as that .

    Don't read the trolls in this topic.

    Agreed.  I've been on marriage extensions for 9 years and the only time I have had problems is when I have changed Imm. offices which have different requirements.  In those cases I have taken notes to make sure its all correct the following year.  My last extension was in September and it was easiest I have ever done actually requiring less paperwork (only 1 copy of everything and only 3 months of bank statements.  I have only ever had one home visit where they did hint at petrol money which I ignored suggesting that needed to be taken up with their boss....end of story. 


    I take the money in the bank route and have never touched it bar the interest, maybe that has made it easier I dont know.  However I do take a filing cabinet of documents each extension application time just in case lol and my app is printed from my PC so no pen colour issues.  I sign with whatever pen they give me.  Maybe I have just been lucky.

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