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Posts posted by phuketsub

  1. I tried in vain to clean and repair my Microsoft 4000 Ergonomic Keyboard (see pic) then yesterday hit Central and all the shops at BigC seeking a replacement. None had any in stock and the few staff that went to the trouble to see if it could be ordered all said "no have" (eg in Bangkok)...if anyone knows where to buy in Phuket I would be much obliged...my wrists are hurting me already just by typing this.

    I bought it here at IT City, but that has since closed down and the building now houses a bank.

    I will go to Bangkok soon and understand that Pantip would be the best place to look, but I would really get one in Phuket asap...any help much appreciated.


  2. honoluabay

    Posted 9 minutes ago

    Last week Monday my thai gf and I went out for a drink and 2 days later we are sick as can be. Sore all over, swollen glans, stomach ache, can't eat much. Was wanting seeing if any other TV peeps are not felling well or is it a bug going around. Thanks

    truly unfortunate. I hope both your and your 'girlfriends' glans recover soon.

    If your girlfriend has swollen glans you might have a bigger and more embarrassing problem on your hands than you think. 'Glans' typically refers to the head of the penis, whereas glands are internal structures...Anyway, I don't want to play language police to someone who isn't feeling well...get well soon.

  3. I got something too...just weakness, maybe a slight temperature and a definite lack of appetite. Several days now. I believe Mr Oilinki had a thread not long ago complaining of the same thing. Too bad you can't get 'medical marijuana'' here to induce the munchies...Anyway, I don't think it is anything serious and I expect to be over it soon.

  4. Whether or not the drivers allow this "hopping on/hopping off" outside the three designated stops will be a key to the success of this service...The existing Airport Bus, which seems to be overlooked in all this discussion, allows this to a certain degree. With the increasing traffic one expects there would be plenty of time to let people who didn't have much luggage to get on or off

  5. .

    The days of sitting by the beachside with a foam box full of ice, waiting to sell a can of coke for 35 or 40THB to a fat, lazy, but cashed up Australian, are numbered...

    And so too are the businesses of thousands of Thais who have nothing to do with the tuk tuks...

    So what? These are the people who look the other way and tolerate the Mafias in their back yards. Maybe if these people would speak up and point out to the governor of Phuket that all the kickbacks he gets from the Mafias are worthless if tourists stop coming, maybe then he will listen. There are no innocent victims in this scam. Complacency and willful ignorace may very well be the Thai way, and then they have to live with the consequences. I have said it many times. Speak with our dollars. Let the Russians and Iranians have Phuket. It's too far gone to save.

    I do not think it is fair to allege the governor of Phuket is getting kickbacks from the tuk-tuk groups and shows a lack of understanding about how institutionalized corruption works here. The current governor has only been in office for a few months, I believe; the tuk-tuks have been entrenched for decades.

    Yes, there is institutionalized corruption afoot, but these governors are only short-term apparatchiks who can only benefit from projects they need to initiate and/or sign off on. The real corruption of the type discussed in this thread lies in law enforcement (including prosecutors), local administration offices (tessaban, OrBorTor), etc.

    Even though this is a masquerade party where everyone can say whatever they want with no fear of reprisal, libel is still unacceptable.

  6. Soi crocodile. She will leave with the fondest of memories.biggrin.png

    I had the same conundrum with both of my parents about ten years ago -- after a 15 year wait. I put them up in Cherng Talay and they quickly got bored, in part because they live in a beachfront condo in Florida. Then I took them to Karon, which they liked. I decided they had to see Bangla and, to my surprise, they loved Soi Crocodile. It was the highlight of their trip and they still talk about it to this day. Go figure.

  7. This is probably just a coincidence, but there were cops on the main highway intersections around 8:00pm last night, and the turnoff to the airport was blocked off for awhile. My wife and I were trying to get to Nai Yang beach to meet another couple for dinner and a New Year's Eve party. When we got to Nai Yang Seafood restaurant, the beach to the north was cordoned off for a private party for 25 russians. They had a very elaborate Chinese dragon dance, fire dancers, an excellent live band, great fireworks, and body guards all around the perimeter of the party are to keep rubber-neckers at a distance. Our waiters said that the party cost in excess of three million baht. Looks like they had a great party (as did we), and who knows, maybe Putin was one of the 25 guests.

    I had dinner at Nai Yang beach last night with one of the business owners there. She mentioned that the Russian New Year's party was organized for Putin who stayed for a couple of days at the Indigo Pearl. I guess that explains the extravagant production, and all the Russian plain clothes security men around the parameter of the party.

    I thought I saw a "Pussy Riot" on Bangla Road last night - but aren't they in gaol? smile.pngsmile.png

    nice one...when they are released we should book them for the next Phuket Carnival.

  8. Those are unsolved issues which therefore keep on the top of the list. For newspapers and other media those stories increase the sales.

    The change on the forum starts from you. Write about something else. Do it until few others start to do the same and you'll get the snowball rolling.

    Good advice...let's get creative people.

    • Like 1
  9. Here's the latest installment, in sticker form at the main entrance to SuperCheap.

    Very cute. I don't see that as graffiti tongue.png

    I'll bet you would if you found one on the side of your house!

    Perhaps we need a new word like 'stickerfitti' to describe it.

  10. I heard from a reliable source that Vladimir Putin is in Phuket now. I wonder if this why there are so many 'special' cops on the streets of Phuket Town today. Does anyone know anything about this or what resort he is at? I would like to try and get some pix.

  11. Quite the same graffiti. What's the meaning of this meme?

    This was on the Central Festival overpass where they are digging the hole.


    Google deadmau5

    After googling I don't think it is directly related to deadmau5..the only thing the images have in common are the MM ears...

    Hit images, not web.

    Many different variations

    I did visit Google Images, but none of the images there had much resemblance to the images I see around town apart from the mouse ears; certainly no skull-like features below the nose. I think I might go out with my own can of spraypaint some night soon and draw Groucho Marx glasses and mustaches on a few of them then gauge the reaction...or would that make me as bad as the people I have complaining about?

    • Like 1
  12. Quite the same graffiti. What's the meaning of this meme?

    This was on the Central Festival overpass where they are digging the hole.


    Google deadmau5

    After googling I don't think it is directly related to deadmau5..the only thing the images have in common are the MM ears...

    • Like 1
  13. Quite the same graffiti. What's the meaning of this meme?

    This was on the Central Festival overpass where they are digging the hole.


    Looks a little like Mickey Mouse with a bad hangover

    I think they are trying to combine the scariest of images (skull) with the cutest (Mickey Mouse)...Who knows what the point is really. Anyway, they are all over the place now...If they put one up on Khao Toh Seh or on a building on Thalang Road ( etc.) I'll be baying for blood. With all the video cameras up everywhere the cops could probably put a stop to it...if they were so inclined.

  14. I think there are some way at the back of the OTOP Plaza, opp Hard Rock Cafe...at least they were there last time I was there, but that was a few years back.

  15. Not a lot of action at the site today, nor a lot of traffic in that area around 2pm-3pm. Maybe it has something to do with Christmas. This is the view to the north from the pedestrian overpass.

    I think the removal of the footbridge could be a turning point in the project and its affect on traffic flow. Central said they are going to launch a shuttle bus to get people from the main complex to HomeWorks after it comes down. We'll see how that turns out.

    A few Burmese workers seemed quite happy to break up the monotony by having their picture taken..


  16. For me a basic value of life is not vandalizing or destroying public property. Graffiti is a slippery slope: do we want this place to look like LA?

    I don't know how LA looks nowdays. Phuket is not as ugly city as for example Bangkok is.

    Still here is lot's of gray wall, which would be nicer if there would be some color and maybe painting with ideas.

    They even 'tag' (put graffiti on) rocks and trees in LA now...listen to the Adam Carolla podcast when he rants about it...classic

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