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Posts posted by phuketsub

  1. I'm happy to see well done graffitis which remind us for basic values of life. Not so happy to see idiotic 'Look mama, I just made everybody to see how I can destroy what other people build' paintings.

    For me a basic value of life is not vandalizing or destroying public property. Graffiti is a slippery slope: do we want this place to look like LA?

    • Like 1
  2. I guess it was inevitable the way the island is going..this one is all over Phuket Town.

    Probably just high-school kids, but I hate to see graffiti anywhere in Phuket.

    Does anyone have a clue/idea who might be behind this one?


  3. Hi phuketsub,

    Dara Hotel, seems popular as near Central, iPavillion Phuket Town and Katina Hotel would be off the top of my head. Cheers, GOM

    actually my wife found them something in Rassada but thanks for the tip!

  4. Some friends (Thai family) from the Deep South and need two rooms in Phuket January 30 and 31. Nothing too expensive; a serviced apartment in Phuket Town would be ideal, but they are not fussy about the exact locale. Thus far no luck finding anything, so if any TV friends in the accommodation business know of anything please send me a PM. Many thanks.

  5. One thing you can get that is well worth 20 baht is a pen with a laser pointer at the back end. I got one several months ago and it still works, both the laser and the pen part.

    I remember my dad's construction company was one of the first to use lasers for drain pipe construction (it helps keep the flow gradient exact) back in the 1970s and the laser came in a huge, heavy box and took an hour to set up.

    Now you can get one for 20 baht and they are fun to use at night by tricking jingjoks into running in circles, chasing the light because they think it is an insect.

    Fun for the feeble minded perhaps, but give it a try when you have had a few and you wont be disappointed.

    So you are going to tell us, the drain ploblems in Thailand are because of 20 Baht lasers?

    But you said, it works fine!whistling.gif

    Er, no...these drains were built in New England and to the best of my knowledge they still work fine. I don't think laser technology is in use in drain construction here yet...

  6. One thing you can get that is well worth 20 baht is a pen with a laser pointer at the back end. I got one several months ago and it still works, both the laser and the pen part.

    I remember my dad's construction company was one of the first to use lasers for drain pipe construction (it helps keep the flow gradient exact) back in the 1970s and the laser came in a huge, heavy box and took an hour to set up.

    Now you can get one for 20 baht and they are fun to use at night by tricking jingjoks into running in circles, chasing the light because they think it is an insect.

    Fun for the feeble minded perhaps, but give it a try when you have had a few and you wont be disappointed.

  7. I don't really understand the point of this thread. You bought some crappy lighters? Don't do it again. The Toto brand that I have bought for years for 5 Baht work fine. Make sure you adjust the valve on the front to - not + and then burn off a bit of the extra gas pressure and they work fine. I even have a sterling silver case they fit in that I've had for at least 15 years. Looks like a silver Bic lighter.

    I guess the point was to raise a few smiles and get a fun thread started. I guess I didn't do a very good job of it though...

    • Like 1
  8. I would like to start a thread called "tales from the 20 baht shop" and include, for a start, some items purchased at the small one next to the Bangneaw School (off Phuket Rd, Phuket Town).

    I bought four very attractive cigarette lighters in a pack for 20 baht, well less than the 10baht they charge for run-of-the-mill lighters at Supercheap. Good deal? Wrong.

    When I went to light my cig for the first time a flame about six inches long came out, almost singeing my hair off. I also bought an ice cube tray there that cracked in half the first time I used it.

    I have got some good deals at these places, but now I wonder it something is gonna blow up in my face every time I make a purchase...

    The best one I know of is on Soi Keha in Rassada (Phuket's biggest public housing project)...

    If anyone knows of a better one pls let me know...


  9. There might be also another meteor shower at the same time.


    Debris left behind by Comet Wirtanen might produce 30 meteors per hour, added to 100 meteors per hour from the Geminids. That would be an awesome meteor show!

    On top of this we have an asteroid passing by our little rock at this moment.


    Thanks...not sure I want to venture to such a remote destination as Radar Hill; let's not forget I couldn't even get to the TV party sober without putting my car in a drainage ditch!

    anyway, I am gonna monitor the weather before doing anything first...I am thinking Monkey Beach out at Sireh might be the right spot for us

  10. My wife has informed me that there will be the Geminids Meteor Shower tomorrow night and that the whole family should all get up in the middle of the night to view it.

    This begs the question: where in or around Phuket Town (I live in Rassada) is the best place to do so? I like the idea of Khao Toh Seh Point 7, but fear too much light from Phuket Town below. Are there any dark patches left out on Koh Sireh?

    Any advise appreciated...

  11. Most of the chains here cannot help you unless you have a fairly standard vision problem...My best advice is to go to Dr Kanokwan's Clinic in Samkong, Phuket Town, just south or the Samkong bridge on Yaowarat Road northbound (just north of Bangkok Hospital, near the CP minimart)...Very popular with the locals; not so much with tourists...so be prepared to wait...I don't remember the exact hours but believe it is open most weeknights

  12. I had a chance to go on a multi-day tour to the Surin Islands last year as the only English-speaking family on a tour with many Russians. I didn't think they were any more rude or demanding than my own countrymen (Americans)...my daughter puked in the van on the way back and they weren't nearly as understanding as Thais would be, but that's about it.

    Many Thai tour guides I have spoken to have told me they don't like dealing with Russians in groups, though.

    • Like 1
  13. I must be 'losing it'...I am sure I saw signs up saying the Otop of the Year started on December 6, but there was nothing at the Central Staging Area at Saphan Hin yesterday.

    However, they were setting up for the Krom Luang Chumphon (founder of Thai Navy) memorial event that starts along the road just south of it today....fyi fellow readers

  14. I remember seeing a sign reading that this event was supposed to start yesterday...no references to it in any of the English-language media. Has anyone been yet? What's the beer situation?

  15. The construction company seems to have the expertise to lay out the concrete barriers even though nearly two weeks & not complete yet, but they seem to lack expertise in digging holes. I would have thought as soon as the barriers were in place excavation would start & dirt trucks rolling in & out. BTW I have been on construction sites where people pay the builder to take dirt away as they can sell it for landfill. Perhaps this is still under negotiation.

    If one of the forum members visit the area regularly, it might be worth of make an habit to take a photo from the same location. This could be daily or weekly. Then after 2 (or more) years combine these photos together to make an time-lapse film of the progress.

    Good idea; you should be in the media...I will of course be avoiding the area as much as possible, but I'll try to get some pix and post them...too bad the pedestrian overpass has to go as that was always the best spot to take pix from...

    I had to go to Central on Sunday to take the family to see "The Impossible" (better than I expected), and the Sunday traffic in the area was not that bad...Perhaps ironically, what was truly 'impossible' was finding a place to park in the underground parking garage there...I let my family out and by the time I 'found' a place to park (parking was actually forbidden there but I moved some Jersey barriers to make space) I missed the first 40 minutes of the film and the part I wanted to see most: how well the CGI people recreated the deluge.

    It seems strange to me ( or perhaps I have not been monitoring this forum closely enough) that there isn't more comment about the horrible conditions and useless staff that work in these parking garages...

  16. There was a previous thread speculating how bad it will be :

    Now it looks like we will all get to see for real...I don't think you will find any lack of comment or complaint on this topic in the upcoming months...:)

  17. Thanks for all your help...

    Try Baan Suan Place or Blue Carina Inn Hotel in Bang Yai Rd both near Phuket International Hospital.



    Finally...got them at Blue Carina...4 rooms @1500b each...

    Thanks to all for you help and suggestions

  18. more info: it seems that the guests comprise 3 teachers and 11 students from Ranong here for a scholastic competition in Thalang Town; they need to stay one night only on December 19.

  19. I find that hard to believe. I would expect that the many star places are well booked, but the basic guest houses are struggling. Which area phuketsub ?

    I live in Rassada, not far from provincial hall, but anywhere in Phuket Town or environs would be fine...but nowhere on the island is out of play at this point. My wife tells me she gets a 'no vacancy at the Inn' reply wherever she goes...anyway, I am interested to see what other readers make of this apparent tourist glut

  20. I didn't think it was possible with so many hotels here already, but I have come to learn that hotels across are actually fully booked in mid-December and that hotelier are raising room rates to cash in on the situation (fair enough, they suffer through most of the year).

    So my question is simple: I need to find four rooms starting December 19 at a reasonably priced (1000 or less) in a hotel or serviced apartment block for my Thai guests...Does anyone know of a particular place or part of the island to look into?

    Otherwise my little home is gonna look like a refugee camp.

    Anyway, the thread is intended to generate discussion as to whether the island is actually fully booked or not, but if anyone can help with my individual situation please feel from to send a PM.

    Thanks for any help.

  21. Thanks to all who made it last night! Despite the rain we still had a turnout of about 30 people, extra points for vongkasem who came with his wife by motorbike, both wrapped in plastic, through the pouring rain.

    I had a great time chatting with you guys - hope we can have such events more often in the future.

    A big hand for John for having us and the great organization!

    It was very nice to meet you all and special thanks to Raro for the beers and John for his pivotal (literally) role in getting my car out of that dam_n ditch...amazing what can happen when you try to drive sober!

  22. Anyone else bringing their kids?

    Mine is 7 and I would bring him if he's not the only one.

    I'll bring my daughter age 7, going on 17.

    Also need to bring my wife then as well, so my status need to go up to +1

    (that assumes kids are free, which I am not sure is the case)

    RARO, pls take note

  23. Can anyone recommend where to buy a pair of reasonably-priced, durable ear buds that will last more than a month or so? Ear buds seem to be sold everywhere, but no matter which ones I buy they malfunction after a few weeks time, maybe a month. The problem always seems to be in the wiring, never in the speakers themselves -- and I have been unable to find anyone that repairs them.

    "Just buy new ones," is the reply I inevitably get.

    Lately I have given up and bought larger headphones that have a metal clamp that fits over the head, but I always feel like the bus driver in the Simpsons when I use them.

    I would be happy to pay out 500-600 baht for good ear buds if I knew they would last six months or more.

    Any help most appreciated (please specify brand, model and where to buy).



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