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Posts posted by phuketsub

  1. At least all local Tesco has basic fire safety measures in place ..the main Supercheap branch is a huge fire disaster waiting to happen, as I have written many times in this forum (and alluded to in others).

    If a fire ever broke out near the main entrances, which is not unlikely given all the people cooking over open flames thereabouts, the death toll could be in the thousands: worse than OG269 and the tsunami (Phuket death toll) combined...

    Getting out of that place is hard enough even when it is not on fire. I feel like I have cheated death every time I walk out of there.

    If any Phuket retail outlet, real or planned, is in need of a protest it is Supercheap and the fire safety disaster that can (and probably will) happen there unless someone in power does something about it.

    Isn't it time they just turned that place into a warehouse for their ever- expanding "convenience" store" operation?

    • Like 1
  2. This year, the Yingluck government will get an invitation from Stockholm.

    I heard it is on the top of a list for the new

    Nobel Prize for Real Comedians

    Please don't insult Thai inventors.

    Such invention have been used by many Royal Projects.

    Please post the link, links to the water-flow push machines being used in many Royal Projects.

    Is this in reference to those energy-wasting paddlewheels used to aerate the disgusting canals of Bangkok and shrimp farming ponds upcountry? Even if it is some "on-steriods" version thereof, god help us all...

  3. I very seldom see bats in Phuket and wonder if some posters aren't confusing them with the proliferation of edible-nest swiftlets caused by the 'swiftlet ranching' boom to serve the Chinese tourists' demand for bird's nest soup...they are also nocturnal, can't perch, fly like they are on speed, and feed on insects by echo-location at night

    Just a thought....

  4. just leave your out in the rain overnight....it really works and you can't beat the price

    Sorry but I have never heard of rain dissolving road tar!

    It was just a joke, but water will dissolve just about anything if you give it enough time...look at the Grand Canyon -- or my rusted out car!

  5. Supercheap is a horrible firetrap, with the /beer/spirits section especially badly-designed if a fire ever broke out there....think about what you would do if a fire broke out next time you are in there

    Fortunately, if you drive north along Thepkrasattri there is a store in a double shophouse just south of the new KBank branch that sells beer at the exact same prices as Supercheap...You can park right on the main road and they will even carry your purchase to your car...nice people too

    • Like 1
  6. Does anyone have a clever strategy for dealing with the new and highly-retarded "plastic cup" rule now in place at the FC Phuket games...? The ideal solution would be to get a pickup with a keg in the back and park in near the back entrance and sell refills that way...If anyone does, I'll certainly be a repeat customer ...

    Apparently this rule was put in place after some moron threw some sort of container during the Krabi game..what a shame that we all have to suffer as a result...

    Anyway, let's hope the weather is as good tomorrow as it was last week..Go Phuketwai.gif

  7. Finally stopped by the other day for a Rueben. The only problem is that it was too big. Had 1/2 for lunch and the other 1/2 for dinner. Very tasty.

    Bill - I love the Boston door mat!

    Bill, I hope you serve a few dishes cold, because that is how I will enjoy my revenge most at the end of the next NFL season. Go Pats!

  8. Manny has been spending too much time on Bible study. Looks as though he lost a step. 60 professional bouts, endless questions about blood doping. His time may be over.

    The fight I watched, Bradley indeed won a decision.

    Glad to see this comment as I thought I might be the only person, apart from two of the judges, who saw it that way. It helps not being subjected to a biased commentary (I had the Thai on and as I don't speak the language was able to watch without listening).

    The commentary wasn't in Thai. The decision was an absolute abomination; another disgrace for boxing. I am an atheist, but blaming 'the loss' on Pacquio's bible study is completely ludicrous.

  9. They just said that Pacman is watching the basketball game in the locker room and is not ready.

    Bradley is ready to enter the ring.


    Pacman is a Celtics fan, bless his heart...hopefully we'll get some payback...I found it on live streaming, but still nothing on Thai TV7

  10. I try to combine the ideas together with an twist. For me the whole idea is to meet up with the people I'm talking together on this forum. It's about learning the real people and their smiles when talking.. something that is difficult to let other people to see, when we are just words written to a forum.

    Could this work for us?

    We'll have the initial party at the ThaiVisa / Phuket Gazette office. The location in right in the middle of the island and therefore none of us would have to travel too far to get there. Fair an simple in that term.


    The party would start on Saturday 3pm with normal 'who is who introduction'.

    Phuket Gazette would provide an excursion introduction how the weekly newspaper is made. Explaining idea creation, news sources, editorial issues, how the readers could be part of the news making etc. Next step would go to see the printing process itself if it's done on these premises. This would provide something to talk about later on.

    At this location, there would be beer, sodas and BBQ available for the prices we have get used with the street vendors. No real sponsors needed as it would feel a bit of being on debt with the sponsors. Well, to be honest if Carlsburg would want to sponsor the beers and PG the BBQ, that would be pretty ideal.

    After the initial gathering, maybe 6pm, we could move to the next place. This could be an German beer garden close to Kathu waterfall, which I have not visited, but heard it can provide good beers and wurst.


    After that, what happens in Phuket, stays in Phuket.

    Has the Phuket Gazette management been made aware of this suggestion?

  11. Sad to report that PPizza in Samkong is closed indefinitely as Mr P got a job on a cruise ship, apparently under a two-year contract. ..I guess all good things must end...

  12. I was wondering if anyone has travelled around the Deep South (Yala, Pattani, Naratiwat) recently. If so, do you think it is safe? I would like to visit and really want to know if it is as bad as they make it out to be. I have never heard of a foreign tourist being targetted by insurgents, and given the road chaos here in Phuket who knows? It might be safer down there....

  13. My family own a home in a new residential estate (Supalai City Hills in Rassada) that is now completely bought out.

    The developers are encouraging the owners to get together and form a juristic entity to legally control the estate, otherwise stuff like employment of security guards, trash collection, whether we can get cable TV or not, and other decisions will fall to Rassada Municipality.

    I am wondering if any readers have been down this road before and have any insights/advice to offer.

  14. Thanks....I called Peter at the Boathouse only to find out he has been closed down for months...a real shame as that was a good place to watch the early morning games...Best of luck to him and his boat business, now moved to Samkong..Anyway, does anyone know any more about this Booster Bar? How much are beers?

  15. I agree many are unneeded...the latest addition is a red light at the three-way junction of Ruam Pattana Road and Rassadanusorn Road in Rassada...totally unneeded.

  16. I've hear that Duke's in Kata is showing it but, you have to reserve a seat and it's already overbooked.

    It's a small place with perhaps 15 seats and probably 40 or 50 people want to watch this game.

    I'm hoping for something opening up in the Rawai area.

    If not, I'll watch it at home by myself, but prefer to watch it with a gang (and breakfast)

    Chris at Freebird is gone so, I doubt it will happen there.

    I miss Don's.

    Thanks for the tip...hopefully someone closer to Phuket Town will organize something..

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