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Posts posted by phuketsub

  1. so back to the post in matter ... people want to avoid the chance of getting a fine for no reason .. so if anyone spots a road block ( or a thai police armed robbery ) let us know

    shpouldn't be a problem, with all the smart a.., eh, phones out there!

    How about a new TV app: news ticker for roadblocks, first?

    I think its more about people who can operate a motor vehicle safely while under the influence who are worried about getting caught.

    Over two-thirds of people in the above hyperlinked poll admit to have driven under the influence here, and and I suspect I am not the only forum member commenting here to be among them.

  2. beatdeadhorse.gif I think we are flogging that dead horse here. Let's just accept what the members say. He was fined for not wearing a helmet when he was in fact wearing a helmet. Let's move on folks, nothing to see here tongue.png

    I like that dead-horse-being-beaten image too much.

    For the record, I have also been fined for not wearing a helmet when I was, in fact, wearing one. It happened at Karon Circle, where police set up a checkpoint in 2003. Truth is I got pulled over because my tax sticker was out of date, but when I finally hit the front of the long 'pay here' line (about a 20 minute wait) and paid up, my (Thai-language) receipt read "Failure to wear a helmet", which is what all the other unsuspecting farangs got pulled over for....When I started to point out the discrepancy I was told to get to the back of the line or accept it and leave. I chose the latter.

    Fortunately I have never been fined again.

    To be fair to the OP, I like his original idea. I would also like to note that I have been "waved through" with smiles at several of the anti-drug checkpoints set up in recent months, one of which often appears outside my housing estate. We foreigners apparently get a free pass on these.

    Final point: For the price, Archa (not 'Archer') is a much better brew than some posters here have given it credit for.

    Good day people.

  3. I was shocked last time I went home and took my daughter to Disneyworld, where people who aren't really disabled now go from attraction to attraction by golf cart simply because they are so obese.

    I can't remember if it was Disneyworld FL or Disneyland CA. But, a few years ago they had to replace all of the boats at the, It's a small, small world ride. The older boats could not handle the increased weight of the riders and they were sinking.

    What more can you say?...even in the Thai restaurants over there the food is obscenely over-priced, inauthentic, bland and unhealthy....Of course it works both ways; all the "Thanksgiving dinners" I have tried over here have been big disappointments...if anyone can do fresh cranberry sauce (not that canned Ocean Spray crap) I am in though...

    I'm gonna continue my turkey boycott and just hope the Pats can get by the Jets on the road...

  4. As a non-American, is this holiday to remember how the native Americans kept alive the settlers by giving them food through the harsh winter?

    As an American born and bred in Plymouth County, where the tradition has its roots, I have to say that your question makes me reflect on how bad the obesity epidemic in my country has become.

    I was shocked last time I went home and took my daughter to Disneyworld, where people who aren't really disabled now go from attraction to attraction by golf cart simply because they are so obese.

    I think the American public's relationship with food has gone 180 degrees: from struggling to avoid starvation to over-consumption due to a surfeit of mass-produced, fat- and salt-laden garbage.

    Although Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday when I lived in the states I have no inclination to indoctrinate my half-Thai daughter with the annual rite of gluttony.

    In fact, and this might sound heretical, perhaps we should take a page out of the Muslim playbook and begin to thank the lord for sustenance by fasting instead of feasting.

    With three NFL football games on tap and a steady supply of beer who wants to deal with all that food preparation anyway?

  5. You should have everybody put their handle as their name tag stuck to their chest so everyone will know who they are. You would have a brawl within ten minutes. whistling.gifblink.png


    Why do you think that, people can have different opinions without brawling

    only immature people would think that way

    Although I hate wearing a name tag, I think the name tag suggestion addresses a valid concern: how are we gonna know who is who?

  6. They don't carry them at Phuket Alai, the big car parts store on the bypass road northbound.

    After a bit more shopping around, I finally got one at the Carretex car accessories shop at HomeWorks, opposite the cashiers' station. They have three grades of protection, I took the middle one which it is claimed stops 90% of "heat reflection" (I assume they mean heat getting into the car), and blocks 100% of UV rays and water.

    The product's official name is Carretx Extra Silver PVC Plus Carcover

    The cost was just under 2,000 baht, but when I started hemming and hawing the guy let me use his own purchase card to get a 10% reduction.

    It seems pretty substantial and is a lot heavier than the one it replaces. It seems like a pretty good insurance, since I can't yet afford to build a covered car port for the vehicle, but of course only time can tell.post-40708-0-04951500-1352102006_thumb.j

    Glade you got sorted, but good to know about Alai for the future thumbsup.gif

    Cheers...Phuket Alai is good for parts, but not accessories..it's not really set up for anyone who can't speak Thai so I think your plan of taking a snapshot of what you need makes sense..

    .btw, the cover works great..all the night dew just beaded up on it then evaporated in the morning

  7. They don't carry them at Phuket Alai, the big car parts store on the bypass road northbound.

    After a bit more shopping around, I finally got one at the Carretex car accessories shop at HomeWorks, opposite the cashiers' station. They have three grades of protection, I took the middle one which it is claimed stops 90% of "heat reflection" (I assume they mean heat getting into the car), and blocks 100% of UV rays and water.

    The product's official name is Carretx Extra Silver PVC Plus Carcover

    The cost was just under 2,000 baht, but when I started hemming and hawing the guy let me use his own purchase card to get a 10% reduction.

    It seems pretty substantial and is a lot heavier than the one it replaces. It seems like a pretty good insurance, since I can't yet afford to build a covered car port for the vehicle, but of course only time can tell.post-40708-0-04951500-1352102006_thumb.j

  8. As mentioned you can buy them in many places how do i know because i am on my 3rd one in about 4 years i have bought expensive and cheap i i cant make them last i thought maybe the wind was the problem getting underneath and tearing the material so the last one i bought about March this year i made some clips to fix cover to the body and keep it tight it made no difference it's starting to go again and this cover was a expensive one with so called UV protection i ain't buying anymore in less someone on here can point me in the right direction on saying all this i believe you can get them made to fit your car and maybe better matierial

    The "UV Protection" sounds like BS marketing crap to me..I am surprised they haven't started selling UV Protection garments as well (please don't tell me if they have)...my take is that if you have an effective physical barrier to photons (equally valid to view it as a radiation wave) then you have "UV Protection":

    ....personally I wonder whether the sun or the rain is more damaging to the car...

    It seems like a lot of people get dismayed about their covers blowing off. I have a real third-world solution to that, which I am sure keeps the property prices in the 'hood...old motorbike tires laid thereupon ...

  9. Thanks for your help...I will try the Allied place first...

    As for the comments about rust, I have one now that seems to be some sort of Tyvex material...it's good for keeping the sun off, but leaks like crazy and, as noted by Daffy D, creates the perfect conditions for rust..

    Britpop, can you tell me is Allied on the bypass road northbound or southbound...I like to spend as little time as possible on that particular stretch of road...

    if you are coming from central festival to tesco's lotus, straight forward, over the lights, then on the left about 1/4 -1/2 kilo metre, look for the Large GS battery sign, it's quite a newish building, the girls on the desks are very helpful, every time i go, i take a picture on my camera phone of the part i need and then show them it and just tell them the make and model. i've started to do the same in the bars, picture of a bottle of beer, anyway have a look, next would be super-cheap in the auto section

    Thanks a ton...I'll check it out. I do my best to avoid the Supercheap since it's a complete firetrap/disaster waiting to happen.

  10. Thanks for your help...I will try the Allied place first...

    As for the comments about rust, I have one now that seems to be some sort of Tyvex material...it's good for keeping the sun off, but leaks like crazy and, as noted by Daffy D, creates the perfect conditions for rust..

    Britpop, can you tell me is Allied on the bypass road northbound or southbound...I like to spend as little time as possible on that particular stretch of road...

  11. I need to by a waterproof car cover that will fit a 1995 Toyota Corolla (4-door sedan). Does anyone know of an auto parts store that sells them? I hate to see my ride alternatively baking in the sun and soaking in the rain...any help appreciated...

  12. Probably an escapee from Pattaya, who have not learned the dresscode for Phuket.

    Hey thats a bit harsh.....we dont just got Chang singlets, we wear Archa singlets now.....well up market we going!

    An Archa singlet...where do I get one?

    Lov the comment about 'deported to Patong' too

  13. I didn't want to pay hotel prices.

    To answer my own question I found one called Art Dry Cleaner in Phoon Phon Night Plaza, opposite "Boss Collection" tailor shop and amid all the massage parlors, insurance agencies.

    150 baht for a suit. It takes 3-4 days.

  14. There's no logic or commonsense behind this underpass. The bigger delays going south are after the Central intersection and going north before the intersection. Going west is generally fine and East is bad due to the road narrowing near the stadium.

    My daughter's school is close to there and I drive this route twice a day. If it is as bad as I imagine, I will seriously reconsider living in Phuket, despite having a business here.

    NB I opened this thread expecting to read about someone's heart operation!

    >>NB I opened this thread expecting to read about someone's heart operation!

    All this traffic congestion for the next two years might send someone for a heart operation!


  15. This is an excellent question...back in the US they have places, typically next to the local landfill, where you can drop off things you no longer need but might be useful to others...I was amazed at some of the stuff on offer there, especially English language books for children, toys, etc

    Given the state of the landfill here maybe it is time one of the foundations here (or, God forbid, some government body) set up something similar...I know I would have stuff to donate.

  16. I wondered that myself today as I passed through there a couple times. It will be bad. I expect the usual hour to or from the airport to be over 3 for the next several months. The coast road will be packed as well. I noticed the Jersey barriers ( concrete dividers) stacked up on the island opposite central today so it looks like work is about to begin, in their infinite wisdom, just as high season is starting. The traffic was unbelievable today. A little slice of Bangkok right here in Phuket.

    I also agree that there would need to be widening of surrounding roads for it to make any noticable difference. Or they could just get a reasonable transport system and problem solved. Both red curbs south of Central are chock a block with those legal/illegal taxi's all day.Must be 30-40 taxi's queued up each side of the road waiting for their "Special Price for Phuket Farang" 500B fare for a distance that would be 120B in a Bangkok metered taxi, or 30 baht in a Pattaya, Krabi etc. songteaw. What a mess.

    With some foresight they might consider some sort of park-and-ride service for people who just want access to the shopping complexes in the area..then again the tuk-tuk mafia would never stand for such a thing

  17. I noticed surveyors out at the Darasamuth Intersection the other day and the reality of how bad the traffic is going to be when they reduce this artery to just one lane north and one lane south.

    Personally I don't see how this is going to improve the traffic much in the long term as the real bottleneck is further south, where Chao Fa West reduces to two lanes...

    I am just wondering how people whose daily commutes involve travel in that area are preparing for this nightmare scenario; what steps they are taking to avoid the inevitable mayhem and what, if any, creative solutions might be out there.

  18. Thanks to you all for your recommendations. It seems like the only options are on the other side of the island, not a journey I hope to make so late at night :(

    It looks like another night of low-quality live streaming on Vipbox, killing popup ads and keeping my neighbors awake with my solo screaming....I was hoping that since this game is from England it might come on at a reasonable hour, but that is sadly not the case...anyway, thanks again to all. Go Pats.

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