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Posts posted by Galong

  1. The Nation

    "Police said they were shot and killed on beach chairs on the Jomtien Beach at about 5 am. A security officer of a nearby resort said he heard gunfire and saw a Thai man rushing up from the beach and fleeing on a motorcycle. He checked the beach and found the two Russian women lying dead on the beach chairs."

    What brave chaps these Thais are when they have a gun against two women sun bathing in deck chairs or when there are 12 of them kicking a drunk farang on the ground. No wonder their military is so pathetic - beaten by Laos in 1988, nealy beaten by Burma a couple of times and too cowardly to send reinforcements to help patrols under fire in the South.

    Finally! A underlying reason for Thailand's problems... Thai Men! Sounds good to me. Let's start a website, say, http://mai-mee-kai.com :o:D

  2. After mirroring your behavior for about a year, and beginning to hate Thailand, I had a kind Thai friend tell me that I wasn't going to make it here if I didn't adopt a more "mai pen rai" demeanor about living and working within the Thai system/non-system.

    Horse hockey! Thais get just as pissed off as anyone and they have less patience than most folks I encounter. Mai Be Rai is just an excuse to screw off and not do the job right. :o

  3. My accountant says a company can only show no profit for two years. After that, it's considered a company that shouldn't be in business. However, I wonder if they would take into consideration external forces (such as tsunamis, SARS, bombing, media-generated hysteria, etc.), that could have adverse, yet limited time influence on profit for tourist-based businesses?

    I wonder how long Thai companies can show a loss? I wonder how long Thai companies in my home country can show a loss?

  4. I don't go to crowded places normally, so I'm not overly concerned. I would be concerned if I was in Bangkok. I love the BTS and think it's a wonderful way to get around town. I would really worry about traveling on it, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't. Perhaps I'd just NOT do it during the rush hours.

    One thing I won't do is change radically just because some fanatics want media attention. If we all cower in fear, they win!

  5. Speculation - Inuendos - References to Malaysia??----- MODS!

    Exactly! How would you like it if you were innocent of any wrong-doings, yet the media is accusing you of plotting and killing people. Accusing the Malaysian government without ANY solid evidence should be a crime and the media that prints this should be brought to justice. :D

    And of course, telling the bad guys where they should bomb to get the maximum attention is nothing short of treason in my book!! :o:D

  6. OK then if its a myth we will arrange for some blood from an infected person and you can inject it into yourself without fear ok?

    He can have some of mine if he wants.... :o

    Hey Slimdog, perhaps... well, if the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis is really onto something, I'll say maybe. They seem to think that purposely enlisting "one of the most sinister pathogens around — HIV." Might work towards the fight against cancer. Check it out here.

    There's a whole bunch of info on false negative testing here. Imagine what would be going through your mind if you were told you were HIV+. The social stigmatism, the disgrace of having a disease that's supposed to be caught by naughty sex or homosexuals, the very thought that you did something wrong and you're going to now pay the ultimate (and likely very painful) price... your life. THEN, you find out the doctor was wrong.

    Doctors make mistakes and plenty of them. The HIV test is NOT foolproof. OK, even if it's very trustworthy, what if you were one of the ones caught up in the statistics?

    Take a look at the OraQuick HIV test. Then look at this site.

    Is the test 100% foolproof? Nope, and especially when there could be other medical factors contributing the false positive. There are probably just as many scientific articles disproving the mainstream methods of testing and treating HIV and AIDS as there are supporting the status quo.

    My point is that I don't trust doctors just because they're doctors. My degrees are in Industrial Management and Eastern Philosophy (yes, a strange combination) and what I learned at uni was to question everything and use logical thought processes to come to conclusions. I also learned that a person can have a PHD and still be a moron.

    Attack me if you wish, but if you want an itelligent conversation, attack what I'm saying. It's not my words. I am merely conveying what others are saying. I am quoting 'doctors' :D

    Tell me Slimdog, if I take some of your blood will I likely be arrested for drinking and driving if I get stopped? :D Kiddin'

  7. Wow, I had no idea that everyone would get so pissed off at me for questioning the medical profession. Having endured bad medical advice on many ocassions in the past, I don't automatically respect everything that the professionals put forth. "Question authority" was a popular bumper sticker back in the 70s. I still believe that to be useful advice.

    Whatever, I was merely putting out some info in case someone was interested. Obviously, you guys know everything about this mysterious disease already.

    In sum then...

    1. No, I don't want anyone's blood thank you. To suggest such a thing was ignorant if not childish.

    2. No, I don't have all the answers thank you very much. All I have is questions.

    3. No, I'm not a virologists or whatever. I merely said that I like reading books on the subject. I've read quite a few and will keep on reading them. Call it a hobby or whatever, but I NEVER claimed to be an authority.

    Learn how to read guys... and not between the lines.

  8. Nose picking used to be the top hobby but in recent years, surpassed by trying to get on the Skytrain before passengers get off.

    Very popular.

    Dude, good one!!! Thanks for that :D

    Fishing seems to be popular, though I don't know if it's a hobby or done for food. Some has to be a hobby I'd think. Me Mrs fishes all the time and she doesn't need to fish for food.

    What about popping zits while waiting at red lights? :o

    What about running red lights?

    What aboot riding side-by-side on motorbikes so that they can talk... while cars and trucks line up behind them waiting for them to move the *&^ over? That seems like a hobby. :D

  9. Why don't they screen Thai teachers too? There are pedophiles in every country; including Thailand. It just so much easier to target Westerners who have no right to fight back.

    Low salary and being hassled all the time, gee, I want to be a teacher. :o

    I would hope they do. But, I think it would be much easier for Thais to recognize a Thai person that fits this profile than a farang that fits this profile.

    In the interest of the students, I'd prefer to see an across-the-board screening of EVERY teacher regardless of nationality. That's fair ain't it?

  10. OK then if its a myth we will arrange for some blood from an infected person and you can inject it into yourself without fear ok?

    He can have some of mine if he wants.... :o

    It usually shuts up the HIV/AIDS as a myth characters - I have never seen one take up the offer yet!!!

    These people have all probably been abducted as well by aliens at some point while watching Kennedy from the grassy knoll

    Ooo, great comeback! Nice use of logic and reasoning to dispute/disprove/discredit my posting. I'm impressed. :D

    OK, let me rephrase it... Do you actually think that the big drug companies and the governments of the world actually care about HIV or AIDS infected people? There are a lot of scientists out there who are very concerned about the lack of evidence to support the mainstream medical practices and the handing out of toxic drugs. I pointed out a couple of links to back what I said.

    Go ahead and trust the people who stand to make BILLIONS of dollars off of sick people. There is a whole world of information online that exposes the falicies in the medical profession. None of these mainstream doctors seem to want to investigate the nutritional aspects of HIV or AIDS. One thing noticed in many victims with low CD4 levels is that their selinium levels are at zero. Three of the amino acid levels are as well. Giving patients mega doses of this suppliments bring the CD4 levels back up... oh, but I guess an alien wrote up that medical report. :D

    Environmental health factors also seem to play a big role in the high percentages of infections. Many Africans and Asians don't have access to clean water or clean air or healthy food. Hmmm, I guess their immune system should be just as strong as an average First World person... sure, that's gotta be right.

    Keep on trusting doctors and pharmaceutical companies if you wish. I have read countless books and report on viruses every since the book "The Hot Zone" came out. That got me interested in viruses. I find it facinating. I also prefer to use common sense and scientific research done by unbiased professionals. Anyone who stands to get rich off of having people believe that they will die if they don't take the expensive drugs is immediately suspicious in my book.

    Didn't shut me up now did it? :D

  11. Heart medicine? Well, as I only know two Thais who don't smoke and no Thais who consider that almost everything they eat is deep fat fried in PALM OIL, it's no wonder that heart disease is a biggy here. Come on, this is common sense.

    Let's look at the wonderful drug dealers, oops I mean pharmaceutical companies, and what they're all about:

    1. The HIV test is NOT dependable. There are numberous reasons for your test to come back as a false positive Read this.

    2. The medical community has yet to actually isolate HIV. they are looking at how the body responds to something that they call HIV. Odd as it sounds, this is the truth.

    3. Many of the drugs are toxic and can actually cause some of the diseases that are considered AIDS! AZT for example, was developed to fight cancer. The drug was so toxic that it was not allowed to be used for cancer. It's seems it's OK however to use it on AIDS patients... for some unknown reason.

    4. There is NO proof that HIV causes AIDS! Don't believe me. Read about the recent German court ruling.

    So, it appears likely that these lovely folks who really care about people dying could actually be promoting products that kill. They could be killing people who aren't actually infected... and the list goes on and on.

    Whenever BIG money is involved, I get suspicious. :o This is potentially one of the biggest and most horrific scams of modern times.

  12. Isn't it fun to make a mockery of Thailand and her people at every opportunity you could?


    I agree and I am quite taken aback by the hostile and if I may say so rather ignorant tone of this thread.I think it absolutely legitimate that Thailand should be looking at its nuclear energy options.This is happening all over the world given issues of secure supplies from the Middle East and elsewhere.Moreover nuclear is the ultimate renewable resource, and in some ways "greener" than other options.I have no doubt that Thailand has the technical resources, and in any event could receive first class technical assistance from the US,France or the UK.Safety and waste disposal are key issues, but I am sure Thailand can manage these.

    Dude, are you high or something? :o Are you willing to bet your life on that?? :D

    I find your last sentence to be either extremely naive or downright silly. You can't even get a Thai government employee to ask a native English speaker to spell-check government signs. Do you actually think that they'll listen to the opinions of a 'bread eater' on this matter? You can't get most of them to wear a helmet while riding a motorbike. They simply don't make the cause and effect connection or they simply don't care.

    The Thai male ego will not allow constructive criticism or any other kind. Kiss their hind-parts if you wish, but I ain't about to trust them with something that could finish us all off if there's an accident. :D :D

  13. The mom and pop shops don't have everything you want/need in one place. They are sometimes a bit tacky and dirty too.

    These evils stores from the lands of bread-eaters are full of Thai customers. What's that saying?

    Sorry mom and pop, you can't simply paint your store the same as a 7 - 11 and expect the thundering masses to come in to shop. You gotta have the same stuff available inside. Instead of whinning, do a better job... please. :o

  14. I remember that the BKK Post fired its editor and printed a front-page retraction over a story on cracks in the runway. How do they feel now after buckling under to Thaiksin? At least the Nation tried to stay strong in the face of pressure from the previous government.

    So I wonder if the editor will get his job back with back pay? :o

    To me, this whole airport drama is a MEGA loss of face... I wonder how the thais feel about this. Is it a loss of face or something else?

    HenryB - you got served! :D

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