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Posts posted by Galong

  1. Angry locals threaten to block roads

    SUVARNABHUMI: -- Residents disturbed by the noise of take-offs and landings at Suvarnabhumi airport yesterday threatened to block roads in the area if Airports of Thailand (AoT) fails to address their complaints. The residents of Chaiyapruek housing estate in Bang Phli district of Samut Prakan announced plans to submit a four-point demand to AoT management tomorrow.

    These include calls for authorities to:

    - relocate domestic airlines back to Don Muang in order to reduce the noise,

    - introduce technology to reduce the noise of take-offs and landings of planes at Suvarnabhumi,

    - compensate residents for the disturbance by fitting their houses with devices to contain noise, and

    - ensure that all the demands be met by Dec 20. [... more]

    --Bangkok Post 2006-11-13

    :o:D:D Riiiight... yet another angry mob (yawn) in the land of smiles.

    Shouldn't they have said something before now? :D

  2. There are plenty of people with PHDs who are raging idiots! A piece of paper doesn't make you smarter or, in my opinion, any more qualified to teach a language.

    I believe that GW has a degree and he's an embarassment when it comes to the English language... he, he, he...

  3. Weird Science ain't my favorite, but I didn't see it here. :-)

    I've acquired a copy of Napolean Dynamite that if you turn on the English subtitles it suddenly get very funny. The talented English teacher turn pirate knows about 20 words. One of the is the F word. Dude, it's used in almost every sentence in ways that even I never thought of!!

  4. WASHINGTON, Monday, Oct. 9 — North Korea said Sunday night that it had set off its first nuclear test, becoming the eighth country in history, and arguably the most unstable and most dangerous, to join the club of nuclear weapons states.

    OK, I'll bite... another unstable and very dangerous country has nuclear weapons. :o What right do they have to tell anyone anything when it comes to potentially doing harm to the world.

    Do we, the citizens of the world really trust Bush or China to handle this properly? :D

  5. Leeches don't carry any disease and they fall off when they're full, which is rather quickly.

    They cause to you bleed for a long time and thanks to that there is little chance of the 'wound' causing an enterance of germs and disease.

    You can simply pull the leech off if you find one.

  6. I flew out of the new airport a couple of days ago. My flight was over three hours late in departing! My buddy and I watched as they unloaded all of the baggage, then an hour later loaded it back again.

    There weren't many smiling faces in the airport except for those fortunate few who watched me walk face-first into a glass door! That's the downside of clean glass I reckon.

    Futhermore, we were in the area of BKK that's closest to the airport. We could only find one taxi driver who would take us there using the meter. The rest wanted 600 baht. They said that as they'll have to return to BKK empty, this is what they want to charge... fair enough really, but our driver wanted to see the new airport so we got lucky this time.

    There were locals all along a fence watching planes take off. How easy would it be to launch something at a plane from such a close range... hmmm.

  7. Jeezus Christ! I can't believe how guillible my countrymen can be... that is, if this is all true. Keep in mind that the media is run by big money and the truth is not always their ultimate goal.


    1. We can't own land

    2. We can't be the majority share holder

    3. We have almost no rights here

    4. Thaksin will do anything to save face and/or fill his pockets

    I sure hope he doesn't get back in. Say, as he's done half of a term, could he actually get in for ANOTHER four years?? God I hope not.

  8. To all you crybabies out there who think that the farung is always right and everything Thai is wrong I suggest you don't wipe your feet, never mind the lights, go now and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

    Well, aren't you just the perfect little Thai sympathizer... There is NOTHING this guy did or could have done to deserve this beating at the hands of a bunch of Thai punks. Thai men are cowards and this is yet one more example of how childish and mean they are... :o:D

  9. I get hassled almost every time I go to the US. I've been pulled out of line many times. They say it's a 'lottery' and it has nothing to do with me. Right, then why don't I ever win the other type of lottery? :-)

    A buddy went through LAX this past May and was verbally attacked by a redneck. My buddy thought the guy was going to throw him to the ground and start beating him. He was scared.

    After all of this, the guy let him through. Now, what the hel_l does this actually do to protect the US for terrorists? Nothing. Hassling US citizens when they return for a vacation is stupid and totally uncalled for.

    So much for the land of the free crap... stupid rednecks.

  10. Drop the goods on the floor and move back to civilization. :o

    Here here... I agree with everything except moving back to civilization. The mom and pop shops mostly suck... bad service, crappy selection, dirty, narrow isles and so on.

    They're bitching about competition but we're not seeing any improvement in the mom and pop shops. Why don't they simply compete with the bigger stores by making their shops more appealling. No that would require getting out of their seats and doing some work :D It's easier to bitch about everything rather than work for more customers.

    BTW, the bigger stores are full of Thais. They see the benefit of having everything in one store and all of the other nice things about a one-stop for everything store.

  11. DNA would likely show whether the tuk-tuk driver was the guilty party or not.

    Of course that would be wayyyyyyyyyyyy too simple.

    Yep, but that's not as exciting for the media. They need to make a big deal out of everything, make accusations without proof, sensationalize everything and so on. :o

    I don't see any reason for accusing the tuk tuk driver until a DNA test has been made. If found guilty, THEN tell the world about it.

  12. Most of the mom and pop shops I've visited are dirty and they don't have most of what I want. Now they're pissed off because they can't compete with shops that actually have a better shop with more stuff to buy? Come on man, it's business. If you ain't got the best shop, you don't get the most business... plain and simple. Quit crying foul and stock you shop better... geez.

  13. Just to clarify a few things.

    I’m Swedish and not Norwegian.

    Girls!? Someone asked. Yes they might have bigger member then most of us but they are usually impossible or hard to distinguish them from the “real” thing.


    You may be a Swede, but you would have to be a turnip if you could not suss out this specimen, even if you were paralytically pissed...


    Hmmm, he's cuter than my first wife... doh! :o

  14. I haven't seen anything on CNN's website about Thaksin's mafioso style of handling demostrators. So his buddy George might be helping him save 'face'.

    Every since Thaksin bought the PM position the country has gone downhill. This new policy is certainly a step in the wrong direction.

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