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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. 9 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    You need to figure out what it is that she is allergic to.

    Very true,i had the same problem for many months,i stopped gluten,eczema gone in 3 days,still had body rash,stopped caffeine,(tea coffee coke ect) & rash gone in 2 days,& all histamine foods,including processed foods helps lot to..

  2. My itching started when i got really run down after a lung abbces, then came Edema in legs and Eczema followed that,ive had a few bad years of trying to get to the bottom of it all.

      Turns out it was all caused by Leaky Gut syndrome, this means there are small perforations in the gut lining caused by crap food,medications or alcohol,    I went strictly non-processed which got my gut bacteria back to normal but the itching persisted, then it started to worsen after a beer,so i went glutten free, that fixed it.. but it persisted, itchy rash all-over,depressed ect, Just before last Xmas i gave up caffeine type drinks, Tea,coffee ect,  Now im totally itch free, my skin is back to its normal self,and im not as jittery as i was when drinking caffeine. 

     Remember this,  If its something you drink causing the itch,it will show up in 20/30 minutes.

                             If its in your food,itching will start 6/8 hours after eating.

     Perhaps then you can eliminate what is causing the itch and like products.


     Like a few others here, ive tried all the tabs/creams/even IV to clean liver and blood, that worked for a few days but Gluten and Caffeine were the real culprits..

  3. Our mid day meal was the usual friday fish & chips with a chang beer batter,always some left over so banana or apple fritters are nice to use it up.

    Tonight i added a teaspoon of red curry paste to the batter and done some chicken breast slices,, Wow, really nice with a light salad and a cold beer..Cheers.

  4. Ok people,thanks for the info,looks like Vietnam is out. Its just that 2 UK friends last Dec bought 2 110cc Honda's in Ho Che Minh, came up through Cambodia,into Laos [for a few dollars at the borders] and got no further than Friendship bridge.Parked them at a hotel,rented 2 bikes in NK and stayed with us for a week,took the bikes back,collected Viet bikes and Xmas in Hanoi, shipped the bikes back to Ho Che Minh and got 80% of money back,so not a bad deal..      We were just a bit jealous and would like to go to Hanoi for Xmas which was great aparantley!! 

      Time for a re-think,got to be on bikes though!!   Thanks all,Lickey..

  5. Thinking about taking our bikes Yam Fino's across Nong Khia bridge into Laos and onto Vietnam in December,

      Mrs tells me no problem as long as we have owner book and bikes have number plates,I think you can but only on the back of a pick-up?

     And the Laos-Vietnam border is ok for Thai bikes?

      Thanks Lickey..

  6. On 9/4/2017 at 4:20 AM, Kwasaki said:

    The UK have slammed the brakes on everything now regarding benefits if a UK guy has a Thai wife and living in Thailand.

    It hot here but everything gets frozen. :biggrin: 

     Yes quite so,you would have thought they unfreeze pensions after doing this,Makes me wonder what will happen to all the Brits in EU,if they are not frozen there will be war i reckon.

     Seems the more pension form boxes you tick no the easier it is,so no im not married as far as they are concerned.Cheers..

  7. Its time i must fill in my pension claim,now ive been wondering if its worth filling in my thai wife's details,as i understand it,she gets nothing when i peg out.


      we have no young children of our own,my 2 are in there 30s and living UK her 2 are working and in 20s, we were married in Udon register office,just a piece of paper in Thai,she has been but never worked in the UK so im thinking why bother?

      Thanks for any advice.. Lickey.

  8. 11 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Is it only one your feet?


    If so I would seriously investigate possible contact dermatitis.


    My nephew had eczema on his feet, nothing much helped, finally a good dermatologist diagnosed an allergy to nickel (metal). He was getting it from nail clippers and also possibly contact with metallic parts of motorcylce.

    Both feet Sheryl, mainly around ankles and lower calves, nothing on the sole, i had an emoitinal stress thingy 2 weeks ago and it went mad,back of hands were itchy and hot,also elbows,and slighty on upper back.

     My job for 40 years was in the Heavy Goods automotive engineer,ive had my arms covered upto my elbows in waste oil,diesel,petrol,paint thinners,brake fluid,auto trans oils ect and never used barrier cream,and never had any kind of dermatitis atall,this makes me think the problem is coming from inside.

       Basically i got an abcess on my lung,i was feeling reaaly down and out,finally went to docs who started me on antibiotics.then the pain near crippled me,had an xray,had the abcess drained, another xray and all clear,the doc wanted me to take 2000 mg of amoxycillin a day for 2 months! I lasted 3 weeks,and stopped caos of dizzy spells,jaw ache,jck itch leg edema and red patches on feet stomach probs,no food stayed in,I was in a real mess. My pharmacist daughter UK told me to get an antibiotic [Name?forgot] to balance my gut flora,these worked and i could eat again,i then decided to go non processed which helped me quicker.. after 2 years the itchy and weeping started on my feet [seems it takes 2 years for high dose ABs to leave body Google] and have been like it for 3 years, every other problem has gone,just this eczema,   thanks for your patience reading this.. Lickey.




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