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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. So raro, dont worry about it, if it was trans fluid/power steering fluid it would have been all over the bottom of the car,not just the wheels,even misted the rear hatch window as well,

    Not only that, the trans would have seized or the steering very stiff by now.


    Its more likely your mrs had it wash,waxed and blow-dryed one day and didnt tell you,

  2. Has the car been spray waxed & pollished lately? Had any new brake discs or drums? any new suspension arms or joints?was it a very hot day with a lot of traffic stop/starts when you parked up?


      That red blob looks a bit waxy to me,Trans fluid wouldnt gather like that,hot or cold,  specially all 4 wheels. good luck.

  3. Blimey Jake, sounds like you are more or less self-sufficient, just the beer & Scotch to go!!,

    The reason stated this thread was that the cassava planting season has begun and seeing the pick-ups with 20 bags of chemicals going past our place made me think farming hasnt changed much in the last 10 years,It was in my 3rd year of farming i decided to go organic, and sell all our stuff at the house rather than by bulk, bananas,papaya,tamarind were best sellers, then i got sick,i dont know if it was inhaling Bat shit dust that gave me a lung abbcess,endema ect,but a possibility i supose?

    So nowadays i try for a healthy diet, i dont really trust the market meats but dont have much choice,and i love pork fillett!!! its 75bht about half kilo here, Ive gone off pork mince since reading there could be Borax in it. so i always use the food blender and make my own for burghers,sausages,sheperds pie ect.

    Jake, perhaps you remember [it might have been in the Organic forum] i described how my dad would move the free range chicken run to another part of our 1 acre garden in Silly Suffolk,the ground would be bare,no weeds,just chicken shit ect all over, the house straw would be spead over the ground and dug in, left for a month of so then planted with potatos and various other veg,they were the best taters ever, just a plateful with a bit of butter and chopped spring onion,mmmm. Just an idea Jake, you might like to try a chicken "tractor" in your run..

    The duck eggs you mention,i bought some by mistake a few years ago,the shell was a lot harder than chicken and a bit more money, i must buy some more to see if the yolks have the same golden yellow colour as my dads chickens did, they never got any bought meal, just house scraps and worms from the ground.otherwise the local egg yolk are near the same colour as the white, useless for health!!.

    OK Jake, good to catch up again,its been a long time, keep well mate..

  4. A lot of food in Thailand is tasteless, eggs, chicken,tomatoes ,farmed fish, off the top of my head

    Agreed Donny, the flavours of real food are disguised with spices, also the age of them, even so, natural foods l ike meat are full of antibiotics to make them grow quick.

    im afraid us town dwellers cant do much about this, PigeonJake seems to have it sorted though.. top blokeclap2.gif

  5. hi lickey.

    i agree with you, we try to grow most of our own, we have growing carrots off to a tee now,

    dont buy potatoes, we grow sweet potatoes, i think they taist better,

    we manage to grow most ourselfs,

    pork our own

    chicken our own

    duck our own,

    eggs our own,

    i do buy rice,,lol

    Well done Jake, since i had to give up the farm,health and family reasons, we only have a 10metre sq backgarden at our town house,in which we have limes,chillis,ginger tumeric galangol & garlic,all natural and good.

    What made me post this is the overuse of chemicals here, i had made some muck heaps with food waste and rice husks,it was full of worms and steaming,this was dug into 10 raised salad beds,growing onions,carrots,garlic cucumber potatos and other herbs & spices, all was growing well,

    One weekend we decided to go away for a break,Mrs asked if i had a job for Mr poo,our farm oddjob man, i said yes, he can weed the salad beds,iwent to look on our return, everything was dead,he h ad sprayed the lot with some weedkiller,glsophate roundup or similar,nothing grew for near 6/8 months after.

    I Think soon after this i started the topic Farmers Sob Stories, it might be in the archives somewhere and was very popular at the time,

    Cheers, lickey..

  6. Are you fed up of buying carots the size of cucumbers,potatos & melons the size of footballs ect off the local market? me too,we use the Kings farm shop in Udon Thani as mush as possible,im pretty sure all the fruit & veg are organic, the carotts are small finger sized,the tates are excellent,the fruit is real tasty.

    Ok, its more expensive, but there is normally about 50 people waiting for the new delivery,these are other shopkeepers who make a big mark-up on the prices after buying in bulk. [wish they sold meat!]

    Anyway,it seems though people do appreciate healthy natural food.

    Since i gave up all proccessed food 6 months ago, i feel a better person, tinned ,packet,hydrogenated oils,stopped all that crap!

    Im not trying to convert anybody,but the following link does make a good read, its long,so scroll down to find the section that interests you,


  7. Not sure if the others in the race or the voters have bad memories,

    Heres a reminder,, what a useless woman she is!!




    And of course this is the woman who has split up famlies in the UK and making it very difficult for us expats to take our non-eu wives to live in uk,,,!

  8. And dont forget May got that law passed that broke up many famiiys, you remember,the one that if want to return to live in the UK with our non-EU wife we would have to earn 18,600

    Quid a year, or have 62K in a UK bank,,, what a bitch!!! And thats after paying UK taxes for 48 years, in my view,disgusting woman!!!


    Andrea Leadsom for me, calm,collected lovely lady......

  9. Big C built a store in our town of Namsom,[100k NW of Udon] last September,we went to look round, after a wander the mrs said what you think, good? i said :

    This place could hold 3/400 people comfortable,but there are no fire escapes,exstingishers or sprinkler system, its full of electrical appliances like AC,fridges lights and other stuff,and they way in and out is 1 set of electric doors, Its a death trap if there was a fire near that door! Oh she said..... if i have to go their,im in & out ASAP...

  10. Every year in our town at te Loy Kratong festival the local police have a big board up covered in pics of fatal road accidents, if you stop to look at it a cop comes along with a cane and points to the worst ones,, heads shattered by truck wheels ect blood all over road, disgusting!!!!

    And im thinking,what the hell are you smiling for?? this is your fault for not enforcing the law, and not going to the local schools to show the kids a basic road lesson,, bloody sad i reckon!!!

  11. For those of you interested in the TT, you can follow the live timing and comentary here. http://ttlive.iomtt.com/# just sign in [free] and then click the radio tab in the left link, it should be another record breaking Senior TT starting at 6.30pm friday 10th.

    Michael Dunlop [a famous name of the TT] reckons he can do a 134 even a 135mph lap of the Island, making it the worlds fastest race, the Ulster GP is at the moment..

    im a Dunlop fan, if you good people get a chance, watch "Road" the story of the Dunlop family, a story of dedication and tragedy..

  12. I was sitting outside our house/buisness place,this is normal for me every evening and has been for 10 years now,anyway this fella walking past said hello, i said good evening, he said you are english? i replied yes, and i think you are german?

    He said yes i am, ah england,land of fish & chips, have you been to germany?

    Yes, many times touring on my motorbike,

    He continued by saying we have many wonderful places , our cities the gardens, on & on he went, then he said our Parks are the top of all Europe, do you have a good special park in England?

    I was getting a bit fed up of listening to him, so i said yes, very special, Bletchley !! with that he went off,,

  13. To test for good or interfered with milk you can try these simple tests.


    Another test for a good cooking oil is also very easy, recently my german friend said that my bertolli EV lite oil was fake,so [google] i put a small glass of this in the fridge,along with some rice bran oil and coconut cooking oil, after 2 hours the olive & coconut oil were solid white like lard, proving they had been cold pressed, the expensive rice bran oil stayed liquid for many days,

    This proved to me that the cold pressed oils had all the original healthy fats in them.

  14. Let me get this straight, this is a Buddhist temple and they objected to letting the Tigers go, but now we find it was affront for trafficking these tigers and making money off the furs, I assume as well as other animal parts. Which part of breaking the law does this temple want to address.

    I suggest the Temple closed down, disband the monks ( those that are not charged with offences and sell off the land and donate all monies raised to Animal sancturaries across Thailand.

    This si a DISGRACE to Thailand and Buddhism I wonder what the PM will say...........................

    The PM will say that they all come from Burma, what else ?

  15. Hi Lickey,
    In my post #02 of this thread, i stated that this was not an operating system problem but rather the software (Office suite) that you are using to create, edit or change the document you are using. While i consider this to be true, here is a step-by-step to make sure you are setup correctly. I have attached a .docx (Operating System Default Date Settings) with snapshots to accompany this post. The snaps are taken from W10 professional & MS Office 2016, but will be the same for other recent versions as well.
    Operating System Default Date Settings.
    Go into Control Panel (right-click on Start button and select Control Panel. When Control Panel opens, if not already done, select small icons (or large icons if you are vision impaired) from the View by dropdown button (Top right). This is set to Category by default; I find the icon view to give you better control as opposed to category or the new Windows search view.
    Click on Language. My computer is set for only English (United States), but the same changes can be made to any language pack installed. On the left side click on Change date, time, or numbers formats.
    The Region box will then openand regardless of the language format selected, will allow you to change the Date & Time formats. When you have made your changes, click Apply and OK to set as default. (You may have to reboot to apply these changes (I can't remember). Under the Location tab in the Region box I am still in Thailand.
    Changing a Date format in an Excel cell.
    Quick check in Options: Open Excel, click on File then Options. When the OPtions box opens, click on Language and check the Display Language box has selected Match Microsoft Windows <default>. If so, close the boxes and open the file you want to edit.
    Open the Excel file you want to change. Right click on the cell containing the format you want to change and click on Format Cells from the drop down list. Click on the Number tab and select Date from the Category list. Change to whatever format you need and click OK.
    Note: if you have a Date column or row, you can select the whole range before right clicking and Format Cells.
    Hope this solves your problem, I still think the Excel option meets your needs as opposed to the operating system, but the first bit doesn't hurt. Check the attached.................wink.png

    Hi Chris,done that and left it for the night, tried the form again, no change! its reset the date in the bottom corner to 16/05/2016 which is how i like it, but wont work on the form.I have Excel and Word installed,but no idea how to use them. if you would like to try the form the link is-https://portal.nationet.com/nationwide/ppiEnquiry/default.asp Thanks..

    With reference to the online file, when entering your date of birth, follow the format written and don't use any back slashes between number groups.


    Thanksa Chris and sorry for late reply, seems the my router packed up cos of constant power cuts and they have finally replaced it, ive tried the form again and it works! befofe i was using spaces which would account for the 2 missing numbers on the end,next is my thai postcode,althoughwith my thai address thay still want it and its rejected. but please dont worry over that, i will try to find a way round it, Thanks again mate for your efforts!! Lickey..

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