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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. I would say Warpspeed is right, The OP did say sealed bearings, all the others in the pics [ok, big bearings] are all oil fed or splash lubricated,

    The only place you will find sealed bearings on an engine is the Power steering pump, Alternator, AC pump,water pump,spigot shaft in the flywheel,starter motor ect,

    So yes, probaly a bearing for a big electric motor, or even a brg for a track powered 360,

    • Like 1
  2. Marshalling, i reckon from 1969 t0 1981, Snetterton being my local circuit, and Bemsee my favorite club, they let me pick my favorite corner which was Russels at Snetterton and bottom bend at Brands, Newmarket & DMCC was next, Forgotten Era, now New Era i think also, I really cant remember the X7 races, but do remember the Kennings Classic Kawasakis, production series open to all triple 2 strokes, that was our buisiest time, one name i remember was Roger Winterburn from this series.

    Others of the day would be Ray Knight, Steve Trasler, Dennis Mcmillan,lots more who escape me now,,

    Cadwell, ah the lunchtime break, free pie chips and mushy peas in the old canteen at the mountain, a real blessing on a wet day in Lincs,,

    Back to the future, Yes, that gyro cam was great, at first i thought Rossi was crashing and nearly fell off the sofa, trying to keep the bike upright for him,,

    Besides all the other graphics onscreen, it would be good to see a lean meter, must be getting near 50 degrees??

  3. Yes, Rossi got 2 races for the price of 1 , so 2 starts ect, much needed to give his injuruies a rest, but he did so well in both, when he went past Stoner, i nearly poored my beer in my ear!!, imagine the crowd if he got on the rostrum!! and his fans all over the world,,

    Moto2 is a cracker, 41 starters, action all the way, If it wasnt for Rossis return, i dont know if id have watched GP, I havent studied the lap times yet but i was thinking it would be a good idea for the top 6/8/10/ moto2 riders to compete in the GP with there own engine choice, it could be feasible to make up grid numbers,,might even include a Triumph!! they are doing very well in WSS.

    Cadwell Park, Was it Lincs & Louth DMCC? marshalled there a lot, never rode the track in anger though, Favourite spec point was the mountain, Read and Agos MVs wheeling and the lovely noise,

    Funniest moment was when Dave Croxford JP Norton, pushed his bike down the little road near the mountain, jumped on to start it, got his foot between the rear wheel and guard, fell in a great heap!! Crocker twisted his ankle and Rex White [team manager rode the bike instead]

    Cheers Lickey..

  4. I can only imagine if you are "going for it" in a racing crouch, [in my case my right foot goes under the pedal in a comfortable natural way] but i always have 2 fingers hovering over the brake & clutch levers,

    So sitting up to brake could bring your boot sole to rest on the fairing and pedal, so perhaps the guard they are talking about is fitted to the pedal, so it stops your boot going to far inwards and pressing on the fairing?

  5. The Doctor is back and 5th place on the grid, after 6 weeks, not really startling news for a proffesinal racer and somebody who has a few quid in the bank, he loves his sport, and we love to watch him..

    1975, my left femur was broken in a bike accident, it snapped and the bones went beside each other, left leg was 5in shorter than the right, so 2 weeks of traction and the a pin was hammered down the femur, they opened up my thigh to hold the bones steady, 47 stitches, then cut my buttock open to hammer the pin in, 12 stitches, they took it out 3 years later, still have it at mums place in the UK now,,

    I was riding my Trident T150V just under 7 weeks from the accident, with the wrist crutches slipped over the silencers and a gungy band round the tops of them, Doubt Rossi will be doing that!!!!!

    Like your bike Soihok, my younger brother has an 92 900 trident, a green Street Triple,2 year old Triumph Scrambler twin with the upswept exhausts and BMW 1200GS,

    Some of the Triumphs ive had, Tiger 21,T110,6T, Thunderbird,1968 Bonny,T150v Trident, others at that time were Norton 88, BSA C10L Royal Enfileld Bullet 350,

    I finnally went to Jap bikes in 1976, after having so many problems with the Trident, Honda 550F, CX 500,Kawasaki GT550, GT 750, GTR1000 times 2, then my favorite, ZZR1100 D1, still have it in the UK now, Here i have a Yam XJR1200, its ok, but doesnt have the grunt or the airbox intake roar of the ZZR, a real adrenalin pump!!

    Cheers, Lickey,,

  6. Hi Folks, sorry not to posted much recently, been doing the mrs visa for UK and daughters wedding, what a headache!!

    Anyway, have been watching the racing, looks like JL is running away with it, Biaggi in WSB also, but the brits are making him work hard for it,

    And the real good news is that Rossi has been testing, courtesy of CNN, he says, For sure, a few testing laps are very differet to a full GP, but i will be back very soon! i think all the world wants Rossi back, I certainly do,

    Looks certain that Rossi will be with Ducati next year, who better to iron out the front end handling problems of the Duke?

  7. My sporting life has always been about Motorcycle Racing, my greatest moments are,,,

    1971, Seeing John [mooneyes] Cooper beat Ago at mallory park, aka Race of the year,

    and at the time was a pit lane marshall, Percy Tait pulled up on Slippery Sam, [many UK bikers will know this bike] told me to sit on it and keep blipping the throttle while he changed his visor,

    1975, Febuary and Sheens big crash at Daytona, i smashed my left femur in May 75, me and some friends were at Brands Hatch, i was on sticks making our way to the bar in the evening, a Rolls royce pulled up beside us, Barry said,what happenedto you mate? i said, same as you, i buggered my femur, got a big nail inside!, ok he said, make your way to the Kent Octagon bar and the drinks are on me!! Johnny Ceccoto was driving the roller,,at the bar a girl exsposed her breasts and Barry wrote Mild & Bitter on them and then kissed them both!! and true to his word, bought all the drinks that evening,he gave us paddock passes as well.

    Raceday, i got to chat with my hero, Phil Read, and sat on his 500 MV Agusta, what a tiny bike!!well, compared with my 750 trident at the time,

    Had a couple of chats with Carl Fogarty, Villa Real Portugal, and Snetterton uk where he autographed ex wifes foggy replica helmet,,

    I think the my best moment was at the Alley Pally Racing and Sporting Motorcycle show, after having a chat with John Renolds,Ron Haslam and Niall Mckenzie,Steve Hislop ect, we were looking at the bikes on the HRC stand, I heard a voice, hello hello hello, i looked round and it was Joey Dunlop, he said, yes you, would you like a cuppa? we went into the caravan, Joey made a cuppa tea, and asked what is my favorite bike, i said im Kawasaki through and through, Joey said, i see you smoke Old Holborn, do you mind if i have a rolly?Turns out that Joey had left his baccy at the hotel, no problem, it was a very interesting chat with a 26 times TT winner, i gave him my baccy pouch on our exit and he was well pleased,,

    Joey did charity runs allover eastern europe, van full of clothes food ect and his bike, he died in Estonia in 2002 after a crash in the 250cc race,

    RIP Joey [yer maun] Dunlop

  8. http://www.thaivisa...._1#entry2569136 I make sure that what i want to do is done in daylight, and same as others, if distant is involved, will hole up for the night,

    What finally put me off night driving was this thread, even in daylight i will not make a thai rider/driver angry, will always give way to them, where ever they are on the road, its a long thread, but it will make you think 10 times about flashing your lights at Thais in the future,,

  9. Cousin lived 1k from his MIL, on the Nong Khai/Udon hiway, to go home correctly, he would have to travel 12ks to a U turn, then go past his house to the next U turn, a journey of perhaps 15ks, Like i said, he was a poor farmer and never had much money for fuel ect, so it was always the quick way home, in the designated motorsi lane, whether it be both ways, the police dont police this activity atall.

    You ever seen a Thai driver behave this way? flashing lights and sounding horn at a bike on the wrong side? i very much doubt it,,

  10. I wait till they get near then hand on hooter, they don't like that, at night, main beam, they don't like that either but the mrs says you wont change anything. :ermm:

    So now we are getting closer to the truth of how my mrs poor farmer cousin died, some idiot was flashing his lights at him, he was dazzled and lost control, you otherwise acept the fact that thai bikers ride how and where they want or you dont drive,

    Your mrs is right, you wont change anything, and what comes around, goes around, !!

  11. Every bike needs a plate and registration to be driven on a Thai road. They are being driven illegally.

    I should add one caveat. In Bangkok the temporary red plates are no longer issued on new motorbikes and the cops aren't enforcing it even though the law is still in effect. Here in Phuket and other places I have heard about, no plate = ticket, even if you have all the documents showing you bought the bike brand new 20 minutes before.

    Different province different laws i suppose, youd probaly get fined here for wearing a helmet?

    There is a shop here that takes the stuffing out of seats so 7 year olds can reach the ground, and the up to 16 yo school is jam-packed with bikes,

    De-fault on 1 re-payment and the shop will take off all the front brake components, MC, hyd pipe,caliper and disc, and so on, anybody else seen this?

  12. Every bike needs a plate and registration to be driven on a Thai road. They are being driven illegally.

    Its exactly as i thought, i did see a new trail bike with a plate and lights today, yam dt125, my BILs 23 yo 2 stroke Suzi has never had plates, mrs 3 yo Wave never had plates till i fitted them, she never had a licence for 30 years, although she drove cars,bikes and trucks, she has now,,

    I would say that only 50% of the bikes here have back and front lights,perhaps 10% wear a helmet, [coconut case] The local cops do nothing, just sit in there little office by the Temple in the lake, reading papers or playing cards,

    or WC football, if there is a fatality, 1 will go and take pics, put them on the notice board, saying they died because of no helmet or something, not that its there fault for not enforcing the law!

    It seems like nobody bothers about the law out here in the sticks, just a free for all,,

  13. Looks like Wataru Yoshikawa is replacing rossi for the next 3 races, hes the development rider for Yam M1 in Japan,

    And we are in for a great weekend, so get some extra beer in!!

    Assen TT Saturday, starts 15 57 thai time, 3 races as usual,,

    Italian WSB Sunday, prog starts at 16 45, second race 20 15, [again,as usual, please check these times] ...

    So comeon Bradley and Scott at Assen, and im sure there will be some Brits on the Muggello podium,,,

    Well done to Ian Hutchinson, 5 TTwins in 1 week, first time ever,

    Cheers, Lickey..

  14. Seems to be a lot of new trial bikes on the road here in Namsom, many with no lights, indicators, and very noisy, and absolutely no provision to fit a rear number plate,

    So when people buy these bikes, can they declare that they are for off-road use only, thus not paying taxes on them?

    Thanks, Lickey..

  15. Well Soihok, i never did rate Toseland, he got his WSB championships by consistency rather than outright wins, which i suppose is no bad thing, but wins do make a champion in the publics eyes,,

    Perhaps Niall Mackenzie should have a go? just paint the bike up in Cadburys Boost colours and send him off!!

    It was great to hear Niall on the comentory, his son Taylor was in the 125s as a wild card, but something happened on the last lap and DNF,

    Rossi is out of hospital now, and im pretty sure he will be back very soon, perhaps 1 month?

    Assen TT on saturday, cant wait!!

  16. I watched the opening GP2 race and thought that cannot be equalled in GP or 125s, but it really was close, all 3 races,

    Seems like the ex 250 boys are now getting the hang of the 600cc four strokes, albeit same sealed engine, Cluseau [peter sellers?] stayed on the bike this time, good for him, he said pre-race that hes got to cut out the crashes!!

    Nicky Hayden is nearly there again, but that small mistake let Spies through, Lorenzo ran away with it, Wonder where he got the Beatles idea from, anybody know?

    3rd place, well done Bradley, you fort hard for that, during the last lap i really thought you would be 1st,

    Assen will be next saturday, and much more entertaining than Englands efforts in the WC..

    Cheers, Lickey.

  17. I bought some seed garlic a couple of years ago in a Udon market, put it in a salad bed, 4in by4in planting, watered every other day, it was coming up good, nice green tops, after a few days, on my regular afternoon visit to the farm, 50% of the green had gone, cut off,, asking the mrs about this, she had been there early morning and trimmed the tops, stating it was best for making a certain issan dish or soup, the bulbs were forming up,but only as big as thumbnail, and strong tastseing, lot better than chinese bulbs,

    After 5 years ive only now got my mrs to tell me the correct time, as for trying to suggest she change as far as growing veg to there full extent, ill forget about that!!

  18. Today will see the first practice laps of this weekends MotoGP race at, a modified, Silverstone.

    The track will be new to all the riders, although Stoner has raced at Donnington before, the track is not the same now.

    So the championship becomes narrower without Rossi, or opens up, depending how you look at it. The doctor will be missed and it is also a shame that the fans won't get to see him ride.

    British WSBK rider Cal Crutchlow has turned down an offer to ride for Tech3 which means that Edwards is lining up taking over Rossi's ride on the Factory Yamaha. But there will be no second Fiat Yamaha rider this weekend, so the teams combined efforts are focussed on Lorenzo.

    Who will win?

    Dunno, but there will be fireworks :)

    The link below opens a site that shows Rossi's accident. His leg is like a banana on photos 8&9. OUCH!


    Wow, that looks like it hurt a bit, but having had several broken bones myself, it useally takes about 15 mins to really hurt, Crash.net is good, but i find this one very quick with results ect,

    Motorsports | Motorsport News & Results - Yahoo! Eurosport UK

    Also i didnt know this but Silverstone is starting off with GP2,then Moto GP and finally the 125s, Action starts at 5pm thai time, but please check this, [im getting as bad as a thai for times!!!]

    Cheers, Lickey,,

  19. Hi All, the storms have started here in Namsom [100ks NW of Udon Thani} but are few and far between, i think the dust and dry air is giving me problems breathing, i read somewhere on the net that some plants are great converters and will moisten the air, thats what we need in the rest room and bedroom,

    Not sure if it help or not, but im so fed up of coughing every morning, so would like to try some plants,

    Ideas please and pics if possible,

    Thanks, Lickey,,

  20. Namsom, if you are in Udon Thani, take the Nong Khia highway for about 16ks, you will see a sign for Ban Phue & Namsom, from Udon to Namsom is 100ks,

    The highlight of Namsom is the Temple in the lake, and the huge fish, these you can feed for 5bht a packet of food,

    Please PM me if you want an overnight stay, en-suite room, internet and UBC available,

    Cheers, Lickey & Pan,,

  21. Ive heard this too, but i dont think you will be getting Atlantic Cod,Dover Sole, or the like on the menu, saveoloys [battered sauasage] as long as it isnt spicy would be ok, and some mushy peas perhaps,

    Mrs has been doing fish & chips for 4 years now here in Namsom, its a real favorite with visiting and local falangs, 100bht for a real platefull,, of course its freshwater fish, Pan rubs the fish with salt, dips it in the batter and deep fries for 8/10 mins, i cant tell the difference wether its sea fish or not, really tasty!!

    Its a sideline for us, something to do in the evenings, Pan runs a busy beauty salon during the day, so if you fancy a trip out for fish & chips anybody, let us know in advance pls,

    Gheers, Lickey & Pan,,

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