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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. I smell a rat here, its not possible even with OEM parts, 8k must be for labour only,

    You will need a power steering pump, extra drive belt/s and pulleys, 1 high pressure hose, and a low pressure return hose, plus a addition to the top of your steering box or a complete PS rack and pinion,, new oil and filter, not forgetting the mounting brackets for the pump, it also has to be set up properly, the lock limit valves set to cut the power on full lock, if not, it will destroy the pump,

    As a test, normally at standstill, turning the wheels will make the pump work hard, hold it on full lock, and if it continues to make a noise, its time to get the steering stops adjusted, the pump power should cut out at full lock..

  2. http://www.alibaba.com/product-free/113582438/TR_2011_Water_Finder.html

    Theres something to look at, was it anything like this?

    Offset, how much water do you need, 170lts a min is a lot, , what pump are you going to use? what are you irrigating? how much land?

    Sorry for all the questions, but info will help us with advice, and perhaps the drill man done the neighbours farm, so he already knows how deep?

    In our p[rovence, water diviners and anthills determine where the borehole will go,

    Cheers, Lickey.

  3. Poochai, if you are aplying in Udon Thani provence, then look no further,, for us to come to Udon, introduce you to the Immigration boss, sort your paper work, a meal at pizza hut, a quick tour of Udon falang places, all in 3000bht, the offer stands!!

    You must have 800K in a thai bank 2 months before you apply, that is RULE, or made up to 800K by pension payments monthy, which MUST be confirmed by your embassy,

    Keep posting your thoughts, we are here to help..

    Cheers, Lickey.

  4. Nor sor sam title land, 1/2 k from nice market town of Namsom, 185.000 bht per rai, water, electric,phone line, and locals are buying, there is no restrictions on what you do on this type of titled land, you want to build a Days Inn, no problem, but you might have problems with lesser titles, doing a google search on Thai Land Titles will help guide you, just dont build too much on lesser land titled ground, you might make a thai jealous,,

  5. If youve here for a month, a USB Aircard is your best bet, between 1500/1700 bht, and i think 100bht for 10 hours internet, others will correct me on this im sure, also some internet shops have WiFi, you could park outside and get the net for free,

    To get a phone line in a village you nearly need to start a protest march on the local TOT office, and it might get done in 3/4 months,,,,,,,

    You could use your mobile and Laptop if both have bluetooth, about 30bht an hour..

    On the same subject, fella in computer shop told me if local Internet is down, aircard wont work either, anybody have experience of this please?

    Thanks, Lickey.

  6. Soidogs,

    We buy ours cleaned, salted and ready to go, i put the skin over the water filter pressure outlet just to make sure, and wash them in drinking water, with the homemade plastic funnel, i make the sausages exactly what size i want, just by squeezing the meat down the skin, whether its chipolatas or a big link, no problem..

    Good luck..

  7. Good post Ray, im getting a bit like that nowadays, any trip over 150ks, the Ranger wins, usually cos Pan wants to go shopping, and plus the lower back pain on the bike, results of my younger days and accidents i suppose, and yes, its the only time i ride on the wrong side of the road, overtaking trucks/pick-ups/cars,

    Looking forward to the pics mate,

    Cheers, Lickey & Pan..

  8. As usual, the point of the post escapes you, you only see what you want to see, do you have short attention span problems or something??

    If you dont understand my posts, let me spell it out for you, It seems some of these card holders can ride in walking street without a helmet, and the local cops dont like this, and are thinking of stopping HWP, rightly so in there case, but other dedicated blokes should be allowed to continue,,,

    Also i havent seen for a long time, [dont worry TA will be along soon} so your forum cred is low, ive never had forum cred to lose, so no problem!!

    Sleep well, I will...

  9. I left school at 15, had 3 months before my tech college MVT started, I got a job at the Greene King brewery in Bury St Edmunds, they had just started doing Abbot Ale, my job was to sweep out the drained tanks, the yeast would be pressed and re-used for the next batch, sweeping out the tanks would leave me so dizzy, i could hardly push bike home,

    W hen i go to the UK, i want some Abbot ale, some pubs seem offended when i ask for a sample, If the sample has big bubbles on it, avoid it, a nice level small bubble froth is a good draught Abbott Ale, Beware, its a beer that creeps up on you, 6 pints and you are well oiled!!

  10. Sorry folks, i suppose i should come clean now, i have no problems with my mrs about jealousy ect, i posted for a new fella who seems intent on how far he can push his thai girl, hes known her about a year, and a total of 2 months together, hes a great bloke, and shes a real thai beauty, ive tried to tell him to calm things down if he wants to keep her, hes done all the right things with the family ect, but this teasing could be the undoing of the relationship,

    Thanks for all your posts, Lickey..

  11. So a friendy face scraping your face off the road makes you feel better does it?, i very much doubt this, and laying in the road with a broken femur,wrist and severe abdominal pains, and youve worried where your bike is gonna go? [been there,done that] i couldnt give a shit where the bike is going, they are going to take the bike to the police pound, throw it on the heap with the other wrecks,

    They will check the bike for tax insurance ownership ect, if it doesnt match up, you have lost the bike,

    So can the Falang HWP overide these decisions? i think not,

  12. After near 6 years, nearly 5 in Thailand, seems my mrs is still insanely jealous if i smile or wave at a girl who comes to the salon, or i know them from the market or just walking in our small town, its ok for her to chat with fellas i dont know, but she always tells me afterwards who they are, so no problem for me,

    Does your mrs/gf take a dim view of you smiling chatting with other girls?

    Cheers, Lickey..

  13. Steps, your rear tyre has a reading of 70, this is the tyres width, i think tyre width sizes goes up in 10s of MM, check the max width/clearance at the front of the rear tyre, ie, near the engine/drive assembly, it might take a slighty bigger tyre, but not much..

  14. Dont know where you live in Thailand, here in north Issan it will start to rain big time in about 6 weeks, so good treded tyres are essential on wet roads, not so much for wheelspin, but braking on wet surfaces, mrs just had 2 new tyres put on her Wave, 800bht,

  15. The best fuel saver is when the driver can feel the relationship between the engine and the road, , pull away in 2nd if there is a slight downhill advantage, or you can keep rolling, again, gear skiping if the vehicle has advantage of a high rev overtake in 3rd, go to 5th, and feather the pedal,

    For me, its all about understanding the feel of the engine and the road, i see a red light, neutral and coast, come to a gentle stop on the brakes [cheaper than transmissions and clucthes] ok, air-con in slow city traffic, once out in the country, AC off and rear windows down, when parked, try not to use steering till moving, hydraulic steering pumps use fuel and increase tyre wear at a standstill,

    Automatic drivers in the city can select 1/2/3 to suit the traffic conditions, the box wont go higher than you select, so when taking your foot off, it wont change up, even if you have peaked in that gear, again, you can get good MPG from an auto if have a good road/engine understanding.

  16. OP, classic case of overcharging, 5 batteries in 4 years, youve definitely got alternator problems,

    Ive just read your posts, Ranger starts ok when cold, thats when turnover starter speed is at its most sluggish, doesnt want to start when hot, with overcharging, the excess voltage tends to buckle the battery plates causing heat and gassing, when it cools, it will work again,

    So your new ford garage is half-way there, you must get the charging checked or change the alternator anyway,

    Cheers, Lickey.

  17. Since alternators were introduced into the car world, they have been known to be a major battery drain if the diode goes bad, in the good old days with a dynamo, the cut-out box/regulator would totally disconect the battery from the dynamo, these days, a good garage will look for things like a courtesy light staying on, perhaps in the boot or under the bonnet, something you cant see,,

    OP, you could have just changed the brush/diode box for about 20quid, but reading your post saying your Mitsubushi is now quieter, it seems like the alternator bearings were worn out to,

    A general rule of thumb for belt tension is half inch either way on 1 foot of belt, less will affect the bearings, more will induce slip, also if the belt has sunk into the pulley, ie, the pulley is shiny right to the center, its time for a new belt,

    You have done the right thing, replace it with a recon, but please check the belt tension, Thais always seem to think more is better,

    Cheers, lickey.

  18. Thanks IA, that was what i was hoping,, seems like mum took a few steps today so is on the way to recovery hopefully. driver is on a life support machine, the other girl has a broken spine,

    Exchange, i sent you e-mail,

    Thanks for all your input, Lickey.

  19. BIL came up wih a buisness proposition, sounds good like most thai deals do, but mrs tells me [bless her] that he has had a few failed buisnesses before, so, is there anyway of checking his history/debts ect, without him knowing?

    He is thai, by the way,

    Suggestions welcome, Thankyou, Lickey.

  20. A very close neighbour, her BF, her daughter and her friend were in a car that the driver lost control on some twisty roads between Namsom and Ban Phu monday night, the driver and mum have been given a 50/50 chance of living, both have bad head injuries, daughters friend has broken legs, the 15yo daughter died at the scene,

    We all know its normal for a next day cremation, but in this case, will the daughter be put on ice [so to speak] till mums condition is known, whether she can attend the fire or not, my Mrs isnt sure about this, does anybody know?

    Thankyou, Lickey.

  21. Hey, IA, dont give up on your post yet,,,, I came from the sticks in East Anglia UK, to the Northern bamboo sticks in Thailand, i was never a city dweller and never want to be,

    Was in BKK a week or so ago, getting affirmation to marry at the UK embassy, the thai girl asked GF if i drink lots of beer and lo-cal, GF told me what she said, i was rather angry, i said i have red eyes and runny nose because of the polution in BKK, do you want to give me a breathalyser? she said sorry sir, no, 2hours or so in the UK embassy and didnt see one Brit offical???

    I was so glad to get back home, [we] !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, so we live in a small town of 8.500 [regersted] people, and probaly only 4 families, the gossip is tantamount to Nuclear war at times, people handing out death threats, throwing half a dead cat onto the front balcony, youngsters 20/30s buying dog poison cos there life is going nowhere, riding motorbikes, [think the worst scenario] and of course the money thing which we cant chat about on TV, but longstayers will know the implications of this.so if the city boys move up here and dont mind everybody knowing there buisness, it will be ok,

    And what would Stickman think about the move? theres a question..

    Cheers, Lickey..

  22. Sorry IA, now ive got the ghist of your post, [perhaps it was the Laos earthquake that near shook me of the shithouse seat and addled my brain a bit?]

    Heres a little story you all might enjoy,,

    I was sitting outside the salon with an english mate, hed been here a total of 7months in 3 years, he was saying "there is nothing you can tell me about issan culture, i know it all, i replied, well, ive been here 4.5 years and learn something new everyday, just then mrs came out and sat down, i asked her why had Dan [brother] parked his PU truck outside salon? mrs said, its not Dans truck, its ours! how,why what? he had defaulted on a previous HP agreement and mrs used her name for the HP, and made most of the payments apparantly, he didnt want the truck anymore and left it with us!! and in 4.5 years i didnt know we owned a truck!! although we used it when avaiable, so i said to english fella, there you go, you learn something new everyday!!

    Kids under 16 dont need a license to ride a motorbike because they are too young to have a license,,

    Going to Udon a few years ago, in cousins PU, she caught the fuel pump island and ripped the tyre open, no spare,, we had to buy a new trye, WHY? because it wouldnt have happened if we did not want to go to Udon,,[never mind her crap driving!!!]

    BIL parked at Tesco, he stayed in truck with engine running, and AC on, we came back 1.5 hours later, engine running and him fast asleep, i said to mrs, all that fuel for nothing, she got onto him, he said, truck not moving, no fuel!! [oh dear oh dear],,

    He took us to Nong Khai last year, long straight road, no hills, 3000rpm in 4th, i asked mrs is there something wrong with gearbox, no 5th gear? her brothers reply was that the the road tax had expired?? after a few questions, the garage had told him that the truck would be most happy at 3000rpm in any gear,,, and that was 80kmph for his truck in 4th,,,

    IA, if this is the sort of stuff you want for migrants coming t o the Issan region, ive got plenty more,

    Cheers mate, Lickey..

  23. IA, why would we want to ask stickman something? it seems rather strange that if falangs who come to live here cant work something out for themseleves have to ask a city bloke what its like living in the sticks?Ive been to his site before, some poor bugger has pourded his heart out, 500+ words, and what does he get? yes, i agree with youy mate!!

    The stories are interesting, stickmans input is Not!!

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