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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. A very apt description Memock, thieving scum!! this scum has spread the word that my mrs is no good, taking money from falang, its a sad state of affairs really but you are right, I told my mrs a few weeks ago not to help any falang and its working, some falang and a girl from the same village as the scum came here and asked about a borehole driller, mrs told them yes, i do know one but im not telling you, go and ask her in village, she know everything! she didnt want to be accused of making money from a falang anymore..<BR><BR>I dont whether to feel sorry for the falang that come here for a few months every year after sending 20/30/40.000 bht every month and see no change in the house or farm or that they are stupid and idiots to do this, that also goes for them that allow their partners to "work" away, <BR><BR> Lickey..

  2. As us permanent stayers here all know, money lending and borrowing is a fixture of Thai life, its what they do and i dont get involved in it, when my mrs says she owes money to so & so, i shrug my shoulders and open my hands, you did the deal, you sort it!! im not going to help you, I feel that if y ou help your partner, then it will be never ending, it also gives them a sense that the ATM card does have a limit,

    Mrs helped a falang recently, buying a car, she had 3 phone calls from his partner asking how much % you make? and she wanted some! Mrs was in tears about this, she just want to help people, and she has a good heart for this, she wanted the falang to be a friend for me, but his partner broke this,,

    Anybody got some experineces to add?

    Thanks, Lickey..

  3. Hi Xerostar, My Franklin submersible/borehole pump certainly has a one way valve fitted in the outlet at the top of the pump, if its not used for a week or so, the water does run back, whether there was a fault in the lift pipe i dont know,

    But the amout of sand/clay ect ive got out of mine, i wouldnt be suprised if this was the problem, perhaps holding the valve open a little,

    Also, powerfull pumps need anti-torsinal brackets fitted, start-up torsion can un-screw the top pipe fitting or crack the plastic pipe,

    By all means fit a one way vavle, it will help, make sure its automatic, not manual, deadhead your pump and its history,

    Cheers, Lickey..

  4. Boyce, its easy really, you dont need any machine, but it does help if you have a hand meat grinder,

    We make our own sausages, buy pork mince from tesco, [usually bone fragment free] add what you want to the mix, in place of breadcrumbs we use sticky rice, add spice as you want to taste,

    Get a water bottle, 1/2 litre, cut it about 2inches below the neck, pull the intestine over the threaded part and secure with elastic band, push the mix down the bottle and into the skin, gently ease the mix down the skin to what size sauasage you want, twist 2 times and snip off,,

    For skins, go to your local food market, find a sausage vendor, ask where they get skins from, good intestine skins will be cleand and salted and about 300bht a kilo, enough to make 200+ sauasges and skins will keep in a fridge for a month or more,

    Meat grinder, i use this to consolidate the meat, making it more of a puree type, plus its also easy to add things and mix together, If i have any mix left over, i make sausage rolls,

    Cheers, Lickey..

  5. Thanks for all your replies,

    The pump is still in our back garden awaiting my attention, we havent had the water "diviners" on the farm yet as its too early before the wet season to think about a new borehole, im sure we all know the best time for a new borehole is near the end of the dry season,

    I think one of the main problems with the original hole was that as soon as they finished drilling, they pushed the pump in [23mtrs] and run it flat out for an hour, ive recently found the pump manual and it says to run the pump on 1/3 open tap till water is clear, then 1/2 till water is clear, then open fully till water is clear, but with the new bore, i will insist they leave it for 2 days to let water settle and clear itself, and also do depth measurments to make sure its situated in the right place,, this is something else they did not do previously, just pushed the pump in and started it, Ok, it worked for 3 + years, but now i realise it could have worked better!!

    Your hints and tips have been logged, Thankyou,

    Sometimes we forget our roots, by trade, im a diesel engineer, and a sudden thought came to me, Rad Flush, looking on the net it seems i can use a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water to clean out the pump, so will do this in a day or so to see how much more crap falls out,

    Cheers, Lickey...

  6. Re-planing the farm this year, plus the bore water was getting sluggish, so have decided to make a new hole for it,

    Pulled it out two days ago and the intake filter was fairly clogged with a clay like deposit and evidence of a lot of sand in the intake chutes, ive cleaned it all as best i could, i held open the outlet valve and hosed clean water through it while gently tapping round the body with a piece of flat wood,more crap fell out!!, so before re-intalling it in its new home, i would really like to make sure its clean inside, anybody think a bit of caustic soda would help or harm it? i cant find anything on the net to help,,,

    Its a Franklin 1HP,

    Thanks for your views, Lickey.

  7. Or you could take a drive between Thai Bo and Nong Khia, about 30ks, mid January to end of February, you will see Tobbaco fields being harvested and dried on racks in the sun, its non-stop, numerous pumps sucking water from the Mekong for irrigation, its a tobbaco wonderland!

  8. Sorry IA, you did post that on my original jokes thingy, but still good for a laugh!!

    I forgot to tell you fellas how i met my russian Mrs,

    Story is, i went into a bar one night, and a pretty blonde girl sneezed and her glass eye flew out, it bounced on the bar and i caught it, i ambled round to her and gave her the eye back, she was so happy, i said when you look like you do, you can have a glass eye, no problem, well, she bought me drinks all night, and a big meal, went back to herroom had some mavellous sex, and at the breakfast table, i asked her why are you doing all this for me??

    She said, well, you just happened to catch my eye!!

  9. Hi VisaPlus,

    Dont mean to sideline the OPs question, buti do understand translations of most things are normal, having visited the UK with GF 3 times now, we are thinkink of getting married in the new year, we both live in Thai and have for 4+years,im 58, she is 48, totlly together 5+years, and at the moment on Retirement visa, but i would like to make my dear old mum[and us}[happy by getting married.

    So the question is, ive been married 3 times before, now would i have to produce and translate all these documents or only the last one?its a bit confusing that the Embassy site says "previous mariages" and others say previous marriage!

    your thoughts please, Thanks, Lickey.

  10. IA, you might have another take on this one then?

    My russian mrs had a glass eye, and one night she had run out of cleaning fluid, so she put it in her mouth so salvia would clean it, anyway, i suprised her and made her jump, she swallowed the eye, i said dont worry, it will pass through in a few days, just watch the toilet,

    Well, a week passed and there was no sign of the eye in the bog, so i said perhaps its caught up inside? drop your nickers, bend over and i will have a look, i spread her cheeks with my hands, had a look and told her, I cant see anything!!, she said thats funny, i can see you!!

  11. 3 fellas were caught by a cannibal tribe in Africa,, the chief says to the 1st one, WHERE YOU FROM? he says Ireland, chief says OK, IRISH STEW TONIGHT!, he says to 2nd one, WHERE YOU FROM? he says Scotland, chief says OK, SCOTCH BROTH TOMMORROW NIGHT!!,

    He says to the 3rd one, WHERE YOU FROM? he says Bradford England, the chief says, hello mate, my son got a council house yet?

  12. Coconut, when you engage 1st gear, doyou stop to do this? or on the move? it could be that the sychro hubs are turing so fast in the gearbox that they are complaining a bit, so get you gearbox oil level checked,

    If you think its a clutch problem, check thisyourself,, clutch pedal down, heal and toe it up to about 3.500rpm, select 3rd gear and let the clutch out quickly, if engine stalls in .5 of a second, clutch is good, if it runs on for 5/6 seconds then the clutch has had it,,,

    You say it drives fine and quiet on the flat roads, a thrust bearing would scream everytime you touched the clutch pedal, so thats not the problem, the spigot shaft bearing,, in the centre of the flywheel, its a small possibillty, this bearing surports the input shaft to the gearbox, when the clutch is depressed, this shaft stops spinning, again, if there is a problem with this bearing, all gears would be dificult,

    Perhaps getting the GBox oil checked or changed, try starting off in 1st on a hill, see if this helps things,

  13. Center Pivot Irrigation provides exact placement of irrigation water

    as frequently as the crop requires

    so that not as much is needed.

    with low pressure nozzles to that energy use is extremely efficient.

    It is high time that Thailand farming discovers them.

    The benefit is huge.

    Part of my job i the UK was for e rand & son, mainly for diesel engine overhaul, and auto transmissions, and sometimes got called out to service engines that powered a Valmont pivot irrigator, we were the only company authorised to do this service, the most popular engine was the rolls royce eagle diesel, [ Perkins] it had to power a generator and a 6inch bore hole pump, underground wires would make the pivot stretch out to the corners of the field,

    A farm in Shorpshire called us, his pivot had blown over, its an insurance thing that all pivots must be parked down wind, and the farmer must call the MET office everyday for a forecast, the wind changed in the night and caused 200,000 quid damage, the insurance paid this after big diccussions with the MET office, can you imagine this would happen here?

    Not sure, but i think there are some mobile irrigators between Thai Bo and Nong Khia,

  14. Whatever!!! all im saying is to give way to Thai drivers, dont get angry, sounding horn ect, it will make them more angry, if they pull out of a street on your right side, in front of you, its because they are blinkered, the way ahead is clear and thats all they care about, they are oblivious to where the danger is coming from, doest matter what you drive or ride,

    So mr TA, you have still got a lot to learn about thai traffic, and you didnt exspect to see 2 young kids on the wrong side coming at you???

    Oh yes, Vigo drivers are the worst for this, thai kill thai, about 100k, Falang kill Thai about 10millbht,

    And finally, You know best of course!!

  15. So you cant accept thai driving? its safe enough if you know what to expect, and im sure most of us do, but mr big head wants control as same as UK, well, he has a lot to learn, bikes on the wrong side? normal, no lights, normal, pick-ups with no lights atall, normal, so, mr TA, what are you going to do to make thai roads safer, in your opinion?????

    No, nothing you can do is there,, and boasting about your number plates really sums you up, what a w.....,

    • Like 1
  16. Interesting topic CM, I wish you both every success in your new life in Dorset, maybe one day you will have a house on Sandbanks, now there is an opportunity for a somtam stall.

    I think we are destined to remain in Thailand for the foreseeable future, the first time I took my good lady, lets call her "theyounggit", there we were sitting in Covent Garden on a glorious summer day, hottest day for years, she was cold and would have happily flown home that day.

    Anyway once again all the best CM and keep us posted.

    Small world Old Git, we were staying at the Duke Of Wellington opposite Waterloo station Easter 2005, [daughters BF is manager] we took a walk across the bridge and ended up in Covent Garden, Mrs spotted a Thai resturant,we went in and ordered, when the food came, it was basically a heap of rice with a few peas and maize with 4 prawns dumped on top, Mrs looked at it, picked the plates up and took them to the kitchen, there appeared to be a heated disscusion going on, anyway, she came back, [a bit coulored up] and the plates returned with cucumber,extra prawns,and chopped spring onion, plus 3 chile dip dishes of different heat, and my favorite, the chopped chiles in fish oil, and we really enjoyed it,, now how difficult was that to present an authentic Thai dish?[thats what the mrs told the boss!!] it still cost 32quid though,even with 1 small beer and water,,

    And i agree, find a place that can suply thai foods and mrs will be happy, im sure,

    Good Luck to you both,

    • Like 1
  17. Sam, i see nobody has answered your query, i will try,

    How long is the course you intend to take? is it 14.500pounds for 1 year or the total course, normally 4 years, and 10,000 to live on, again, is that for the total course or one year?

    For the first year, you can live in the Halls of Residence, top of the Old Kent Road going into London, you maybe sharing with 5/6/7 other students, but its cheap, 2nd year, i think you have to find your own living place, again, sharing to cut costs, I know this because my daughter went to Kings and got a Masters degree in Pharmacy after 4 years of hard study,

    Perhaps your Auntie could arrange a monthly debit to your bank which is accesabile in the UK? and i really think you have to pay for the course before you start, so auntie would have to transfer funds to Kings first,

    and your "living money" accesible via ATM,

    Good Luck,,

  18. Wow Blue tongue, thats a real painful story, ive broken a few bones, left femur, right tibia, right wrist, 2 knuckles in left hand, nose, but not all at once!!, thank Buddha, I was banned twice, totting up process,mainly speeding, You remember those raised humps they had on the side of motorways and dual carriage ways, little sign wouldsay, Police vehicles only, i went past one about 125mph on my ZZR1100, the bushes hid the police car, 2.8 granada i think it was, so im thinking, shit, this speed is a 3 month monkey house job, so down 2 cogs and gunned her, speeds upto 170mph and no more cop car in the mirrors, of at the next junction and poodles around a village, that was 1996, i dont think anybody could get away with that in UK now,

    Last time i was stopped in the UK was about 2003, the copper said hello mr ....., you have your bike insured with ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, and MOTed at ........................, its taxed till ................ .... ......., all before i could open my mouth!!!! he went on to say, you have all classes of HGV,buses,cars,bikes on your license,

    How things have changed in the UK, im a little glad i dont live there anymore, bit of a police state, but on the other hand, its a good thing, because if the roads wernt policed properly, like compulsory wearing of helmets, bike mots, strict drink driving laws, speed control ect, We live about 50ks from Laos, its a free for all here, when i do take my 1200XJR out, 80k is max speed, any more is asking for trouble,,

    Bluetongue and i have posted a little of our history, More is welcome, is always a great read from other bikers,

    You are soo right about Lorenzo, he doesnt have a real threat from anybody now, as long as he keeps mounting up the points,

    If you go to Bradley Smiths website, you will see he has been training with Leon and Ron Haslam for a Moto2 slot next year,

    And the next big race is WSB from Nurburgring this Sunday, i think starts at 4.45pm, [please check] Ive been there 2 times and it just pissed down the whole time, lets hope for better weather!!

  19. Hi Soihok and all,,

    this home race thing goes back years as you know, Spies did well for a second place, and Dani ran away with it, Lorenzo was calm at the post-race interview, laid back and nonchalant, he really is growing up now, poor Rossi, 3 crashes in practice, but still managed 4th, perhaps also he was a bit un-nerved by stoners and a pramac duke crashing out too, he has to ride this thing next year!!

    And Scott Redding 3rd in Moto2, perhaps he can now have the smell of the podium for the next few races,

    Just something for you good people to think about,,,,

    Agostini might have been the most successful racer, but Hailwood was the best!!

    On the same MV Augusta, Hailwood won 6 races to Agos 3, and on the ill-handling Honda, it was equal,

    Just my thought for today, anybody else got some??

    Cheers, Lickey,

  20. It has anoneyed me for years that some racers only go well at there home race, and i fully understand why that is, Id be very suprised if there is a yank in the top 3 tonight, look at the other racers, Rossi, lorenzo,pedrosa,dovitsoso,ect, they go well anywhere in the world, thats the differrence!thats why they are worth thier paychecks,

    Ducati out of WSB next year, no suprise there, Nitro Noris performance this year isnt exactly a winner for Dukes,

    And i thought i heard some voices in the background on Star Sports last night, was that the commentators? and perhaps i heard wrong, but is Bradley getting a moto2 lined up for next year?

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