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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. "Despite being rushed to the hospital, he was later pronounced dead at 16:50." They don't.
  2. "The video shows a woman riding an electric suitcase while simultaneously dragging a large piece of luggage and using her mobile phone on Vibhavadi Rangsit Road...." I blame the makers of the electric suitcase. Why on earth don't they include a mount for your satnav?
  3. Surprised the problem has gone on for a while. Dogs that bite passersby in our village don't last very long at all.
  4. I'd guess that there was a problem with the pump at the bottom of the well and one went down to try and fix it, got into trouble and the second followed down to try and help and hit the same trouble. The air at the bottom of those wells can be very low on oxygen. An old guy in our village used to hand dig deep wells and says he knows several people who died of oxygen starvation whilst digging.
  5. "Authorities noted that Tiny Club, operated by an influential local figure, lacked a business license and stayed open well past legal hours, with lax security allowing firearms inside. Police are pursuing legal action against the pub owner and scrutinising CCTV footage, which seems to have been tampered with post-incident." Amazeballs Thailand, par for the course for late night entertainment venues.
  6. Can't see any sign of the passenger safety cell, impact protection and forward facing seats with belts for the passengers in that pic. I'd wager 4 deaths and almost all injuries would have been prevented if this was a purpose built passenger vehicle but then again 'life is cheap' is proven to be the case yet again.
  7. Yeah, shoddy reporting. Original project was for completion in 11 years. 36% of that is 4 years so maybe completion is now expected in 2032 instead of 2028......anyone's guess anyway. It there's a high-speed link all the way from China to Bangkok within 15 years I'll be gobsmacked.
  8. 28 kids sardined into the back of a pick-up does not a school bus make.
  9. Dairy is bad for your prostate, try to cut down or give it up entirely.
  10. How long have you been on Alfuzosin? I started on it more than 4 years ago and also got the runny nose, sneezing side effects but they weren't too bothersome. After being on it about a year I read of a study that reported that the same dose but only every other day had virtually identical benefit as the daily dose. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9671862/ I tried it and it has worked very well for me and the side effects were reduced. No prostate problems since I started Alfuzosin although I changed my diet too on doctors advice. Cut out virtually all dairy and sugar, and alcohol as much as I could. Good luck.
  11. When wifey and I first got married she came to the UK for 3 years and really enjoyed eating Basmati rice. Still raves about the Indian curries we bought in the local takeaway.
  12. Some farmers need to up their game. The old boy who rents wifeys lands normally gets 3 harvests a year. A short distance away where the paddy is connected directly to a large canal the farmer crops every 3 months. Literally planting a new crop a few days after cutting the old one.
  13. "....and a brain scan revealed a swollen bump on their head, but no internal damage." Content creator my hairy farang ass...idiot of the highest degree. No brain equals no internal damage.
  14. Need to hurry up and sell those weather damaged jets on the apron at Suvarnabhumi before they deteriorate into scrap metal.
  15. It's a footprint, people are going to step on it. If it really is so revered it should have a sign saying so or even be roped off.
  16. Thanks for the tip. I've just bought a V2L plug and haven't tried it out yet.
  17. Yeah, school run is 58kms door to door twice a day. Old fuel bill for our Triton plus house electric was in the region of 11 to 12k bht per month. Now we have solar panels total cost for home electric and car charging is about 1700 bht per month......a useful saving haha.
  18. We've had our NetaV for just over a year now and more than 50,000 kms. Nothing has broken. Average of about 125kms per day mainly on the school run. Initial cost was about 0.5 bht per km charging at home then about 0.25 bht per km when we had our off-peak/TOU meter installed. Now almost all mileage is free as we've installed solar panels. It's comfortable, I'm 6 foot and it fits 5 adults although best if the 3 in the back are Thai. Room in the back for 2 largish, 2 medium suitcases. Only thing we've changed are the headlight bulbs as the originals were dreadful. LED's are much better. Servicing is 1500 bht at 10000 kms, big service at 40k was about 4k bht. Next car will also be an EV. Edit...forgot the range. Drive easy using Epedal and 4km per 1% battery is possible but a heavier foot and probably just over 3 kms will be the usual. We went to Bangkok over the weekend, 300 kms and still had 15% left getting home.
  19. Somebody overdosing again on ear medicine by the look of things.
  20. When the Burmese Junta went too far and dismissed a rightfully elected govt the last time, the people finally rose up, enough was enough. I wonder when Thailand's disenfranchised will finally shout the same?
  21. We've got alot of buffalo roaming around here in rural Thailand. Always slow right down and give them a wide berth. Surprised that many of the locals won't knock off their speed when passing them as I've seen the major damage done by even a young buffalo to a pickup that hit it.
  22. Correct it matters not a jot what I think or want but talking with all of my Thai friends they are extremely angry by what has happened to the party they voted for and say they'll be voting for whatever incarnation is forced of MF in the future. Unlike you they want a real democracy in Thailand to improve their lives rather than a rich elite running a country for the benefit of a few mega rich.
  23. "May Thailand always remain a Monarchy & fiercely patriotic..." I see you left out any mention of democracy. Disenfranchising over 14 million people of their vote was inevitable when Move Forward won the election but it was far from a mistake rather it was a calculated blow from Thailand's elite using the Military Appointed Constitutional Court to further their own corrupt cause.
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