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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. Looking to buy old Xbox (black) games to play on my Xbox 360, apparently coppied Xbox black games wont work on a modded 360.

    At the moment I would really like to get hold of 'GTA 3: Vice City' and 'Halo 2' but will be interested in many more.

    New or second hand.

    Need to be asian region too.



  2. Ben H3

    Are you serious about buying someones broken 360? My friend's is broken, please Pm with an offer...



    P.S I also own and have had zero probs but I am well careful and keep it well ventilated, by the way do you have live? Im thinking of getting it but afraid of getting banned straight away cos my 360 is chipped....

  3. Ok thanks guys.

    Still not clear about the tax though, I was talking about the 700 baht tax that you pay at Suanaphumi, do you only pay that if you are LEAVING Thailand?

    Also are there ANY beaches in the south (or Thailand in general) in August that have fairly decent waether?



  4. Thinking of going to either Krabi, Phi Phi or Phuket sometime in August...what kind of waether should I expect?

    Also I was just looking at the flight costs on Air Asia, VERY cheap, some as little as 400 baht one way, are there any hidden costs? Do you still have to pay the 700 baht airport tax when you fly within Thailand?



  5. Ok thanks for the input guys.

    My friend got his box a while ago but NOT from MBK. It was chipped and apparently imported from Singapore, no idea if its old or new batch, broke within about 2-3 months of him having it. I got mine from MBK this Jan, only probs Ive had so far have been it scratching a few disks so now I lay it flat. Im terrified of the heat problem so I keep it well ventilated and either keep the air on when I play or point a fan at it.

    For those of you who are having yr boxes repaired can you keep us updated so I know where to go if mine does get the 3 red lights...cheers.

    BenH3 Why do you have 4 boxes? Interested in selling one?


  6. You could try a trick that sometimes works. Wrap a towel tight around the 360, turn it on for around 15 minutes to half an hour (it should get really hot). Turn it off, let it cool off and turn it on again.

    In some cases the ring of death is gone. Doesnt works always though. The 360 is a nice machine but a lot of them break down at some point.


    Are you serious!!!??? How could that possibly help???

  7. My friends Xbox 360 got the 3 red lights several months ago, he tried MBK, no luck they didnt know how to fix it. Then he sent it to someone who was quite experienced in this field in Phuket, he kept it for a while and had it working for a week but as soon as he got it back in BKK it didnt work, just got the 3 red lights again.

    So basically its just sat there now, so Im posting to see if there is anyone out there who can try to fix it (preferably in bkk) for a fee of course, or perhaps someone might want to buy it at a discounted price?



  8. Just left my bag in a taxi.

    Got in it at Rama 9 soi 31 around 10.30 am, went to the mall Ramkamhaeng and arrived at about 10.35, dashed out and left my bag there.

    It was an orange taxi, thats all I know.

    Any suggestions? Taxi companies I can call?

    All ideas appriciated, thanks.

  9. Ok so my friends 360 has been bust for a while now (I'll come back to this later) so his gf took it to MBK to see if she could get it fixed. Anyway she called him up and said that NONE of the shops there were selling them anymore because so many of them were being returned, even at Art & Gun Game which I advised her to go to as thats where I got mine in Jan. Apparently people are returning them after 5 days as they keep locking up, so all the shops have just stopped selling them.

    Can anybody shed anylight on this situation?

    I got mine form Art & Gun game but havent had any probs so far (TOUCH A MASSIVE PIECE OF WOOD). But my mate's gf's english isnt so good so ther might be some confusion here...

    The other thing I wanted to post about was the problem my mate has with his 360.

    About 2 months ago it froze up and displayed a message from Microsoft saying to input some code, he took it to the shop where he bought it (not MBK) they said it was something to do with it overheating and they couldnt help him, so its useless now.

    Anybody know anything about this problem?


  10. I represent a major UK steel firm. We are currently looking to buy STEEL COILS in large quantities for car manufacturers. I have a master material list which has all the specifications of the coils.

    If you cannot supply these parts but you know a firm that can then perhaps we could come to some kind of 'introducer' agreement where everyone benefits.

    Please PM if you have any involvement within the steel industry in Thailand or Asia and we can then discuss this further.

  11. I got a 360 but havent got Live yet, there's a nice boxed set I saw at a mall near me which was1 year membership plus an original copy of Halo 2 for 2,500 baht. Thing is tho Im afraid to get it because the internet connection in my apartment sucks. I pay like 600 baht a month for ADSL (or whatever it is), it often disconnects and/or goes slow. I might get live and then find it's impossible to get on then Im stuck with it....anyone else got this situation?

    On a more positive note me and my mate have been playing Live down at an internet cafe where they have 360's all the games are copied and they usually work ok (so far we've played R6, Gears and Graw). We always get the red ping dot on R6 so we often get booted from games by those goddamn ping facists with there ping snobbery and when we do get in there is a bit of lag but we still have fun....

    If anyone wants to add us the profiles we use there are 'BONUS1' and 'BONUS2'


  12. I just paid 16000 for mine at Time Game in MBK. I'm pretty annoyed actually. Before the CHinese New Year, I was told 15000, then for a week after the holiday I couldn't find one anywhere! Finally they get some in stock, and the price is up. This is one thing that drives me nuts about Thailand. YOu ask how much something is, and you can see them thinking, probably.."How bad should I screw over this farang?" I was quoted 3 different prices by the same store in one week.

    16000 for a chipped new premium, with 3 burnt games of my choice. That's 50 dollars more than a new premium in the states, though it did come chipped.

    You gotta look around mate, when I got min in Jan the first shop I went to quoted me 17,000 with 5 games, another 16,000 etc I eventually settled for what I thought was a decent price of 15,500 with 5 games and a 20 GB hard drive*.

    *My hard drive actually turned out to be 14 GB nad not 20GB, I found this a bit strange but I couldnt be bothered trekking all the way back to MBK and Ive since found that 14 GB is LOADS, played over 10 games now, all saved and havent made a dint in my memory.

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