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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. Really? Actually I've never ordered from them...I'm going to try and get someone to bring me one from the UK now. The prices are actually pretty steep on play-asia, a xbox 360 core unit is about 2-3k more than in the usa!!!

  2. Last month I posted about having a pain sometimes when I was chewing food in a tooth on my bottom left hand side, well like I said I went to see one dentist who did a free check up and couldnt see anything wrong. So next I went to see another one this time a bit more 'up market' it still only cost 60 baht for a check up but he did an xray too and guess what...couldnt see anything!! He also gave the tooth that hurts a good poke but I couldnt feel anything...he then said that I only had 28 teeth and not 32 and asked when I had my wisdom teeth removed but I have no recollection of this happening, Im 27 so I should remember right? He then showed me a diagram of wisdom teeth where the gums have grown over them and pushed them down I seriously doubt I have this because the pain is more towards the front -middle...anyway he said he couldnt see any poroblem so I left and Im eating now and I just got a HUGE pain there when I bit into my sandwich....

    I have no idea whats going on :o

  3. Yes I am having trouble too!!

    Hotmail won't open for 4 days now, but will open in internet cafes...

    Gmail doesn't open every time and even when it does I have to use basic html mode...

    Everything else is fine.

    I know everyone's gonna say "use gmail, hotmail is rubbish", but I like to keep my hotmail account for friends/family and gmail for work...

    I've already tried clearing cookies and temp internet files...that did nothing...what should I do??

  4. Hi,

    Just started thinking about Xmas day, I really wanna go out and get some turkey, stuffing etc but all the usuall pubs and restaurants are going to be fully booked now...I'm thinking a buffet would be much easier. So does anybody know any hotels in Bangkok that are doing Christmas buffet lunches?



  5. Hey what happened to sober's posts?? Awww don't tell me they were deleted... and he was just starting to get funny! He managed to insult the British, Irish and French within the space of about 24 hours....pretty good for a n00b if you ask me.

    Anyway to stop this from lurching :o are bars ok to open next Friday???

  6. I've had mine 11 months now and no probs at all....I keep it free from obstacles and well ventilated. I usually have the air con on when Im playing or have a small fan angled so it blows onto me and the console.

    Getting chipped is fine as games are cheap ( I now have 27!) but if you play online you will most likely get banned eventually, I did after 5 months of playing online with copied games.

    I have read though that its the copied games that get you banned not the chip, so you could just buy copied versions of single player games (0blivion, Bioshock etc) and just get original copies of the best multiplayer games (COD4, R6, Halo 3 etc) and only use yr original games online.

  7. I have just installed sopcast so that I can watch the Hatton fight tomorrow morning ( I read in another post that this was possible) I have looked through the channels list and their TV guide and see no mention of the fight...anyone else using this? How do I get the True channel with the fight on?

  8. Yeah probably serves me right for going to see a dentist that does free check ups, he didnt seem to take too long about checking me! Anyway Im booked in at another place for Friday and Ive asked to have some x-rays done (120 baht a pic) so lets see how that goes....

  9. I have had a slight pain in one of my bottom-middle teeth for over a year now. It's not a constant pain, I get it when I'm eating but only sometimes. Sometimes I'll eat hard food and be chewing on my left side with no problem at all, other times I'll be eating something very soft such as rice and I'll suddenly get a quick sharp pain in one tooth. It's not agony at all but I can feel it for sure. Like I said this doesn't happen all the time.

    Anyway, I left it and left it and finally went to the dentist this morning. I explained my problem he had a look and couldn't see anything wrong he was even poking that area with his sharp tool thing and it didn't hurt at all. He said that I had a slight cavity on two of my teeth in that area but that was nothing and shouldn't really cause any pain.

    I'm relieved now because I had fears of major root canal work or something like that, but even now he says Im fine im left wondering what the pain is and should I get a second opinion?

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